S2: Chapter Fifteen

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Hosan woke up and smiled when he found his children sleeping soundly next to him. The only thing missing was Yoongi. It was adorable to see them sleep. He carefully climbed out of the bed and made his way downstairs. He pulled out ingredients for breakfast and start a pot of coffee. It had been a minute since Hosan had to cook breakfast for more than two people. He pulled his hair in a bun and began cooking. 

"Morning Samchon." Minsu said, entering the kitchen and getting a glass of water. 

"Morning Minsu, how did you sleep?" 

"It was okay, just thinking about Samchon Yoongi."

"Me too. I'm worried if he will get his memory back. If he does, he'll probably hate me. If he doesn't, he'll forget the entire life we've built together."

"I think no matter which way it goes, you'll make it through it."

"You're confident in that."

"Samchon, I've watched you and Yoongi since I was three. No matter what has been thrown at you, the two of you have always pushed through it and stayed strong. The loss of a child regardless of it being a lie, is hard for most people and most relationships fall apart from it. You and Yoongi stayed together for fifteen years. It might've been rocky but you both stayed even when separated. That should tell you something."

Hosan knew Minsu had a point.  He just hated that this was a conversation he was having and that they were in the situation they were in. He continued making breakfast while being lost in thought until the doorbell rang. Hosan answered it to find Amber. "Morning Mr. Lee, I brought a fruit basket. I hope that's okay."

"It's fine. Come inside."

Hosan stood aside, letting Amber inside. He headed back to the kitchen and began making plates. "Minsu, will you go upstairs and wake up Eunhae and Namjoon?"

"Sure." Minsu went upstairs, leaving Amber and Hosan alone. "I heard what happened to you. I feel so bad. I know Sofia. We were cellmates. She was in there for stalking but when she left, she told me she was changing. I didn't know she had your child."

Amber pulled out a box from her bag. "While I was in prison, she told she had a son and would send me photos of him over the years. I got one everyday. I think you should have them."

Amber pushed over the box and Hosan, opened it. Inside the box was thousands of photos of Namjoon. "Thank you. This means a lot."

"No problem. Oh and here is the paperwork you asked from Kang. I got them this morning. I'll be back in town Monday. I'm gonna head down there now."

"Here. I have a house down there you can stay there while you're down there."

"Thanks boss."

"One more thing, I need you to find out everything you possibly can on Kim enterprises. I wanna know how much their shareholders cost. Everything. Try to have it by Monday."

"Will do." Amber let herself out as Namjoon, Minsu, and Eunhae came down for breakfast. "Who was that Appa?"

"My assistant. She was dropping something off for me. Come eat. I'm  going to the hospital to check on your dad. Namjoon we will start your internship tomorrow. For today, Kimberly is going to give you information about Art Galas and what they look for when picking artists. This will be good information for you to know."

"Thanks.... appa." Hosan looked up from pouring coffee when he heard Namjoon call him dad. 

"You're welcome, Joon." Hosan smiled at him before heading upstairs and getting dressed to head to the hospital. When Hosan arrived to the hospital, he found Yoongi in his room with some girl rubbing up on his leg. 

"Hello Jessi." Hosan said giving her a half ass smirk to the girl he remembered taunted him in high school for her crush on Yoongi. He knew she never got married and had kids in the hopes that Yoongi would leave him and be with her.

"Oh hey Hosan."

"Why are you rubbing Yoongi's leg?"

"He was sore so I was just trying to help."

"Well next time, you could just get him a nurse."

Hosan wanted nothing more than to drag the bitch out by her hair but he didn't wanna stress out Yoongi. "I'm gonna go, it was nice seeing you Yoongi."

"Bye Jessi."

Once the door was shut, Hosan gave Yoongi the death glare. "What the fuck was that Gi?"

"What? She came to see how I was doing."

"Yoongi you two literally stopped talking after graduation. The only reason she was here was to see if I was still around and if she had a chance with you."

"I mean but like we aren't exclusive."

"I'm your fucking husband Yoongi. You proposed to me. You married me. I birthed two of your kids. What the fuck? You chose me."

Hosan was getting frustrated. Last night he was call caring and loving and today it was like he didn't care. He remembered the last time Yoongi acted this way. People were questioning his sexuality and he didn't like people calling him gay. He would get upset and take those frustrations out on Hosan. It wasn't his finest moments. 

"I can't deal with you like this right now. I really can't. I have too much shit on my plate and I can't deal with you treating me like shit for it. I get you're going through things right now and I wanna be understanding but right now i wanna punch you in your fucking face. Here is your phone and a photo album. Your password is zero, four, two, three."

Hosan placed the items on the bed and walked out before he started crying. He drove over to the coffee shop and got himself an ice cream cappuccino. He knew this wasn't going to be easy but he didn't think it would be so hard either. He blamed himself.

Yoongi picked up the photo album and began looking at it. Inside the album were photos of him and Hosan. They looked so happy in the photos. As he continued to look, he noticed the pictured changed and now there was a little girl in the photos. She looked like Hosan.  He put the book down, feeling himself tear up and not knowing why.

When he unlocked his phone, he found more pictures of him and Hosan. Including photos of Hosan being pregnant. He had this whole life with Hosan but couldn't remember a fucking thing. Before he realized it, he was crying.  

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