Chapter twenty two:

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"JJ stop eating and help." I tease him, grabbing the bag of chips from his hand, putting a few in my mouth. The next morning after none of us knew where John B was we went to help Mr.Heyward out at the store. JJ tried to reach for the bag of chips and grabs my waist. I hold the bag out from me and giggle as he tickles my sides. "I don't think I've seen him that happy in a long time." Mrs.Heyward says to Pope and Kiara. "He's pretty smitten for her." Kiara smiles, glancing over at the two of us. I eventually give him back the bag but he doesn't let go of me. "I could've taken you down." He tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I smile and lean into his chest, wrapping both my arms around his waist. "Like you took down Rafe and Kelce?" I tease him. "Owwww those are fighting words Y/N." He smiles, leaning down and kissing my lips softly. "Pope." Heyward calls out to him, "There's a man outside who wants to speak to you." Heyward says. Pope looks like a deer in headlights when Shoupe walks in, "Hey Pope." He says softly walking up to him and putting him in handcuffs. "What are you doing man?" Heyward ask him. "You can't do this." Kiara shouts, we all follow after him. "How much did they pay you bro?" JJ shouts at him, still keeping me under his arm. "You can atleast tell him why your arresting him." I shout at Shoupe, storming outside with everyone else. JJ stops in his tracks and I continued asking Shoupe questions with Heyward and Kiara. "It wasn't him." JJ shouts just as there about to put him in the cop car. We all go dead silent, I turn around to see JJ. "JJ, please no. Don't do this." I say, trying to reason with him, I go to grab his hand and he pulls it away, not even looking at me. "It was me." JJ says, "He tried to talk me out of it but I was so mad because he had just been beaten up, that I lost it." JJ tells Shoupe. I felt like I was going to get sick as I listened to JJ tell Shoupe it was him and not Pope. "That's the whole truth?" Shoupe questions looking to Pope, JJ nods his head to Pope to give him approval to agree. My heart shatters when I hear Pope speak, "Yeah, that about covers it." Pope tells him. The cuffs come off Pope and JJ is put into handcuffs. "No, No, No..." I say softly going over to him and Pope grabs me, holding me back. JJ looks back at me before getting put into the cop car.

"Please, I'm begging you. JJ Maybank, I just want any information about him I can get." I beg the receptionist at the police station. "Unless your his legal guardian or spouse I can't disclose any of them information to you." She tells him. I let out a frustrated sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "Is there like a bail or something I can pay to get him out? I'm just looking for anything please." I continue to beg, refusing to leave till I get any answers.

"You're like a rock in my shoe." Sheriff tells JJ once she gets into her office. "Lot of trouble you been in the last two weeks" she says, looking through his file at everything he's being charged with. "If your trying to get me to rat anyone out, I'm not going too." He tells her, putting his hands behind his head. "You won't do it to save us from the insanity of your little girlfriend?" She ask him, JJ raises an eyebrow at her. "I don't have a girlfriend." He tells her, "Really? Then who is that girl at the desk? She's been here since the moment you arrived, begging and offering to pay anything to get you out." The sheriff tells him, opening the blinds in her office. JJ walks over to the window to see Y/N standing at the counter, anyone could tell she was arguing with the lady. "So that's not your girlfriend?" Peterkin ask him, glancing at him then back to her. JJ stays quiet and takes a seat back down in his chair, "Shes pretty, new to the island. Her and her brother just moved here. Hate to have to charge you and ruin anything going on there." Peterkin say, still trying to sway JJ to give her any information.

I sat on the bench, I refused to leave till I saw JJ or knew he was okay. I watch an older man walk into the police station. "I'm Luke Maybank, I'm here about my son JJ." He says to the lady, "Hi, your JJ fathers?" I ask jumping to my feet as he stood at the counter. "And who might you be?" He ask me, "I'm Y/N, a friend of his. I live next door to y'all." I tell him, tucking some hair behind my ear. "You've been here this whole time?" He ask me, "I've just wanted to know if he was okay or not." I tell him. My attention is pulled away from Luke when a deputy walks out with JJ. "So your his guardian?" The deputy ask him, "Unfortunately." Luke snaps as he looks down at the paper work pushed out in front of him. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug, "I tried everything I could
think of but no one would tell me anything about you." I tell him, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. "Y/N I need you to leave and go home." He tells me, pulling back from the hug. I look at him puzzled, keeping my hands on his arms. "No, you don't mean that." I say softly, my voice shakily while I get the words out. "Y/N please, I'm begging you." He tells me, glancing up at his Father. " Restitution?" Luke ask angrily, looking back at JJ furious. JJ looks away from his father and pushes my hands off his arms. "Y/N please, I seriously need you to leave right now." He tells me, glancing between his father and I. I look over my shoulder to his dad standing at the door, "Let's go." Luke snaps through gritted teeth. JJ walks past and leaves the police station with his father, I had no words. A few tears slowly fall down my face when he walks out the door. I walk out the station and sit down on the front steps, I pull out my phone and call Tommy. "Hello?" He ask, I don't say anything and cry into the phone. "Please come pick me up, I'm outside the police station." I tell him with a shakily voice. He doesn't ask me any further questions and jumps into his car.

"How the hell are you gonna come up with that kind of money son?" Luke shouts to JJ, rock music blasting through the house. JJ paced his room, hands running through his hair. "You can't, because your a worthless piece of shit." Luke screams, looking at all the different pill bottles he has laid out on the table in front of him. "Shut up, shut the fuck up." JJ shouts, slamming his fist into the door before throwing things around his room. The music still blaring throughout the whole house and JJ paces his room.

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