Chapter twenty one:

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We all ride out to where where John B dad had the shipwreck marked out, "Okay JJ pin it here." John B call out to him, I stood with JJ while he drove the boat. "Alright roger that, X marks the spot." He calls out stopping the boat. "Time to get rich Princess." He smiles at me. "One can hope." I tell him, laying my elbows on the controls as I watch Kiara, John B, and Pope send the drone down. I stayed quiet and let JJ concentrate as John B directs him where to move the boat. Kiara starts calling out how deep the drone is after every piece of red tape hits the water. A loud thunder rumbles, I turn around a see a huge dark storm heading our way. "Uhh JJ..." I say softly pointing out at the storm coming right towards us. "Tides moving." Kiara calls out. I'm not even sure JJ heard us, he was too focused on what John B was telling him. Once JJ gets into position he looks out at the storm as waves crash into the boat, "Better hold on Princess." He says, the two of us looking back at Pope and John B. "I'm at the bottom, I'm at the bottom." Popes shouts to all of us, I walk away from JJ and go to look at the computer with John B and Pope, "Come on, come on..." John B whispers to himself. "Holy shit." John B comments once the Royal Merchant comes into view, "We fucking found it." I tell JJ, I can't take my eyes away from the scene as I just watch in shock that we actually found this ship. Pope continues to look around the ship, the ship was destroyed and rotting at this point. "It's not there." Pope tells us, "Just pull the drone up." John B tells him, letting a frustrated sigh out. I sit on the edge of the boat and Kiara takes a seat next to me, "Well that's disappointing..." I comment, two of us sitting there in disbelief. Pope starts listing our different options for us to all try next time we come out. "It's not there, it never was." JJ shouts in frustration. "Shut up JJ, you don't know that." Kiara snaps back at him. "Or somebody beat us to it." John B comments, "Or it was never there." JJ mumbles to himself.

A few days later:
"See this is all normal like usual, I'm happy there still doing this." Kiara tells us, dragging Pope, JJ, and I along to a movie. "Aren't you guys glad I made you come?" Kiara ask all of us, "I was pretty comfy in Y/N bed." JJ comments, I playfully roll my eyes at him and slap his stomach. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, he carried both our chairs while I carried the cooler. "We're out of the green zone bro." Pope whispers to him once we find a spot to set up. "Pope you have to relax, they have no idea what you did. Just sit down and enjoy the movie you two and stop plotting." I snap at them in a whispered tone so Kiara wouldn't hear us. "We're in the middle of Kooklandia." Pope groans, setting up his chair. "We're gonna get snacks, you boys try not to fuck anything up while we're gone." I tease them, pointing a finger at them while Kiara and I walk off. "Y/N." Topper calls out to me with Rafe behind him. Kiara goes to look at them and I push her head away, "Don't give them the time of day." I tell her, the two of us order our stuff and the boys. "You just gonna act like I don't exist now?" Topper ask me, standing next to me and leaning on the counter. I keep my eyes straight and hand the man behind the counter my cash. "Y/N, come on talk to me." Topper says and grabs my hand. I immediately pull it back and slap his cheek. "Don't you dare act like we're friends after what you did to Pope. I can be with whoever the hell I want to be with. How dare you think that was okay." I snap at him, looking at Rafe smirking. "You think this is funny?" I ask him, drawing a bit of a crowd now. "You can go fuck yourself daddy's boy." I snap at Rafe, glaring at Topper. Kiara grabs my hand and pulls me away, we grab our snacks and walk back to the boys who were completely clueless of what just happened. "We just ran into Topper and Rafe." Kiara tells them, Pope turns round quickly to see Rafe, Topper and Kelce staring at him and JJ.  I put the snacks down and sit down in JJ lap, I grab his cheeks in my hands and push my lips into his. I don't hold back in the kiss either, JJ pulls back first and gives me a questionable look. "Now listen I'm not complaining. Frankly I loved every second of that but what was that for?" He ask me, pushing hair out of my face. "Topper was watching and I just wanted to show him he can't control me and tell me who I can and can't be with." I tell JJ, pulling his hat off his head and putting it on mine. "Should've said so, I love pissing kooks off." JJ smiles putting his hand on the back of my head and kissing me again, with his other hand he holds up the middle finger to Topper while we kiss.

I sat in JJ's lap while the movie played, my head was on his chest while he ran his fingers through my hair. "JJ." Pope nudges his arm, not only grabbing JJ attention but mine as well. "I gotta pee." He tells him, I roll my eyes and glare at Pope. "Pope you gotta hold it man." JJ tells him, "Dude I can't, I gotta go." He tries to reason with him. JJ sighs and looks down at me, "Y/N I'll be right back..." he says I groan and climb off his lap. "I was so comfy Pope." I tell him, "where are they going?" Kiara ask me when I sit down next to her. "To pee." I say while we watch the two of them walk off together. "What are they gonna hold it for each other?" Kiara ask me, I can't help but giggle and shrug my shoulders.

"Dude this feels better than a blowjob." Pope tells JJ, "Like you know what that feels like." JJ scoffs, finishing up and watching Popes back for any kooks coming over. "You bring the peacemaker?" Pope ask him, JJ scratches the back of his neck. "Shit. I forgot it." JJ admits, "You forgot it?" Pope snaps at him, "Well just hurry up and everything will be fine." JJ tells him, the two of them start to walk back to their seats, Rafe walks up to them. "What you boys doing here tonight?" Rafe ask them, Pope running off before being stopped by Topper and Kelce. "Chill out Topper." Pope says, trying to reason with him. "Yeah, that was some nice work you did on my boat." Topper shouts at him. The three kooks cornered JJ and Pope. "Don't know what your talking about man." Pope denies. "Not so tough without a gun are we?" Rafe ask JJ, trying to intimidate him. "Take one more step and I'll rip that prepubescent face off." JJ snaps back at Rafe. "Did you not give him my message Pogue?" Rafe ask Pope. "I got the message loud and clear and I have no plans to stop seeing her." JJ tells him, JJ and Rafe standing in each others faces. "Do you feel good about stealing shit?" Topper ask Pope, "Are your parents proud of you?" Topper keeps on nagging Pope. Without warning Pope head butts Toppers face. "Atta boy Pope." JJ shouts, now all fighting breaks out. "Now with your fist, like this." JJ shouts, punching Kelce over and over again. All five boys going after eachother now.

"Topper get your fucking hands off of him." I shout running up with Kiara. Topper stops and I shove him back, he stumbles back as Kiara hits Rafes back with her bookbag. Topper goes back to punching Pope and I jump on his back. Rafe comes up and grabs me, off his back. "Get your fucking hands off of her." JJ shouts, knocking Kelce off of him. Rafe throws me to the ground, I land hard on my back. JJ immediately tackles Rafe and gets a few good punches to his face. I groan and Kiara runs over to me,  "Shit you good?" She ask me, helping me back up. "Admit you did it bitch." Topper shouts, holding Pope in a head lock. Kelce pulls JJ off again and Rafe starts to lands punch after punch to either his face or stomach. I push Kie away as I try to pull Rafe away from JJ, Kie finds a lighter in JJ bag. Kiara runs over to the screen and lights it on fire. It draws enough attention as Kelce, Topper, and Rafe drop JJ and Pope. JJ groans hitting the ground and I crawl over to him. "Hey, hey. Are you okay?" I ask him, wiping the blood from his lip. He lays his head back on the grass, taking deep breaths as he tries to catch his breath, "I'm good Y/N. Im okay." He tells me as I help him up. Once I help him to his feet I look over at Topper staring at the two of us.

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