S2: Chapter Six

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Hosan watched Namjoon as he focused on his sketch. Hosan tried not to laugh at the boy. "Namjoon you need to relax. There is no wrong or right way to freelance a sketch. You're so tense, it's coming out forced. Here. Listen to this and allow your hand to take the lead."

Hosan put a pair of headphones on his ears and picked a song randomly. He walked out and closed the door to his office so that the boy could be at ease. "Kim, is everything ready?"

"Yeah, how's it going with the kid?"

"He's really talented. He reminds me of my younger days. He has so much potential. I think I could really help him."

"If he's that good, I might let him hold his first exhibit before the end of the summer."

Hosan chuckled and grabbed two coffees before heading back inside. Namjoon had just finished his drawing and was taking the headphones off. Hosan looked down at the sketch they boy had made.

"Who is this woman?" Hosan asked

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"Who is this woman?" Hosan asked. He was in awe but yet, at the same time felt a dull ache in his chest.

"This is my birth mother. Well, what i remember of her. I only say her once out the womb before she later died of pregnancy complications. It's weird I can even remember that much of her face."

"Namjoon, this is beautiful." Hosan didn't know why, but hen he looked at this drawing, he felt tears in his eyes.

"Are you okay Mr. Lee?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You're really talented. I can't wait to mentor you."

Hosan turned his head to the sound of yelling outside his office. He opened the door to see Kimberly arguing with a woman. "He doesn't want to see you, get the hell out of here. I'm calling the cops!"

"I just need a moment with him, You can come if you really don't trust me-"

"Amber Cho?"

Hosan knew her voice anywhere. The two women paused and turned to look at Hosan. "Hosan."

"They let you out?"

"On good behavior."

"What brings you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, if that's okay."

"Um, yeah. Follow me."

Hosan brought Amber to the staff break room to sit so they had privacy but could still be seen. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"I wanted to formally apologize to you for what I did all those years ago. It wasn't right for me to put you through that. You and Yoongi deserved better and I should've supported you both. For that I'm truly sorry. I wanted to write you a letter but it didn't feel right plus I didn't think you would read it. I'm on meds now. Turns out I'm bipolar and had a manic episode when I did all those things. It doesn't excuse my behavior but I thought you should know."

Hosan could see the sincerity in her apology and the guilt from her actions. The Amber that sat in front of him was not the Amber who caused him hell all those years ago. He felt bad for her. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

"I accept your apology. It means a lot to me."

"Thank you." Amber felt a weight lifted off her shoulder as she started to cry. Hosan wiped away her tears.

"What are your plans now?"

"I'm going to look for a job and a place to stay."

"It might be hard because of your record."

"I know but I have to try something."

"I've been looking for a personal assistant. I have many things that I manage so I need help maintaining them all, do you think you would be up for it? I comes with an apartment, company car, as well a company card, and all supplies you will need for the job."

"I really couldn't-"

"A one week probation period. If you don't like it, you'll have something on your record and i can write a letter of recommendation for your next employer."

"Thank you, Hosan."

Hosan nodded his head and smiled at her.

Nicole, Younha, Sara met up at the spa. The girls wanted to relax and just made it a group thing. Hosan was invited but he couldn't make it. The girls got in their robes and went to the room for a group massage. "This was so nice for us to just have a girl's day."

"Yeah, I just wish Hosan could've joined us. He seems so busy lately."

"Yeah, but he's also building a school, running a farm, and art gala while being an artist himself."

"I don't know how the hell he does all of that and still make time for his family."

"With Yoongi and Hosan being separated and Eunhae away for college, I don't think he worries about it much."

"I really hope they can work out their differences."

"I think it has more to do with the loss of the baby than anything else."

"Most marriages fall apart after the loss of a child. It's hard to recover from that from what I hear."

"Yeah but Hosan and Yoongi have already been through so much, I don't want the loss of a child to be the thing that breaks them."

"I know what you mean."

"How's Minsu and Mocha?"

"Minsu has been acting weird lately and I can't figure out what's wrong with him."

"I wonder what that's about?"

"You and me both."

"Mocha has been busy with her boyfriend and helping him follow his dream to be an artist like Hosan."

"That's so sweet. Maybe she could introduce him to Hosan."

"She plans to, the boy loves Hosan's work. Hosan is like his idol."

Liv walked to the large building and headed inside. "Is Geun Yoongi here, can you tell him that Liv wishes to speak to him."

A few minutes later, Yoongi came to see Liv who looked so delicate and fragile as she made her way over to him with her walker. "Liv, what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you something before I forget."


She handed him two envelopes.

"I knew Hosan long before he began your boyfriend. I'm actually a relative of his. I can't explain in full detail because my time is limited. I have two letters. One explains my relation to him and the other is a will of estate for Hosan's mother and a death certificate. Hosan has family that is coming for him and they want to take away the estate Eunhae left for her son. You can't let them take it from him. They don't deserve it. Hosan-"

Liv stopped mid sentence as if her mind went blank. She looked at Yoongi and smiled.

"Come on Yoongi, It's time for another lesson."

Yoongi realized the Liv had dementia. He noticed a bracelet on her arm and called the number on it. He didn't know what to think at all.

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