Chapter seventeen:

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I walk back into the house to Tommy sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Tucker pacing the room. "What the hell happened?" I ask the both of them. "This." Tommy snaps, tossing his phone to me. I play the most recently voicemail and put the phone to my ear.
'Hi Tommy, hope you and your sibling settled in wherever you went too nicely. I just need you three to understand something. Do you fucking understand how embarrassing my situation is? My children up and left, my coworkers and friends are starting to ask questions. I'm a very powerful man, I can end your life before it even begins.' My father shouts through the phone, only heavy breathing can be heard on the other end. I can hear in the background glass breaking around the house and him smashing furniture. "I don't know what the fuck you and your brother were thinking when you took my daughter and left. That is my daughter. Now I fucking suggest you bring your asses back here, if I don't see you by the end of the week you know what I will do." My father shouts through the phone before ending the call.

My shaky hands fall to my sides and I stare at disbelief at my brothers. Tommy has his eyes covered and his hands are shaking against his head. "I refuse for us to go back to that hell hole, I fucking refuse." Tucker shouts, causing me to flinch at the sound of his voice. I slowly walk over to the couch and sit down, "He's going to find us..." I mumble out, staring at the wooden floor. "No he won't, over my dead fucking body is going to take this all away from us." Tucker tells me, walking over and pulling me into a hug. "I refuse to let him take this away from us." He tells me, I cry into his chest. I jump back from Tuckers arms when I hear the front door slam shut, "I got here as fast as I could." Topper says, I look at him in disbelief and then back to Tucker. "Y/N he needs to know if we're gonna go be smart about this. He can keep an eye on things from his side of the island." Tucker tells me, I turn my attention back to Topper. He had a black eye from where John B punched him the other night. "I'm here to help Y/N, I just want to make sure you stay safe." He tells me, I scoff and roll my eyes. I sit back down on the couch and roll my eyes. "Listen I don't know what's going on between the two of you right now but you have to set it aside." Tucker snaps at me, handing Topper the phone to listen to the voicemail.

After the cops showed up to the light house Pope and JJ were driving back to the Chateau when they pass by Y/N house, JJ spots Toppers jeep in her driveway. JJ slams on the breaks and turns the van into her driveway. "What the hell are you doing?" Pope ask, looking at JJ like he's crazy. "I want to know why Topper is here." JJ tells him, putting the van in park as both boys get out. "Topper fuck you, I'm not going to live with you on Figure eight. You threw a drink in JJ face and almost drowned John B." They hear Y/N scream at him. JJ and Pope stop dead in their tracks and looks at one another. "You don't know who they those Pogues are Y/N, they are bad people. You can't trust them. They're low life's, that's all they'll ever be. You want to be friends with those kind of people?" Topper shouts back at her. "Maybe we should leave...." Pope whispers to JJ, JJ shakes his head at him and pulls his hat off his head, bending the cap as he listened. "You want me to be with some stuck up rich kid like you? Over my dead fucking body. You have done nothing but harass my friends. How is any of that okay? This is why you didn't need to call him, he doesn't need to know about dads voicemail." Y/N screams to her brothers. "I'm so sorry that I care about you and only want what's best for you. While we're on that topic, JJ Maybank isn't good for you. He put a fucking gun to my head guys. Did she tell you that?" Topper shouts, Tucker takes a deep breath and looks at Y/N. "Topper was holding John B head under the water and was going to kill him. JJ had every right to do that." Y/N shouts louder if that's even possible, "JJ we should really leave. This doesn't sound like a conversation I want to be apart of." Pope tells him, trying to drag him back to the van. JJ grabs Popes shirt, "I'm not leaving here, I refuse to let Topper speak to her that way." JJ snaps at him, letting go of his shirt and walking to the front door. JJ knocks on the door and glances back at Pope, Tucker opens the door and steps to the side, "Hey, come in." Tucker says softly, Y/N and Topper walk to the front door and see JJ and Pope standing there. Y/N wipes the tears from her face and gives them her best smile, the sight of Y/N in tears makes JJ blood boil. "We were just stopping by to come check on Y/N, she left so abruptly earlier." Pope says as JJ can't make himself speak, he was just glaring at Topper. "We're kinda in the middle of something here." Topper tells them. "The conversation is over with, you can leave Topper." Y/N snaps at him. She walks over to grab JJ hand, she pulls him away from Topper with Pope following behind them. Y/N walks outside the house, "So did y'all find out what Reinfield meant?" Y/N ask the boys, not even acknowledging what happened in there. "The lighthouse, went there but cops showed up. JJ and I bailed, John B and Kiara took off running. We were on the way back to the chateau to see if they made it back there." Pope tells me, leaning against the van door. JJ stayed quiet and just squeezed Y/N hand, he couldn't stop playing the screaming match she was having with Topper in his head. "JJ?" Y/N calls out to him, waving her hand in front of his face. He hummed looking up at her. "Let's go, gotta go to John B's." Pope tells him, Y/N and Pope getting in the van, Pope hopes in the passenger seat. JJ hops in and drives off to John B house, he occasionally looks up in the mirror to see Y/N staring out the windows, tears still stained her face.

"Holy shit...." Y/N mumbles when the three of them walk into the trashed Chateau. "John B?" JJ calls out, walking deeper into the house to check every room. "He's not here." JJ announces walking back into the living room. "The least we could do is help him clean up the place." Y/N speaks up, grabbing trash bags from under the sink, she hands a bag to each boy. The three of them picking up all the trash and fixing the Chateau to how it was originally.

Pope ended up leaving once we got the place straightened out, his dad needed his help to get deliveries set up for tomorrow which JJ and I agreed to help him out with. JJ and I sat on the floor in the living room with a pizza box and beer, "So does this technically count as a second date? I mean we have freakin candles lit. Pretty romantic if you ask me." JJ teases, holding himself up on his elbow and stuffing his face with pizza. I chuckle and him and playfully push his chest, "Did you ask me on the date?" I question him. "Y/N will you continue to join me on this insanely romantic date we're currently on?" JJ ask me, I can't help but laugh like genuinely laugh at him. Once I get my laughter under control, JJ laughing with me just as much. I smile and nod my head, "Of course I will." I tell him, I laid on my stomach in front of the pizza box and across from JJ. JJ smiles at me and leans over the box cupping my cheek in his free hand. "Guess I'm pretty lucky to land a date with you." He mumbled and pushes his lips into mine. I smile against the kiss and softly kiss him back. John B swings open the door, startling the both of us. We jump back from one another and look up at him, "Where the hell have you been?" JJ ask him as we both look up at him puzzled. "Police station and then chased by those dudes." John B tells us, grabbing a slice of pizza and then walking into his dads office. We quickly follow after him, when we cleaned up we didn't bother to touch the office. He starts grabbing boxes of stuff and tossing them in the lawn. "John B, what are you doing?" I ask him, JJ and I watched him start a fire on all the boxes. "Dude that's your dads stuff." JJ shouts at him, "I'm doing what you all told me to do, move on. Now let me do it." John B shouts back at him, pushing JJ back from the fire. I grab JJ hand when he starts to walk back to John B, "Let him do this." I whisper to JJ. John B just stared down at the fire, without warning he grabs a stick and pulls out his family tree poster from the fire and stomps on it, he runs his fingers across a name in the top of the board. "He's fucking lost it." JJ huffs, letting go of my hand and throwing his hands up in the air. "Reinfield doesn't mean the lighthouse, it means my great great great grandma. She buried on the island." John B tells us both, picking up the poster and pointing out the name. "Let's go get Pope and Kie, we're going to the figure this out." John B shouts, jumping into the drivers seat of the van.

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