Chapter nineteen:

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JJ sat on the front of John B boat, his shirt off and in a pair of black swim trunks. I sat between his legs wearing a light blue bikini, one of my more revealing bathing suits, my back laid against his chest, JJ whistles grabbing all our attention. "See that guys?" He says, pulling his sunglasses down a bit, staring at the boat that's slowly making its way towards us. "That's a Malibu 24-MXZ, the worlds finest wake-setter." He tells us, I turn my head and see it's Toppers boat. I scoff and put my sunglasses back on my face, "Hate to break it to you but that's Toppers boat." I tell them, JJ raises an eyebrows and looks back at the boat. As he drives by with Sarah Cameron under his arm he stares me down, I hold my hand up to him and flip him off. John B laughs, "She's definitely a Pogue." He tells him, winking at me. I smirk and lay my head back against JJ chest. JJ protectively wraps his arm around my waist while we continue to slowly drive through the marine. "You don't have to act like you don't see us bitch." Kiara calls out to her, I chuckle at her and she leans over and gives me a high five.

"So why are we at the country club?" I ask once John B parks the van. "Only place in town that has internet right now." JJ says, pulling the gun out. "JJ, I swear to god I will throw that thing in the ocean. Put it back." Kiara snaps at him, John B grabbing the gun and putting it in the glove box. I can't help but giggle and hop out the van with Kiara. "Can't forget my badge." JJ calls out, running up behind us.

"See the kooks got all the backup generators working, they don't miss a beat." JJ says once we get inside the cold club house. "The AC feels amazing." Kiara smiles, I nod my head in agreement before JJ grabs my hand and pulls me along with them. We finally reach the computer room, Pope and John B enter the coordinates that John B dad left on the map. "If its off the continent shelf, it's on the high side." John B exclaims, "That's if it's on that side, if it's not it won't be much of a treasure hunt now will it be?" Pope ask him, continuing to zoom in. "900 feet, that's not so bad." John B say, him and JJ high fiving. I look to Pope and he shakes his head, "It's deep." He mouths to me, looking back at the screen. "How would you know that doable?" Kiara ask JJ, "The salvage yard, they have a drone that can drop a 1000 feet and a 360 camera." JJ tells us, we all look at him confused on how he knows this. "Can your dads grimy little hands get his hands on that?" John B ask him, "Well my dads grimy little hands is what got him fired from that place." JJ tells him. "We'll it's in the impound lot, I've seen it when I went to help my dad out a few times." JJ tells us, John B smiles at him and Pope immediately runs to the door and books it. "Nope, I'm not losing my scholarship over this." He says, trying to hold us in. "Pope move, for 400 million dollars it's worth it." Kiara says and pushes him aside. "I'll make sure we spit your share evenly." I tease him, I wink at him and Pat his shoulder, walking out with JJ and Kiara.

"Pope were not stealing the drone, we're borrowing it." John B argues with Pope, I watch JJ roll a joint. JJ goes to light it and Pope steals and flicks it at me. "Keep the signal clear." He tells JJ, "Party pooper Pope." I tell him, picking up the joint and looking it over. "It's not tight enough." I tease JJ, handing it back to him. JJ looks at me shocked and glares at me, "You think you can do better?" He ask me, I nod my head and smile, "I know I can do better." I smirk at him, he smirks back and Pope shoves his shoulder and kicks my foot. "Do you two ever stop flirting with each other?" He ask us.

We park the van down the street a bit from the impound lot, the boys arguing on how they are gonna get in. I hang back with Kiara, both of us staying out of their fighting. I walk past the three boys and they don't even notice, "Where you going?" Kiara calls out to me, pulling the boy's attention to me. "Go hide, I have an idea." I say, tired of the hearing the three of them argue. I look over my shoulder to see JJ, John B, Pope, and Kiara hide behind a wooden box and watching me. "So when you getting the courage to finally ask her out?" John B ask JJ, "We've already been on two dates." JJ admits, getting shoved around by John B. "No fucking way, you didn't tell us?" Pope ask him. "I knew... Y/N told me." Kiara say, "Plus you two knew about the first date." She tells them, "Yeah but we didn't know about the second one." John B argues. "I will soon, just figuring out the right time." JJ whispers, watching Y/N intensity. Y/N messes up her hair and unbuttons the tank top she had covering herself up with. She tugs at her shorts and pulls them up, she was gonna use herself to keep the guard occupied while they steal the drone.

