Chapter eleven:

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I stay sunbathing on the boat while the three boys tried to turn the key in. Before I know a shadow covers the sun, I open my eyes and to my surprise see Tooper, Rafe, and other guy standing on the dock over me. "Can I help you?" I ask them, taking my sunglasses off and pushing myself up on my elbows. "I went by the house and you weren't there, your brothers said they can't get a hold of you." Tooper says, arms crossed over his chest. "My phones at home, didn't have any service so I didn't think I needed to bring it." I tell him, glancing at Rafe and the other guy who eyes were glued to my body. Topper looks at the side of the boat and sees HMS Pogue. Topper scoffs and glares at me, "This is how your spending your time now? Hanging out with the dirty Pogues?" He questions me, "Do we have a problem here?" John B ask, walking back up to the boat. "What the hell is your problem Topper?" I snap at him, I glance at JJ who immediately noticed Rafe and the other guy staring at me. "Just looking out for my friend, don't want her to turn into a lowlife while hanging out with you guys." Topper snaps at John B, both boys now glaring at one another. "What'd you call us?" JJ snaps, now standing between John B and Topper. This pulls Rafes and the other boy's attention away. I get off the boat and step between JJ and Topper. "Your friend just wants you to fuck off now." I tell him, turning to JJ and grabbing both his hands. "JJ, he's not worth it. Let's just go." I say softly to him. He reluctantly looks away from Topper and I pull him into the boat with me. Pope pushes John B into the boat as well, "So your with JJ now?" Topper shouts as we pull off, I look back at him, to JJ, and then back to Topper. "He's cute, I'd give him a chance." I shout back to Topper, big smirk on my face and I flip him off. The boat stays silent and I walk back to the front and lay back down. John B and Pope look at JJ with their mouths and eyes wide open, JJ doesn't look at them, he had a huge smile on his face. He grabs a beer and sits back, admiring Y/N from his seat.

Pope pulls the boat up to the motel. I sit up and look at the almost destroyed motel, "This is where this guy was staying?" I question, grabbing my Jean shorts and putting them on. "Doesn't make sense, he has a really expensive boat but is staying in this shithole." I add in, "Maybe he's doing like some insider trading." Pope shrugs his shoulders, taking a seat on the side of the boat. "Whoo." JJ shouts, jumping off the front of the boat, putting the anchor down. "Hey, don't let him do anything stupid." Pope tells John B "I won't make any promises." John B smirks, I raise an eyebrow and look back at JJ. He puts his hands up in defense, guilty grin plastered on his face. I sit on the front of the boat in front of him, "Please be careful?" I ask him, he smiles and nods his head. To my surprise he leans in and kisses the top of my forehead, "Princess, I already said no promises." He smirks, quickly walking off with John B. "He's gonna do something stupid." Pope and I say at the same time, I chuckle and watch him take a seat next to me.

"Please be careful JJ..." John B says mocking me to JJ and trying to kiss JJ forehead to mess with him. "I'll just die without you...." John B continues on, JJ shoved him into the wall with John B laughing. "Cmon it's funny, you two just can't control yourselves." John B says, JJ runs his fingers through his hair and shakes his head. "Are we not gonna talk about this morning? You two were all curled up in each others arm first off." John B says, holding up one finger. "Second off, she told Topper she would happily give you a chance and she thought you were cute." John B says, holding a second finger up, walking backwards while the two of them walked to the mystery persons room. "Alright, alright. I get what your saying. I'll figure something out with her. I've already taken her on a date, I didn't want to ask her out again to make me seem like I was too needy." JJ admits to John B. He stops in his tracks and once again looking at JJ with wide eyes and mouth, "We'll talk about this later." JJ says once they reach the room, he glances back over to the boat to see Pope and Y/N talking and laughing with each other. JJ knocks on the door, "Housekeeping." He says in his best women voice. "Should we just go in?" John B ask, "Dude that's what we're doing here, open the door." JJ tells him, both boys disappearing into the motel room.

Pope and I were talking to get to know eachother more and he looks away to see a cop car pull up, "Oh shit cops." Pope tells me, jumping off the front of the boat. "We need to go get JJ and John B." I say, hiding behind the motel sign. "Pope go warn the boys and I'll distract the cops." I say and push him towards the motel, "How the hell are you gonna do that?" He ask me, looking at me like I was crazy. "Just go." I snap at him and start walking towards the cops, I see a tree branch infront of me and purposefully trip over it. I purposefully scream loudly to get the cop's attention and both of them run over to me. "Miss are you okay?" The female officer ask, both of their backs turned to the stairs. Pope runs up the stairs and goes to the room the boys are in. "Oh my head hurts." I complain grabbing my forehead, just trying to keep the officers here for as long as I can.

Pope swings open the door, causing both boys to jump. "Pope what the hell? I was about to kill you." JJ shouts at him, "We have to leave now, Y/N is distracting the cops. Cops are here." Pope tells them, glancing down at the cops still hovering over me. JJ and John B look at one another confused, both peeking their heads out the door. "She's definitely a pogue." John B laughs at my very dramatic performance im putting on for the cops. "What the hell do you have?" Pope ask JJ, seeing the gun and money in his hand. "Don't worry about it, let's just leave." JJ tells them, putting the gun in the back of his waist band.

"Miss I think we should take you to a hospital, you might have a concussion." Shoupe tells me, "Y/N, oh my god are you okay?" JJ calls out to me, running over and pushing Shoupe out of the way. I try my best not to laugh and put my hands on his shoulders. "I didn't see the branch and tripped over it." I tell him, groaning a bit. JJ picks me up in his arms bridal style. "Officers, we promise to look after her. Taking her straight home." John B adds in, with Pope nodding his head in agreement. "She needs to see a doctor." The female officer calls out, "Well take her to one, thank you." JJ calls out, my head was laying against his shoulder and I was quietly laughing into his chest. "God that was brilliant princess." JJ tells me, putting me on the boat. "She might be better at forming a plan than you are JJ." John B teases him, driving the boat off before anymore questions could be asked. I stand up and take a bow in front of the boys. "It's all in a hard days of work." I smile, turning back to JJ looking over at the  gun he had. "You have a gun?" I question him. "No, he stole the gun from the room." Pope tells me. I gasp and slap his shoulder. "Listen we were in a rush to leave, if I had more time I would've put it back." He tells me, trying to make me see reason in his excuse.

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