S3: Chapter Eleven

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Hosan laid in bed, the blankets hiding him. It was the day before the baby shower/ gender reveal party. He was feeling depressed. He was sure it was his hormones from being pregnant but it didn't stop him from not wanting to leave the bed. He felt bad. He was supposed to give a lecture at the Gala and visit one of the schools today but he had no motivation to do so.

Yoongi had left for work early this morning so he didn't notice Hosan's behavior. The poor male had already spent most of the morning, crying. He didn't bother getting up because he honestly didn't feel like moving. He didn't want to call Yoongi for help because it would just prove him right that this pregnancy was different than the other two.

What the male didn't know was that Yoongi was already on his way back to the house. He had received a call from Kimberly, the woman wanting to know if everything was okay since she couldn't get ahold of Hosan. Yoongi passed the rest of his meetings to Jaysung so that he could see if Hosan was alright.

Yoongi had pulled up to the house and notified his driver that he would be needed today. Yoongi entered the house and headed upstairs to the bedroom first. He found the male under the blankets sniffling. "Baby boy, what's wrong?"

Hosan didn't answer but stayed hidden under the blanket. "Hosan."  Yoongi called again but when the male didn't respond, he took off his shoes and climbed underneath the blanket with him. There he saw Hosan's face red and puffy from all the crying he had done. Hosan looked Yoongi and saw his clothing. Yoongi was wearing all black, his shirt partially unbuttoned. His tattoos on full display. "I'm okay."

"Then why are you under the sheets crying?"

"I'm not."

"You can't lie to me."

Hosan ignored Yoongi and climbed into the male's lap, straddling him. Yoongi looked up at Hosan, searching his eyes to find out what was wrong but he could see nothing. Instead, he found lust begging to break out. Hosan leaned down, kissing Yoongi softly with desperation and passion. Yoongi sat up, kissing the male back and he ran his fingers through his short hair. He knew Hosan was trying to distract him and he was allowing him in the hopes he could get Hosan out of the house faster.

Yoongi watched as Hosan pulled out his dick and slid down, lulling his head back. Yoongi groaned as he felt how tight the male felt. It didn't matter how many times the two had sex, Hosan was never loose when he entered him. Yoongi would always have to loosen him up.  Yoongi watched the male ride him ease, pleasuring himself until he released. Hosan slowed down and slid off him to see Yoongi still hard and throbbing. Hosan looked up at Yoongi.

"You didn't cum?"


"You always cum. Why didn't you this time? Am I not enough for you anymore?" Yoongi searched his eyes and noticed how vulnerable Hosan was right now. Fragile. Like any moment he could break. The younger male's eyes filled with tears.

"Am I not attractive to you anymore, Gi?"

"That's not it. Hosan you are the most beautiful person to me in the world. Of course I find you attractive but you are using me for sex to distract me from what's really going on. I know better so I can't focus on the pleasure you give me, baby boy."

"Why can't you trust me when I say I'm fine?"

"Because I know better and I know when you are lying."

"I'm okay. Just a little sad. It's no big deal. I don't even know why I feel this way."

"Why didn't you say something to me? I would've stayed by your side today."

"I know that you had important meetings today. I didn't want to be a bother. You're already stressed out enough about this pregnancy. I didn't want to add to it."

"I also told you that we would be in this together and that if you needed me, I would be there."

Hosan leaned down and kissed Yoongi. "Go change and find me a new shirt."

"Sorry about that." Hosan had released himself on Yoongi's shirt. Hosan went to their closet and began getting himself ready. He put on sweats and an oversized shirt with sneakers, his bob in curls and covering his face slightly. He grabbed Yoongi another black shirt, not wanting him to change his entire outfit and being too lazy to find a new shirt to match what he was wearing. Hosan came out of the closet and handed Yoongi the shirt. Once they were ready, they headed to the car and made their way to the Gala.

Hosan had written and rewritten his lecture over a dozen times and even now, he hated it. He decided he was going to improvise and hopefully Kimberly wouldn't kill him. Hosan and Yoongi showed up as press snapped pictures of them. Security came to their side rushing them inside. "I could kill you San."

"I know, I'm sorry Kim. I'll explain it all later. Right now, I need to get to the stage."

Yoongi squeezed hosan's hand. Hosan made his way to the stage looking at the all the young artists that came from everywhere to him talk. He glanced at Yoongi on the sidelines before taking a deep breath.

"Hello. Thank you for being so patient and coming all this way for today."

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