S1:Chapter Twenty

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Yoongi stopped in his tracks when he saw Hosan awake. "Thanks Sara."

"Anytime. Sorry Yoongi. He put me up to it. There was a big crash so everyone is down in the ER. No one knows he's awake yet. But don't worry, I haven't told him anything. I said it was better to ask you. I'll see you guys later." Sara left the room shutting the door behind herself.

Hosan held up his hand with a ring on it. "If you proposed or married me in a coma I swear I will beat your ass." Yoongi chuckled.

"To be fair I heard if you proposed to someone they might wake up."

On Hosan's hand was gold wedding band. It was like intertwining vines and in the center as a simple diamond. It wasn't big and flashy. It was small, practical, and simple. It complimented Hosan's personality and meshed perfectly looking natural on his hand.

 It complimented Hosan's personality and meshed perfectly looking natural on his hand

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"You are so lucky my legs are like jello right now." Yoongi walked over to the bed and kissed Hosan softly.

"Welcome back baby boy. I missed you."

"I missed you too but I need answers. What happened? Why do you have a stubble on your face? Your hair is black now? Why do I have breasts leaking white fluid? Why the fuck is my hair so long?" Yoongi pulled up a chair to the bed and sat down. Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath trying to decide where to begin.

"First things first, You've been in a coma for seven months since yesterday. You had a brain bleed along with many other injures I really don't wanna talk about or I'll get pissed all over again. As for our child, you gave birth to her last week and she just went home yesterday. My mom has her right now. I named her after your mother Eunhae. As for your hair and breasts, I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact you were pregnant and in a coma. The fluid leaking from your breasts is most likely breastmilk for our daughter."

"I sold the house and bought a new one in a nice neighborhood with security. I didn't wanna live there anymore nor bring you back there. I kinda fell into a depression and grew a beard, let my hair turn back black on it's own. I just shaved it last night. And no we aren't married or engaged. I want to do it properly but that is the ring I wanted to propose to you with."

"And Amber?"

"The police are dealing with her."

"Can you help me bathe and get some food? I'm starving." Yoongi stood up and went to the bathroom turning on the shower. He grabbed Hosan's waist and helped him into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. He pulled off the hospital gown and placed it on the counter. He removed the catheter and put it in the trash. Hosan looked at himself in the mirror. He barely recognized himself.

He had lost a lot of weight. A scar on his stomach which he assumed came from Eunhae's delivery. There was a faint scar on his ribcage that wasn't there before. He now had breasts and swollen nipples that felt strange to him. Yoongi came behind him and kissed his shoulder. "I look horrible."

"You still look beautiful to me."

"Of course you would say that."

Yoongi stood in front of him. "Hey, it doesn't matter how much your body changes, I will always think you are beautiful. If you are unhappy with how you look then we can work on it together but my feelings will never change when it comes to you. I love you more than just your body." Yoongi placed a waterproof bandage over his c-section scar and took his clothes off. Hosan noticed the tattoo on Yoongi's chest.

He picked up the fragile man and stepped into the shower, cleaning them up. There was a panic knock on the door. "Mr. Kim, we can't find Hosan."

"He's in here and I'm helping him shower. We'll be out soon."

"Alright, let me know when you're done, so he can see the doctor." Yoongi continued washing up Hosan being gentle with him.

When he was done, he dried him off and pulled out a clean hospital gown from the cabinet, putting it on. Hosan wrapped his arms around Yoongi's looking up at him. They stared into each other's eyes, longing for the touch of the other. Hosan pulled Yoongi closer to him, kissing him. Yoongi deepened the kiss, missing the feeling and taste of the smaller male's lips. He picked him up, pinning him against the wall.

Yoongi's hands explored Hosan's thighs, caressing them as he made his way up to the male's ass cheeks. Hosan saw a flash from that night and pushed Yoongi away. He searched Hosan's eyes seeing fear turn into regret. Hosan was scared to be touched there. It triggered him. Yoongi tried not to be offended by his reaction as he gently put him down. "Gi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, I get it. Don't worry about it."

Yoongi kissed his forehead and helped the male get back in bed. He stepped out the room and got a doctor to check Hosan. He waited outside the room while he was examined and ventured off to get them something to eat. He returned to the room and they ate in silence. Not the nice comfortable silence. The awkward silence where neither male knew what to say so they chose not to say anything at all. Once they were done, Yoongi threw away the trash.

"I gotta get going. I only asked my mom to watch Eunhae for a few hours but I've been gone all day. I'll come back tomorrow and bring Eunhae so you can see her."


"Don't what?"

"Don't come up here or bring Eunhae up here. I start physical therapy tomorrow. I don't wanna see her until I'm completely better. I don't wanna see you either."


"Please just do this for me."

Hosan looked Yoongi in eyes for the male to see that Hosan was on the verge of crying. Yoongi didn't understand what was happening. He didn't know why Hosan was acting like this so suddenly. He walked over to the male's bedside and pulled him into a kiss. "Okay. I'll give you your space. Let me know when you're ready and I'll come." He pulled out Hosan's phone out of the drawer next to the bed and put on the bed leaving. Hosan burst into tears.

Yoongi drove home and found his mother sipping coffee on the couch watching some show. She turned to see her son's eyes red. "Yoon-" It was all she got out before he began crying. She got up immediately, pulling her son into a hug. She guided him to the couch, making him lay down. "He's not the same, Eomma. Something in him has changed." Mrs. Geun said nothing but held her son as he cried into her chest.

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