S1: Chapter Fourteen

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Hosan sat at his vanity putting on his jewelry before checking his outfit one last time. He had changed his clothes ten times because he felt like his nipples were noticeable in every shirt he put on. He settled on one and was fixing his hair when Yoongi came to check on him. "Are you ready?"

"I think so. Can you see my nipples poking out?"

 Can you see my nipples poking out?"

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"No. You look amazing." Yoongi pecked the male's lips, assuring him.

Yoongi pulled out Hosan's ponytail and fluffed out his curls. "You should wear your hair down and let your curls show."

Hosan smiled as he watched Yoongi fix his hair. "Thank you."

This event was important for multiple reasons. It was his first show at a well known art gala. The pressure was intense. This was also his first real appearance since the Amber situation and the reveal of the artist behind the Instagram account dark hallow.

This was also Hosan and Yoongi's first debut together as a couple out in public. He was nervous to say the least. Yoongi pulled up in front the building, press waiting with cameras ready. "You ready to do this?"

"Yeah." Yoongi got out of the car first, going around to open Hosan's door. He stepped out and flashes came from everywhere. Hosan held his hand up to block his eyes from the flashes. Yoongi's security team stood in front of them and pushed back press so that they could make their way to the front.

Yoongi held Hosan's waist tightly as they made their way to the building and headed inside. Kimberly was waiting for them. "Hosan, it a pleasure to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. This place is truly beautiful."

"Thank you. So we're gonna do a walkthrough to make sure we arranged the portraits as you requested and then discuss everything else before we open the doors."

"Sounds good."

Hosan was in awe seeing his artwork on every single wall of the building. He never thought he would see this day come. "It's perfect."

"I'm glad to hear that. Let's go over tonight."


"So once the doors open, we'll let people in for the first half hour before we lock the doors. You'll come here and we'll introduce to everyone that came. You'll give a few words about the exhibit and then we'll let everyone look around and reopen the doors. Guests will be voting for their favorite pieces and the top five we will buy from you to keep in our exhibit and auction off the rest."

"When will they be auctioned off?"

"Friday night. The exhibit will be open to the public to look and vote on until Friday. We'll auction off the pieces then and all sales will go to you directly."

"What about commission?"

"We sold out tickets for the week so we don't need to take a commission off your pieces."

"Got it."

"You ready to open the doors?"


Kimberly went off to let guests in while Yoongi and Hosan stood in the back waiting for their queue to enter. "You got this. Tonight is all about you and it's going to be great. Look at all those people coming in to see your work. Your parents would be so proud of you baby boy."

"Thank you for being here to support me."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Yoongi leaned down and kissed the male.

Once everyone was inside, the couple moved closer to the stage standing behind the curtain. Yoongi kissed his cheek once more before going to stand off to the side of the stage. "Hello, good evening ladies and gentleman. Tonight we had prepared such an wonderful treat for you. Tonight is the debut of famous Instagram artist dark hallow. Give a warm welcome to Lee Hosan." The audience gave a warm round of applause as Hosan stepped out from behind the curtain waving at everyone before bowing.

"Hello, good evening everyone. Thank you so much for coming out tonight. I never thought I would be standing here like this in all places and for that I am truly grateful. Tonight is very special. Before we let you all go, I would like to let you know that this exhibit is very different and the story that it tells you will be based on which direction you begin to look. There are four different stories that will be told tonight. I look forward to how you interpret them. So please enjoy yourselves and thank you so much for coming."

Hosan bowed once more before stepping off the stage to look for Yoongi. "Yoongi."


"I think your parents are here. I think i saw them in the front row of the audience."

"You're positive?"

"Yes." Yoongi grabbed Hosan's hand and began carefully walking through the exhibit looking for Yoongi's parents.

To their luck, they couldn't find them. This put Hosan at ease as he was already freaking about it, since last time he knocked out Yoongi's father. Kimberly approached the couple. "Hosan, your work is a hit. Everyone can't stop talking about them. Each person trying to see how the four stories go together. It's genius."

"Thank you."

People continued talking and murmuring about the pieces as Yoongi and Hosan walked around slowly, enjoying the art themselves. "You worked so hard and it finally paid off and no one stopped you. You should be so proud of yourself baby."

"I am. You were my biggest supporter."

"And I always will be." Yoongi grabbed the younger male by the neck, kissing him tenderly. It felt like it was the only way he could truly express how proud he was of Hosan. The male held his wrists to keep himself from falling as he kissed Yoongi back.

The two kept kissing until they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. They turned to the sound to find Yoongi's parents in front of them. "Sorry to intrude but we wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Linda and this is my husband Lou. We are Yoongi's parents."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Yoongi talks about you a lot."

"Could you tell me about this piece? I just love it so much and would like to buy it."

Linda was focused on a particular was of a woman sitting in a chair with her nipple bare as she held her baby. the father stood next to her without a care while someone out the window begins to approach.

 the father stood next to her without a care while someone out the window begins to approach

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"Absolutely." Lou listened to his wife and Hosan discussing the artwork while Yoongi watched them.


"Yes, father?"

"I wanted to apologize for everything I've done. I know I haven't been the best father in the world and you deserved so much better. You've turned into quite the man. Your boyfriend over there is quite talented and sure as hell can throw a left hook. I hope you can give me a chance to be a better father to you and I wanna start by saying I support your relationship. He's quite the keeper."

"Thank you Abeoji."

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