S1: Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't fucking understand why is it so fucking hard to understand! I want my parents transferred home to their doctors. You fucking assholes aren't listening to me and not helping them. I can request them to be moved. My dad can breathe without a machine so why aren't you releasing them?"

"Your father is in no condition-"

"Stopped telling me that because it is bullshit and he can be moved."

Nicole ran her fingers through her hair frustrated. She had been fighting the doctors about transferring her parents since her father was able to breathe without a machine. He was still in a coma but he was showing brain activity which was a good sign.

"Baby why don't you go check on your mom, she's asking for you." Nicole glared at the doctor before leaving.

"Our attorney will be here soon so you can explain to him why you denying us our rights."

Jaysung checked on his wife, before cleaning up around the room while Nicole read a story to her mother. Jaysung peeled her an apple and rubbed his eyes. They hadn't slept properly since they arrived to New York and it was starting to get to him. He needed to get some coffee.

Jaysung stepped out of his in laws room to get more coffee. His phone began to ring and he saw it was his mother. "Hey Eomma."

"Hey Jay, do you happen to know if Yoongi's flight landed yet?"

"I think it's landing in another hour why?"

"He needs to come back as soon as he helps you."

"What's going on?"

Jaysung went into a quiet room. "You can't tell him yet. Hosan is in the hospital. He came over to pick up Minsu but he looked like someone beat the living shit out of him and he fainted at the front door."

"Oh my god, where is he?"

"Seoul Memorial, he's in surgery but they won't tell me anything else. They can only release information to Yoongi. That's why he needs to come back."


"I'll stay here and wait for him. Your dad is at the house keeping Minsu distracted."

"Eomma I can't lie to him or keep it a secret. He needs to get back."

"Do what you feel best but remember his temper."

"Alright, I'll call you when I see him." Jaysung hung up and get to grab the coffees for him and Nicole.

"Babe, can I talk to you outside for a second?"

"Yeah." Nicole covered her mother with a blanket and went outside.

Just as they stepped out, Yoongi appeared. "Hey, you guys should've called sooner. Woo-jin is getting your parents transferred in an hour. A plane is being prepared." Yoongi saw the look on Jaysung's face and became concerned.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's Hosan. Something's happened."

"What happened?"

Back in Seoul, Hosan was on an operating table. They were trying to save him and the baby. He had fainted due to a brain bleed. There too many injuries that needed fixing and it was a fight determining what needed the immediate attention. Mrs. Park sat in the waiting room. She had called Yoongi's parents. She felt that it might be best to have them here to calm Yoongi down. Her phone rang and she saw it was her son.

"Hey Jay."

"I told him, we will be there in in sixteen hours. Let the hospital know we are coming."

"Okay honey, how is he?"

"Trying not to burn down the world. He's blaming himself."

"I called his parents they'll be here when he comes back."

"Alright, see you soon. Text me any updates."

Mrs. Park hung up as Mr. and Mrs. Geun walked up to her. "How is he?"

"They won't tell me anything unless it's Yoongi. I just pray he and the baby are alright."

"What baby?"

"Hosan is a mpreg. He's pregnant with Yoongi's child. You didn't know?"

"No, we didn't."

Sixteen hours later, Yoongi's plane landed. He wasting no time in getting in his car and drove to the hospital. When he arrived, he saw his parents talking to a doctor. "Yoongi-"

"Hosan, how is he?"

"Who are you?"

"Geun Yoongi. I'm on Hosan's list as his husband."

"Mr. Geun, I was just informing them that Mr. Lee is out of surgery."

"How is he? Is our baby okay?" The doctor looked at the people surrounding them.

"They're family."

"Very well. First things first, Your baby is healthy and fine. Your fiancé did everything he could to protect it."

"And Hosan?" The doctor took a deep breath.

"He's in a coma. When he arrived here, he had several injures and we've spent the past eighteen hours repairing his injures. He suffered multiple blows to the head, which caused a brain bleed. We caught it in time and stopped it which was a main concern. He had three broken ribs on his left side which we were able to repair. He also had a black eye and a busted nose. Nothing broken but it was close to it. He also had broken his left leg and broken his right arm. They way they were broken, it was like someone stomped on them."

The doctor paused for a moment. "There is one more thing and I'm not sure I should say it in front of everyone."

"What is it?"

"Mr. Lee was sexually assaulted. He had a tear in his rectum. It caused a bleed. We were able to sew it up but based on the ripples in the tear, It was clear an object was forced into his rectum."

Yoongi was now seeing red. He wanted to know who was responsible and he wanted to know now. Unable to conceal his anger, he pushed a hole in the wall.

"Yoongi calm down." Mrs. Geun said, already knowing how bad her son's temper could be but it was too late. He was on a thousand. He wanted to break something or someone. Trying to regain his composure, he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Where is he? Can I see him?" The doctor looked frightened but responded.

"You can. I'll take you to him now."

"Jaysung." It was all Jaysung needed to hear to go with them. They entered Hosan's room and Yoongi's heart broke into a million pieces. 

"Baby..." He rushed to his side, holding his hand. The younger male looked battered and bruised. His eyes black and swollen shut.

Who could do this to his baby boy? He soon stood up, his eyes red as tears fell from his cheeks. "When I find the son of a bitch that did this, I'm gonna kill them." Amber had just signed her death note and didn't even know it.

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