S1: Chapter Fifteen

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It had been a few days since the art gala and Yoongi had been stuck at home with Hosan. When the two returned home that night, Hosan began to experience morning sickness for the first time and been for the last three days. "Why the fuck do they call it morning sickness when it happens all hours of the fucking day!?"

Hosan shouted from the bathroom as he hovered over the toilet seat. Yoongi had stayed with Hosan through the whole thing, only attending class and meetings virtually.

Of course Yoongi was already planning on taking Hosan the hospital because the male looked so pale. He was dehydrated and lacked nutrition because every time he tried to eat or drink something it would come back up shortly after he consumed it. This worried Yoongi tremendously.

Hosan came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth. Yoongi was carrying a duffel bag to the garage and putting it in the trunk of Hosan's car. He took Minsu's car seat and overnight bag and put them in the trunk before shutting it. He slid inside a car air mattress, putting a pillow and blanket inside.

He went back upstairs and into the closet. "What are you doing, Gi?"

"I'm getting you clothes to put on."


"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"But we are supposed to take Minsu camping this weekend."

"Minsu is going to his grandparent's house. Jaysung's parents got back in Tuesday and were happy to spend some time with him. We can take him another time."

Yoongi came back out with an oversized shirt and shorts for Hosan to put on. He helped the younger male get dressed and carried him to the car, laying him in the backseat. He went back inside and carried a sleeping Minsu to the car, laying him beside Hosan. He closed the door and hopped in, driving to Jaysung's parent's house first.

Yoongi pulled up to the ranch house and got out the car, getting Minsu first and walking to the door. Jaysung's mother answered the door, letting him inside. Yoongi put Minsu in Jaysung's old room and tucked him in before getting his things out the car. "Thank you Mrs. Park for taking him on such short notice."

"It's Minsu. How could I possibly say no to my grandson? How is your boyfriend?"

"I'm taking to the ER when I leave here. He hasn't been able to hold anything down for days."

"Sounds like severe morning sickness. How far is he in his pregnancy?"

"Eight weeks. How did you know he was pregnant?" Yoongi and Hosan hadn't told anyone. Mrs. Park giggled.

"A mother knows everything. Take him to be seen so they can get him an IV drip. They might keep him overnight to make sure he's good to go."

"Thanks." Yoongi pecked her cheek before heading back out and making his way to the ER. He filled out paperwork and got Hosan registered before carrying him inside and holding him in his lap like a mother would for her sick child.

Yoongi noticed people staring at them and a few were bold enough to take pictures of them, whispering. Yoongi wanted to do something about it but he was more concerned about Hosan. "Bag." Hosan mumbled, feeling like he was about to vomit again. Yoongi held the bag while Hosan puked again. At this point, he was vomiting stomach acid because there was nothing in his system and Hosan felt like complete shit. He was starving, thirsty, and his throat was on fire.

All he could do was wonder how the fuck women did this shit and they would have multiple children. He only had one in him and was struggling with this. How the fuck was he supposed to handle the next six months? Hosan started crying and Yoongi tried his best to comfort the male while receiving glares as if it was his fault Hosan was crying. "It's alright baby. We can get through this."

"I'm scared, Gi. What if I can't handle this? What if I suck at this whole parenting thing? I don't wanna terminate but can I really do this?"

Yoongi kissed the top of his head. "Yes you can. I'll be by your side through it all. Just lean on me and I'll give you strength. I told you that we are in this together and I meant it when I said it. Let me worry about everything else. Just focus on staying healthy, okay?"


"Lee Hosan?" A nurse called out and Yoongi stood up carrying the male to the room. He stood next to Hosan while they got him treated, never leaving his side. It turned out that Hosan had a more severe case of morning sickness. He would have to stay overnight while they did three IV drips and he was able to keep some food down. They were even giving him a prescription for the nausea to prevent him from vomiting more.

Yoongi watched Hosan sleep while taking his final exam. They would be graduating soon and he still had two finals he needed to take. Hosan had been smart and taken all of his the week before but Yoongi had been too busy with work he didn't have the chance to get them all done as soon as he liked. He looked at the way Hosan slept. he kept his arms over his stomach in a protective way.

He realized that Hosan had every intention of seeing the pregnancy through even if it was scary for him. They were going to be parents. The first step would be telling his parents about it. The more Yoongi thought about it, the more stressed out he became. Hosan's career had just begun and they came out publicly. Not to mention the issue with Amber hadn't been addressed. Hosan was off probation and the charges were dropped, Yoongi's legal team were preparing a lawsuit for defamation and harassment.

He wondered if all of this going on would only add stress to Hosan which he didn't want because it was good for him or the baby. Yoongi rubbed his face letting out a deep sigh. He finished his exams and closed his computer. "Gi, come lay with me and stop thinking about things." Yoongi turned to see Hosan had been watching him. Yoongi took off his shoes and climbed in the small bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around Hosan's stomach in a protective stance, making Hosan smile as they drifted to sleep.

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