"What can I do for you miss?" The man calls out to me, "Hi, I seem to be lost and can't find my way home. My stupid boyfriend kicked me out of his car and I've been walking forever." I tell him, letting a sad sigh out. "I need a phone to call a friend. Can I borrow yours?" I ask him, he comes out from his security box and looks me over, doesn't even try to hide it. "Pretty little thing aren't you?" He smiles at me, I force a smile on my face and giggle. "You can compliment me some more while I make my phone call." I tell him, twisting my hair between my fingers and biting my bottom lip. He takes a deep breath and nods his head, he opens the gate and steps back inside his box. I glance back at my friends and walk to the box. I sit on the desk infront of his window and he hands me the phone.

"I always knew that asshole was a creep." JJ snaps, John B pushes him to the gate. "We get it, you don't like him flirting with her. But it's for the drone, let's go." John B say and shoves him to the gate. The four of them running inside while Y/N keeps the security guard occupied. JJ looks back at the man leaning back in his chair and just looking Y/N over, "I'm gonna kick his ass once this is over with." JJ says, still being shoved to keep moving by John B and Pope. "We all know Y/N can handle herself, let's get in and out." Pope tells him, the four of them running through the yard.

I sat there talking with this very creepy security man, he had his hand on my calf now. Everything in my body told me to kick him in the balls but I needed to give them time to find it. I can hear a dog barking in the distance, he gets up and looks out the window, "Hear that?" He questions me, "Hear what?" I play dumb, clearly hearing the dog barking. "Tebows got something." He says, going to leave. I grab his hand to stop him from leaving. I pull him closer to me, his creepy smirk forms again and he puts his hands on my hips , "Tell me more how you wouldn't leave a pretty little thing like me in the middle of no where." I tell him, I smile at him once he takes a step back in the booth.

"I think you might be better at coming up with plans than JJ is Y/N." John B tells me while we drive to The Wreck. "What can I say?" I smile, looking over at JJ. He was staring out the window, I nudge his shoulder. "Someone a little jealous?" I tease him. He scoffs and shakes his head, "I just know that man is a creep, didn't like seeing his hands on you." JJ admits to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Well we got the drone, that's all that matters." I tell him, "Still doesn't make it any easier to swallow." He says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "If it makes you feel better, your hands are the only ones I want on me." I tell him, kissing his cheek. He smiles and fixes his hat, he looks away to try and hide the big grin on his face.

"Can I get some food for my friends?" Kiara begs her dad, he sighs and looks back at JJ, John B, and Pope. "They're greedy pelicans Kiara, look at them." Mike says, "Did she say pretty please?" I chime, laying my elbows on the counter. "Cause I'll say pretty please." I tell him, Mike smiles and looks back at Kiara. "Just because she said please." He tells her, "Can you come with me to always ask my parents for stuff?" Kiara smiles, I help her pass the food out to them.

The restaurant cleared out and I was helping Kiara pick up the dirty dishes, she starts slowly dancing and points her finger to John B. I stand behind JJ giving him a refill of his drink, we both watch him shocked as John B gets up to dance with her. "I still can't believe they're not together." I tell him, setting the cup down. A slower songs starts to play and JJ gets out of his seat and holds his hand out to me, "Come dance with me." He says softly, I grab his hand and he leads the two of us to an opening between tables. I wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my hips, the two of us start to sway to the slow music. I feel my cheek burning up and I look over to Kiara slowly dancing with John B now. "I'm happy you moved here." JJ tells me, pulling my attention back to him. He moves one of his hands to my cheek and cups it, rubbing his thumb softly against my skin. "I'm happy too." I tell him softly, I look down at his lips and watch him lean in and kiss me softly.

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