Chapter three:

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"You have to stop staring at her man." Pope tells JJ, slapping his chest. JJ, John B, and Pope all were at the end of dock at JJ's house fixing up the boat. "I'm not staring." JJ mumbles, looking up from the boat to Y/N standing on the bed of a truck with her hands on her hips. "You could fucking help us out." Tommy shouts at her, Y/N just laughs to herself. "You two do all the heavy lifting, I'll just tell you where to put it." She shouts back at them. "Have you even spoken a word to her?" John B teases JJ, "It's seems to us you just stare at her from afar." Pope adds in, both boys chuckling to each other. "We sat on her dock this morning and talked all morning, I introduced myself and her name is Y/N." JJ tells them, both of them looking at him a bit shocked. "Wait, wait. You actually had the balls to speak to her?" Pope ask, completely shocked. "We'll I'm definitely surprised." John B say, all three boys looking over at her. "So who's the boys with her? Competition for you?" John B teases him, JJ chuckles and turns his attention back to the engine. "Those are her brothers. No competition." He smiles to himself.

"Pivot, Pivot." I yell just to annoy my brothers as they carried our new couch inside, "Shut the fuck up Y/N, you're really pissing my off." Tucker shouts at me, slowly walking backwards up the steps. I couldn't help but giggle as Tommy and Tuckers frustration grows with one another. I stand in the living room and tell them where to put the couch. Once the couch was placed I spent the rest of the time rearranging the living room while Tucker and Tommy went wherever they did. After a while of them not returning inside my eyebrows pinch together and I walk outside. To my surprise they stood on JJ's dock talking with him and two other boys. I slowly walk over and JJ is the first one to notice me, Tucker and Tommy turn around when they catch him staring off. "Finally finish setting everything up?" Tucker questions me, "I need you to move the couch again." I say, giving him my most innocent smile. "Plus we have a hole in the living room floor now." I add in, if looks could kill I would be dead. "What the fuck did you do?" Tommy ask me, I bite my bottom lip and put my hands in my back pockets. "I tried to move the couch and dropped it." I admit, JJ and his two friends chuckle which earns glares from my brothers. "Let's go see the damage...." Tommy complains, walking off with Tucker. "You really tried to move a couch by yourself?" JJ questions me, pulling his hat off his head. "I just wanted to move it over a few inches." I chuckle and look at the two boys just staring at me. "Hi, I'm Y/N." I tell them, giving them a small wave. "Shit, my bad. Y/N this is John B and Pope." JJ says and points to both of them, "my best friends in the whole world." He says, John B puts a hand on his shoulder and one on his heart. "That was so touching buddy." He say, JJ scoffs and pushes him off. "Nice to meet you." Pope tells me, climbing out of the boat, John B and JJ follow after him. "When did you move here?" John B ask me, "Two days ago." I tell them walking back to my house while they follow after us. "My brothers bought the house and planning to fix it up. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be." I tell them, Tucker walks out on the front porch. "Do you all mind helping us move the furniture, little miss made a bigger hole than she thought." Tucker calls out to us. "I tried to cover it with the couch, I should've known they'd notice." I admit, all three boys chuckling at my comment. We walk inside and all stand around the hole, you can see straight through to the foundation of the house. "I'm very curious how you managed to do that." JJ ask me, crossing his arms over his chest and stands next to me. I smile and shove him a bit, "I blame the wood, it's very old if you can't tell." I tell him, huge smile on my face. He smiles back at me and shakes his head. Tucker and Tommy exchange a look with one another when they notice our little interactions together. Lucky for us JJ, Pope, and John B stayed behind and helped us fix the hole in the floor and move the furniture back to the way I wanted. Tommy walks in with the phone to his ear, "Everyone okay with pizza? I'm ordering some now." He ask as I sat on the front porch with the boys. "Fine by us." Pope tells him, "Thank you for helping fix my mistake today. I feel like I wasted y'all's whole day..." I tell the boys, laying my elbows on the steps behind me. "Our pleasure, plus it's nice to meet the new girl in town. People who usually move here are all kooks." John B states. I raise my eyebrow and look to JJ, "Kooks are all the rich kids and their families that live in figure 8. We don't associate with them, bunch of stuck up assholes." JJ tells me, leaning his back against the wooden railing behind him. "Alrighty then." I chuckle, turning my attention back to the sunsetting over the water. "How do you like the Cut so far?" Pope ask. "I'm enjoying myself, haven't seen much else yet of the town. Only seen my house, that restaurant, and the grocery store." I tell them, JJ jumps up and jumps off the porch. "We'll be your tour guides then, we know every good spot of the island." JJ says, his arms spread wide as he spins himself around. I chuckle at his enthusiasm, "If y'all don't mind I'd love that." I smile. All three of them have huge smiles on their face, "We promise to give you a very fun day."

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