S3: Chapter Six

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Hosan rode Yoongi's dick while thinking about Eunhae and Namjoon. "Baby boy, where is your mind right now?"

"I was thinking about our children."

"Why are you thinking about our children while you're riding my dick?"

Hosan stopped riding, running his fingers through his hair. "I feel like Namjoon and Eunhae aren't honest about Eunhae's health. I can't get it out of my head. In my gut, I know something is wrong but I can't figure out what it is."

"You have to trust that if something is wrong and they aren't telling you, it's for a reason and you have to trust them."

"I know but-"

"Stop thinking." Yoongi pushed Hosan's hair to the side and began kissing on his neck. "You're trying to distract me."

"Is it working?"

"Maybe." Yoongi laid the male down and put his dick in his mouth, sucking lightly. Hosan gasped, surprised Yoongi was sucking him off. Yoongi slipped a finger into Hosan as he took him whole, sucking and fingering the male. 

Namjoon sat on the edge of the bed, watching Catalina sleep. He'd been watching her the entire night, making sure she was still breathing. He was tired but he couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. Personally, he wanted to beat Woosung but he knew that wouldn't do any good. 

"Good morning."

"Good morning mamas." Catalina sat up and kissed him. "Did you stay up all night?"

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"That's very sweet of you."

"How you feeling?"

"I'm okay, though my head hurts a bit."

"Well come on, it's time for your meds anyway."

Namjoon took Catalina's hand made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He got her a drink so she could take her meds. "You got a lot of stuff at Woosung's?"


"We'll stop by there first and then once we bring your stuff back here, we'll go check on my parents."


Once they had breakfast, Namjoon took a shower with Catalina, making sure she didn't lose her balance while batheing. Catalina borrowed one of Namjoon's oversized shirts and shorts. They made their way over to Woosung's house to find he wasn't home. The broken glass and blood still there. Catalina wasted no time in packing up her things while Namjoon loaded it into his car. They finished within two hours and headed back to the house where Namjoon put all her belongings in his bedroom. 

"I wanna keep an eye on you, plus i haven't cleared out the other bedrooms yet."


They got back in the car and got lunch, picking up an ice cream cappacino for his Appa. "Appa! I got you coffee!"

"Kitchen!" Namjoon guided Catalina to the kitchen Island and gave her food so she could start eating.  "Here you go, Appa."

"Thank you Joon."

"Hi Mr. Geun."

"Please call me Hosan. It's nice to see you again, Catalina."

"It's nice to see you too, I made you something for the baby." Catalina reached in her bag and pulled out baby booties.

"These are adorable. Thank you so much. I love them." Catalina smiled and began eating.

"Why do you look so frustrated, Appa?"

"Your sister. I'm having a dinner to announce my pregnancy and she's not coming. Says she has an event she can't cancel."

"Appa, what's today's date?"

"May 15th, why?"

"Oh shit." Namjoon looks at his phone and saw the time. Eunhae would be going into surgery soon. 

"Everything okay?"

"I have somewhere to be. I can't make it to the dinner either, Appa."

"Where are you going and why can't you come?" Namjoon looked at the time knowing he needed to leave but he couldn't go without answering his father.

"I can't explain it right now, but soon I will. Cat come on." Catalina grabbed their bag of food, bowing before following after Namjoon. 

"Yoongi get your ass in the car now!" Hosan yelled, getting in the car. Yoongi came running down the stairs, struggling to get his shirt on. Hosan sped down the highway, catching up to Namjoon and following him to the hospital. "Why the hell is he at the hospital?"

"Let's go find out baby boy."

"Did I miss her?"

"She should be heading in there now." Eunhae's bed rolled in the hallway and she smiled when she saw Namjoon. "You made it."

"I told you I would be here. You'll be great and I'll be out here with a big ass cheeseburger waiting for you."

"Sounds perfect."

"Go kick that cancer's ass." Eunhae was taken into surgery and Namjoon sat down next to Minsu. "She'll be fine."


Hosan stood silent as he watched, words unable to form. Yoongi stood confused, trying to process what he just witnessed. Their daughter had cancer. She was going into surgery for cancer. Not only that both of their children lied to their faces about it, keeping it a secret from them. 

"Namjoon." Namjoon turned around to see his fathers. "Appa, Abeoji."


"Eunhae has a brain tumor. She spent the last three months getting chemo to shrink it for removal, so she lost her hair. I found out a few weeks ago. We both decided not to tell you, because you are pregnant and we didn't want to add any extra stress. We were going to tell you after the surgery."

Hosan said nothing as he processed the information. He didn't know if he wanted to be angry or cry. He was angry that he didn't know what was going on but knowing why he was kept in the dark, made his heart ache that his children were worried about him even in this situation. Instead of yelling, Hosan instead hugged his son because it was all he could think to do. 

Yoongi sat down next to Minsu needing more time to process the information. "I can sneak you into the gallery so you can watch the surgery if you want."

"Thank you but I think we'll wait out here."

Just as Catalina was going to sit down next to Namjoon, Woosung came bursting in the hopital doors. "CATALINA YOU REALLY THINK YOU'RE GOIN TO LEAVE ME?!"

Catalina turned to see Woosung. Namjoon got up quickly, standing between Catalina and Woosung. "Namjoon, this is between me and Catalina."

"Actually the moment you put harm to her, it became between us. You think you can just hit her and we would be cool?"

"It's not like that-"

"Get the hell out of here Woosung. I don't have time to deal with you."

"Catalina come with me-"

"She's not going anywhere with you."

"Why are you being like this to me? I thought you liked me."

"You were nothing but a fuck to get over my ex. I told you that from the beginning. Why would I be with someone like you?" Woosung's eyes prickled with tears. He tried to swing at Namjoon, only to be punched directly in the face. 

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