S1: Chapter Twenty Two

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It's been a week and no one has heard anything about Yoongi or where he went. They even tried filing a missing person's report but were told since he left of his own free will that he wasn't missing. They couldn't say he abducted Eunhae either since the male had signed the birth certificate and was deemed Eunhae's legal guardian given Hosan was in a coma at the time of birth. Hosan felt helpless and guilty.

He felt he was to blame for Yoongi's sudden disappearing act. He knew who Yoongi was but he was emotional and didn't think clearly when he said those things at the time. He didn't mean to ignore Yoongi when he sent the male pictures of their daughter but he didn't know what to say and felt bad that he was so fragile that he couldn't help Yoongi with their daughter even if he wanted to. Though he didn't make Yoongi this way, it was time to turn to the very woman that did.

Hosan pulled up to a house and got out to see a woman watering her grass. "Hello, Liv."

"Lee Hosan. What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"We need to talk."

"For fuck sake. Fine, come on in." He followed the woman inside as she lit a cigarette.

"So, you want anything?"

"Let's skip the pleasantries, I know you know where Yoongi is."

"From what I hear, there's trouble in paradise. He went to the countryside to get away from it all. Why should I tell you where he is?"

"I don't have times to play these games with you, Liv. Where the fuck is my husband?"

"Husband, I didn't realize he married you."

"He doesn't tell you everything."

"I could tell you at a price of course." Getting annoyed, he grabbed Liv by the throat looking her dead in the eye.

"I don't have time for your fucking mind games. Yoongi may never see you as the woman who groomed and molested him but I do. Understand I tolerate his relationship with you but I can easily change that if I want to. You are a fucking pedophile and even now, I can tell you're getting wet off of this and since no one will touch your old wrinkly ass, you think I will do what you want just to get information out of you. I will get what I want, its up to you how I get it. The easy way or the hard way."

"You won't do a fucking thing."

"Hard way it is."

Hosan dragged her by the throat and took her to the back room. An hour later, Liv laid on the bed, naked and crying. "Its a little cottage from some old abandoned animal farm called Sunshine Valley. That's all I know."

Hosan grabbed a towel, cleaning off his hands. "Next time, you should tell me what I want to know when I ask you for it."

He left Liv in her bedroom covered in vomit, piss, and shit. Hosan got in his car and started the drive to the house, he didn't need directions to get there because he knew all too well the place he was heading to.

"Eunhae my baby girl you can't eat Appa's finger. I already fed you. You can't possibly still be hungry." Yoongi put Eunhae in her Bouncer and went to check on his food. He then made his plate and found her sleeping already. He sat on the couch and began to eat his food while reading some emails. He didn't notice someone had pulled up to the house.

Nor did he hear someone unlock the door. As he stood up to clean the kitchen he turned to the door being opened and saw Hosan. He said nothing but shut the door behind and smacked Yoongi across the face. "You fucking asshole. Do you have any idea how worried sick I've been about you?"

"Eunhae is sleeping, lower your voice."

Hosan noticed the infant sleeping peacefully. Yoongi walked into the kitchen and began cleaning up while Hosan carefully picked up Eunhae. She looked just like Yoongi when she slept. Once Yoongi finished cleaning up, he walked to the living room. "Come on." Hosan followed Yoongi to Eunhae's bedroom and he carefully placed her in the crib.

Once the door was shut, Yoongi walked to his bedroom with Hosan right behind him. He shut the door so that they couldn't be heard as Hosan began banging on his chest. Yoongi didn't stop the male and let him get out his frustration. Once the male stopped, Yoongi looked down to him and said, "You ready to talk now?"

Hosan looked at him with red face and tears ready to fall. "You fucking dick. How could you just disappear and not tell anyone where you were going? I thought something happened to you. How could you-"

"I needed you! And you fucking pushed me away, San! Do you have any fucking idea what it like for me? Wondering if you would ever wake up again? Wondering if I had to pull the plug on you because it would be hopeless to keep you hooked up to machines. I was fucking terrified! Worried if you would hate me. Blaming myself because if I hadn't left you alone she would've never been there. If I hadn't been so fucking nice she would've never been attracted to me."

Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Everyday was hell for me. I went to work. I stayed at the hospital by your side. And then I went home to an empty house every fucking day for seven months. When Eunhae was born I shifted my focus on her and trying to be a good dad and partner to you. You pushed me away. I could tell you blamed me. I know you're gonna leave me and all I'll have left is Eunhae. I couldn't let you take her too. I had to see what life would be like if you weren't around and it was fucking hell. Smoking and drinking every night once Eunhae was asleep. I was miserable and needed to change that so I did."

Hosan didn't know what to say. To be honest when he had first woke up, he only thought about his feelings. He didn't think about Yoongi's. He didn't think about how much this affected Yoongi at all. Hosan grabbed the hem of Yoongi's shirt and pulled him into a kiss. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I should've thought about your feelings too especially when you were dealing with so much on your own." Yoongi didn't respond but instead picked the male up, pinning him against the wall kissing him softly.

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