Chapter Twenty:

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"Now how did these two knuckle heads get you to agree to help with grocery deliveries?" Mr.Heyward ask me while I help him hand the groceries off to JJ and Pope. "I had nothing else to do, plus I like hanging out with them." I tell him, JJ winks at me when I catch his eye. "Alright now boys, drop these groceries off and head straight back here for another delivery. No fishing or nothin, you hear me?" Mr.Heyward says to them sternly. JJ holds his hands out to take more groceries, "Aww thank you JJ, very kind of you." He jokes with him. I giggle and Mr.Heyward helps me get into the boat. "Straight back here for the next delivery, you hear me?" He calls out once the three of us take off. "Yeah boys, no getting distracted or nothin." I tease them, taking my tank off and revealing my light blue bikini, same one I wore the other day. I kept my shorts on and sat in a chair on the front of the boat. "Hey Princess, your here to help as well." JJ calls out to me, walking over to me. He puts his hands on either side of the arm chair and bends down to my eye level. "Plus the only distraction here is you in this bikini." He tells me, licking his bottom lip. I pull his sunglasses off and put them on myself. "Thanks, I forgot mine." I tell him. He chuckles and leans in to kiss my forehead, "Only for you princess." He smiles, going back to hang out with Pope.

Pope docks the boat at the dock by the golf course for our first stop. I hop out my chair and walk back over to the boys, Pope takes the first round of groceries. "You two better help out as well." Pope calls out to us, walking around the corner and out of sight. JJ takes the bags from my hands and pulls me into his chest, "JJ we gotta help Pope." I tell him, placing my hands in his chest. "We have a minute." He tells me, pushing his lips into mine. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

"How's Y/N been? Haven't seen her in awhile." Rafe comments, him and Topper walking up a hill on the golf course. Once Topper walks to the top he looks over to see a boat docked, Rafe walks over and immediately see Y/N and JJ making out on the boat. "Guess we got our answer." He chuckles, Topper blood starts to boil at the sight of the two of them. He watches JJ hands all over her body. "I fucking hate him." Topper snaps, "Yeah, what you gonna do about it?" Rafe ask him, shoving his chest. Pope walks by just as he says that with groceries in his hand. "Let's get some revenge for ya." Rafe tells Topper shoving him towards Pope. "Hey, what's up man?" Rafe calls out to Pope. "How much for one of those beers?" Rafe ask him, him and Topper cornering Pope. "Not for sale." Pope argues, trying to walk by. "Come on Man, you can just give us one. It's the least you can do." Rafe tells him, holding his golf club up to his chest. "Least you can do?" Pope questions him. "Yeah cause your buddy over there in the boat has his hands all over Toppers friend here and he isn't too happy about it. So yeah it's the least you can do." Rafe snaps at him, shoving Pope back. Rafe knocks the groceries back out of Popes hand. "You owe me for that." Pope shouts at him, "I don't owe you shit Pogue, especially since your buddy can't keep his hands to himself." Rafe shouts at him. "Why do you even care? Don't you have a girlfriend." Pope ask Topper, trying to walk past him. "Just give me a damn beer." Topper snaps, the two of them fighting over the box of beers. Pope gets knocked to the ground, "Shit, my bad man." Topper laughs with Rafe. Pope charges at Topper but misses and Rafe hits him in the stomach with the club. Pope goes down and Rafe slams the club on the ground next to his head. "Now tell your buddy to leave her alone or we're coming for him next." Rafe tells him, tapping Pope cheek as the two of them walk off together.

JJ and I finish dropping the last bit of groceries off at a house and go running back to the boat. "Pope your not gonna believe this man." JJ calls out to him, "This man handed us each a hundred dollar bill. Y/N told him you were here as well and even gave you one as well." JJ tells him, I smile at Pope and hand him the bill. "Easiest hundred dollars I've ever made." JJ smiles, wrapping his arm around me. "What you gonna do with your money?" I ask him, laying my hand on his chest and smiling up at him. "I'm gonna take you on a proper date." JJ smiles, putting his hand on top of mine. Pope nods his head and glances back at the two of us before driving off. "I'd be happy with just tacos again JJ." I tell him, standing on my toes and pecking his lips. I pull back from him and go stand next to Pope. "Hey, you okay?" I ask him softly which pulls JJ attention over to us. "Bro what happened to your face?" He ask, immediately seeing the dried up blood. JJ pulls Popes hat back and sees the huge cut in his head. "Jesus." JJ shouts, I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. "What the hell happened?" JJ ask him, "Rafe and Topper jumped me." He tells us, I watch a tear fall down his cheek and I feel sick to my stomach. "They saw you two together and said they're coming for you next JJ, wanted me to pass the message along." Pope tells us, glancing at me. "I'd like to see them try." JJ snaps and shakes his head, "What are you gonna do?" JJ ask him, his jaw was clenched and he looked pissed.

"This is war Pope." JJ tells him, the three of us stared at Toppers boat docked. "They hit us, we hit them." JJ adds in, glancing down at me when he feels me grab his hand. Pope jumps into the water and swims over to Toppers boat, "Y/N go inside, we don't need you to be seen." JJ tells me, lightly pushing me towards the controls of the boat. I watch from the window, not arguing with JJ. Pope climbs onto the boat and pulls the plug, he quickly jumps back into the water and JJ puts a latter down for him. "I'm so proud of you right now." JJ tells him, helping Pope in and grabbing the plug from him. JJ chucks it into the water marsh behind us. "You can't tell anyone about this. Not John B or Kiara. Got it?" Pope demands of us, I put my hands up in defense and nod my head. "My lips are sealed dude." JJ tells him, coming over to the start the boat up. "I'm still not gonna keep my hands off of you." JJ whispers in my ear, handing the controls over to Pope and wrapping his arms around me from behind.

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