S3: Chapter Five

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Woosung sat in front of his fireplace at three in the morning, waiting for Catalina to return home. He had become annoyed that he hadn't been able to see Namjoon because the male was working on his project and Catalina seemed to be going out all the time to god knows where. The front door opened and entered Catalina who looked exhausted. She had worked an nineteen hour surgery and all she wanted was to sleep.

Truthfully, she wanted to be laid up under Namjoon sleeping in his muscular arms but she knew that Woosung had been acting jealous lately so she decided to just come home instead. "You're home." Woosung stated as he sipped his glass of ciroc. 

"You're awake." Catalina made her way to the kitchen and got a glass of water. "I was waiting for you. Where have you been?"

"I had a long surgery today. I'm tired and ready to go to sleep."

"I know you were with Namjoon."

"He did drive me home yes."

"You know I got him for me but it seems like all he wants to do is spend time with you. Why is that?"

"Woosung i am tired, can we talk about this in the morning when I'm not about to pass out."

"Why so you can dismiss me in the morning too?"

"Last time I checked, we are poly. A choice that you decided when i didn't want that but agreed to because I loved you. I don't need permission or approval if Namjoon asks me to hang out which is the only thing we do. He's not your property and you don't own him. We are to share him-"

"And yet he only wants to spend time with you. He avoids me and he's supposed to be with me."

"If you wanted him to yourself then you should've asked for an open relationship."

"Do you think he could love someone like you? Look at you Catalina. No other man in this country would dare look at you, let alone touch you. You have it good here with me. The best you are ever gonna get. All I ask is that you let me have my toys to myself when I bring them around. Why is that so fucking hard to get through that fat head of yours?"

Woosung had struck a nerve. Catalina had always been self conscious about her weight. No one really liked her curves while she grew up in Korea and Woosung was the first guy to care for her. It didn't feel great everytime he would throw it back in her face as a weapon against her. Woosung had realized what he had done when Catalina remained quiet.

"Catalina I didn't mean-"

"You say that every time you get pissed off and throw those words in my face time and time again. You half ass apologize but if you didn't really feel that way you wouldn't keep saying it."

Catalina put her cup in the sink and began to make her way to the door. "Where are you going?"

"Out." Before she made it to the door, she felt something hit her in the back of her head. She touched the back of her head and felt pieces of glass. When she looked at her hand, it was covered in blood. Catalina turned to see Woosung looking angry and panicked. 

"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that-"

"Stay the fuck away from me." Catalina walked out of the house and made her way to her car. She pulled out of the driveway and made her way to Namjoon's house. She tried to call him but she could barely see her screen to dial the right number. She wasn't sure how she got to his house in one piece but she made it. 

Namjoon woke up to someone pounded on his front door. He had just moved into the estate property and started renovated it a few weeks ago. No one really knew where it was so he was very confused by who was at his door. He opened it to see a barely conscious Catalina. "Cat!" He picked her up with ease, carrying her to the couch. "What happened?"

"Woosung... fighting... glass at my head..." She pointed to her head and he noticed the blood.

"How the fuck did you get here?"

"I drove."

"I'll be right back." Namjoon threw on a shirt and grabbed the first aid kit, wrapping her head to stop the bleeding. "I'm taking you to the hospital." Without another word, Namjoon carried Catalina to the car and took her to the hospital.  They were able to stitch up the gash in her head and wrap it up. "We have a Woosung as her emergency contact. Should we contact him?"

"No. He's the one that did this to her."

"I'll have to file a police report. I know she's not in a condition to explain what happened so you'll have to take to the station when she's able to do so. We'll release her to your care as long as you make sure she makes a statement."

"I will."

"I'll get the discharge papers."

"Thank you." Namjoon walked over to Catalina and held her hand. "How you feeling?"

"My head fucking hurts. I won't be able to work for weeks."

"Mamas, I need you to tell me what happened with you and Woosung." Police entered the room and she took a deep breath. "Okay." She explained everything that happened without leaving out any details. The police wrote down the statement and went to make an official report. Namjoon signed her discharge papers and took her back to his place.

"I want you to move out of there and come live with me. You'll even have your own room if you want."


"I don't want you living with that asshole anymore. He did this to you just for being with me. That's not okay and I'm not okay with you being with him or around him."


"You have me okay. I'll take care of you. You deserve better."

Catalina had never had someone care about her like this before. "What do I mean to you Namjoon?"

Namjoon looked in Catalina's eyes and thought about what she actually meant to him. "You mean the world to me, Catalina." 

Catalina grabbed Namjoon's shirt, pulling him close and kissing him. 

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