Chapter one:

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"This is it?" I question my brothers, holding a box out infront of me while I look up at our new home. "Just shut up and help us unpack this shit." Tommy tells me, shoving my shoulder playfully. I smile at him and place my box on the huge front porch we had. I stand on the steps of the old porch with my hands on my hips, I look around at the water just out on my front door step. I look to my left and see a boy working on a bike in his yard, his blonde hair pushed back in a hair and his clothes were dirty from oil from the bike. I knew I was staring too long but I couldn't get myself to look away from him, he eventually looks up and catches me staring at him. I bite the inside of my cheek and kick myself for staring at him, he gives me a smile and a small wave. I wave back at him and quickly disappear into my new house. Tucker walks in behind me and sets a box down on the floor, he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "I know it's not what we're use to but we'll be happy here, Tommy and I will fix it up and you can decorate it as you please." He tells me, giving me his most reassuring smile he could. I smile and wrap my arm around his back, "I'm just grateful to be away from him. We'll all be happy here." I tell him, genuinely relieved to be away from my dad. We spent the rest of the afternoon unloading both Tucker and Tommy's trucks. I let out a sigh of relief when I see the empty trucks, laying back on the old porch steps, Tucker and Tommy sitting down next to me. "We fucking did it." Tommy chuckles, all of us high fiving one another. "Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving." I complain to my brothers. "Go get in the truck." Tucker tells me and I happily jump up and jump into the passenger seat. The three of us driving into our new town together.

Tucker pulls the truck into a restaurant called The Wreck, "This will have to do for the time being." He tells us, all three of us walking inside. "Welcome in." A man behind the counter calls out to us, huge smile on his face. I smile back and give him a wave as my brothers and I sit at the counter to grab a bite to eat. My brothers start chatting with the man who turns out to be the owner of the restaurant, I was barley listening to the conversation. I was staring out at the ocean through the big windows of the restaurant. The door slamming shut startles me and I turn my attention to a group of four teenagers walking into the restaurant. "Do you have to come in here that loudly?" The man behind the counters snaps at the teens. "Sorry dad." The girl says as the man leans over the counter and kisses her cheek. "We just came to get a bite to eat." She tells him, the four of them grabbing a table not far from us. "So you three traveling through town I assume?" The man questions us, I look to Tucker who clears his throat. "Actually just moved here, bought a fixer upper on the other side of the island." He tells the man, "Moved here?" He questions us, "I don't mean to intrude but most people just pass on by and don't give this place another look. Let me be the first to Welcome you three to Outer Banks." He says to us with a huge smile on his face. I glance back at the group of teens, I recognize the blonde hair boy as my neighbor from earlier today. I quickly look away before he can catch me staring at him again. "My names Mike and that's my daughter over Kiara." He proudly says, Kiara giving us a small embarrassed wave, "And this is my wife Anna. These three just moved to town." He tells his wife. She gives us a huge smile while she sets down food down in front of us, "We're glad to have you here, hope to see you three around." She tells us, before going back to serve more food.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the girl, I knew I recognized her from somewhere. It wasn't until Kiara dad helped me make the connection, "That girl is my new neighbor." I tell John B and Pope. Both boys glance at me before looking back at her, "That girl is your neighbor? There's no fucking way." John B says, leaning back in his chair and shaking his head. "Dude Kiaras dad literally just confirmed it. That's her, they were moving stuff into that run down house next door to me." I snap at him, slapping his chest and looking back at the beautiful girl who sat ten feet away from me. Her beautiful hair pulled back in a clip to stay out of her face, I liked being able to see her gorgeous face, nothing to hide it. She had a old t-shirt on that engulfed her completely, I could only assume it to me one of the boys she was with shirts. Who were those boys with her anyways? My mind raced as I just stared at her, "Yo, you're staring." Pope tells me, waving his hands in front of my face, pulling me out of my gaze. "What?" I question them, Kiara rolling her eyes at me, John B and Pope looking at me like I was crazy. I sink down into my chair and occasionally glance her way.

Tucker, Tommy, and I rode back home with the windows down taking in the salty air of the town. Tucker definitely took the long way home to explore the town a bit. "I think I'll be happy here." I tell my brothers once Tucker parks the truck outside the house. "A fresh start." I say, both of them glancing at eachother with huge smiles on their faces, this was the right decision for all of them was just confirmed.

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