Chapter thirty one:

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Next day:
"Kiara please don't burn yourself with that." I call out to her, she has googles on and a blow torch in her hands. I stood on the porch steps with Sarah and John B the next day after my huge confession to everyone. I  couldn't be more thankful that it didn't seem to change anything for us. "JJ stop, your not allowed to touch it." I shout at him when he goes to take the torch. He stood around the pot with Pope and Kiara, "And this is where JJ dies." John B chuckles, wrapping his arms around Sarah. "So after we melt the wheat symbol off we can go sell it? Like where, a pawn shop?" I ask John B, not taking my eyes off JJ trying to take over for Kiara who won't let him. "A pawn shop is our best bet here. There's a sign in that says cash for gold." John B tells me.

JJ and Kiara hop out the van and start arguing about Kiara melting it down. "Chill out, alright?" John B tells them both. "That's easy for you to say. You don't have to pawn this piece of shit off." JJ tell him, adjusting his hat on his head. "How did I even get this job anyways?" He ask, all of us walking up to the shop. "Cause your the best liar." Pope quickly chimes in.

We walk into the shop and I walk off with Kiara and Pope, staying still close so we can hear the conversation. "Hi ma'am. I see you buy gold." JJ says, putting his book bag on the counter. "That's what the sign says." The lady say, eyeing JJ. "We'll I'm about to blow your mind." JJ tells us, causing Kiara and I to shake our heads at him. JJ puts the melted down gold on the counter, the lady just chuckled at him. "That ain't real." She tells him. "Please be my guest, so whatever test need to be done do it." JJ tells her, giving her his most charming smile. The lady does a few different test to check to see if the gold is real, "Well it's real." She sighs, looking over the gold. "But it looks like somebody tried to melt it down." She says, raising her eyebrow at him. JJ scratches the back of his neck, "My mom. Lost her damn mind and melted down all the gold jewelry we had in the house." JJ tells us, I watched the lady trying to find a hole in his story. I quickly walk up and wrap my arm around JJ waist, "Hi, his mom has schizophrenia. We were going through his grandmas house we found all her gold jewelry. We were planning on selling but she melted it all down before we could." I say, JJ looking down at me confused but has his arm wrapped around me. "We were selling it to buy stuff for the baby." I tell her, putting my hand on my stomach. John B chokes on what only could be air, we all look back at him confused. "I'm good, I'm good." He says putting his hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath. "Is there anyway you could help us out? We're just trying to do the right thing by our baby." I tell her, trying to sell the story as much as possible. JJ smiles and looks back at her, "For the baby ma'am." He adds in. "Give me a minute, I'll be back." She tells us, sighing before walking out the room. "Your too fucking good princess." He tells me, kissing me quickly.

"So I talked to my boss, this is the best I can do." The lady tells us, sliding is a piece of paper across the counter. I glance down at the number and look back up at JJ, "Ma'am I know the price of gold and know I can get a hell of lot more for this than that bullshit number." JJ tells us. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from laughing, JJ was totally in character. "Ninety or I walk." JJ tells her, "I'll meet you in the middle and go seventy and I won't ask any questions where you got this." The lady us, narrowing her eyes at the two of us. JJ glances back at John B who nods his head. "We'll take it." JJ tells her. "Problem is I don't have that kind of cash on me. I can write you a cashier check." She tells us. "It says cash for gold, we'll only take cash." I tell her, JJ points to the side behind my head. Lady looks between the two of us and sighs, "Fine, but you need to go to my warehouse. I'll call them and tell them your on the way to receive payment." She tells us.

"Kinda hard to believe they keep lots of cash out here..." Pope comments, all of us staring at the run down houses we drive past. "That's what she told us man." JJ says, looking over the gold. "Guys there's nothing but weeds back here." Kiara say, pulling my attention away from JJ to the thick tree line we're driving by. The sound of sirens makes all of us turn around to see a charger with lights pull up behind us, "God, fucking cops man..." JJ groans, wrapping the gold up and putting it in his book-bag under the seat. "Did you bring the gun?" I ask him, "No everyone told me to leave it back at the Chateau and that's were it is." JJ tells everyone, Pope and him figuring out the best place to hide the bag. We didn't even notice a man walk up to the van. He cocks the shotgun in John B face, "Hands up now." The man shouts, "Oh my god...." I mumble staring at the guy holding a shotgun to John B. "You, out of the car now." He shouts at John B. John B slowly gets out the car, backing up as the man directs him to the other side of the van. "Open the door, everybody out." He screams, John B slides the door open as everyone climbs out the van. "Alright pretty thing move it." The man shouts at me as I get out the van, JJ quickly gets out and stands between him and me. "We're broke..." JJ starts and the man cuts him off. "Shut the hell up, shut the hell up." He keeps shouting at JJ. "Alright, chill out bro." JJ shouts back at him, "JJ stop, please stop." I beg him, grabbing a handful of his shirt. "Lay down on the ground now." He shouts, pushing the gun into JJ chest. I pull JJ back and lay down, JJ pulls me as close as possible to him and covers half my body with his. "Just breath, I won't let him touch you." JJ whispers to me, watching the man go through the van when all of us were on the ground. "It was a set up guys." Kiara tells all of us, "That old bag shanked us." JJ says through gritted teeth, he was breath heavily and squeezing his hat. "Fuck, goddamn it." He says, punching the ground next to him. I pull his hands away from his hat, "I got you, just relax." I tell him as his eyes meet mine. "Don't be a hero man." Pope says which pulls JJ and I attention away from eachother. I look up to see John B hop into the back of this guys car. JJ starts to get up and I grab his shirt and pull him back down, "No you are not dying today." I tell him. "Unless y'all want your goddamn heads blown out all of this road you better keep them down alright?" He shouts at us again. He walks back to his car, the car starts shaking as John B and him start fighting. "Guys, I have the gun." John B shouts, JJ escapes my hands and runs over to the car. "JJ." I shout, jumping to my feet. JJ pulls the man out of his car and punches him the face, the man shoved him back as JJ hits the ground. "Guys I got the gold." Pope shouts, the man goes to run after Pope and I punch him the face. Kiara kicks him in the stomach which sends him to the ground. Sarah grabs the car door and smashes it into his head a few times before her and Pope kick him in the stomach. He leans against the car and John B pulls down his mask. "I know this bastard, he use to sell coke to my dad." JJ scoffs, "Probably knows my brother then." Sarah says, "I could've hurt anyone of y'all." He shouts at us, "Piece of shit." JJ snaps, pistol whipping him with the butt end of the shotgun. "JJ, man stop." Pope tells him as him and John B push him away. The man starts wheezing on the ground and JJ grabs his wallet from his pocket, he looks through it before grabbing his Id. "Let's just get out of here man." Pope tells us all, "We got one more stop to make first." JJ tells us all, shoving John B away from him. "Let's go see where this son of a bitch lives." JJ says, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the van and he jumps into the drivers seat. Everyone else gets in and JJ speeds off down the road.

JJ pulls down the gravel road to a rundown trailer, "I don't know about this man." Pope tells him and JJ throws the van in the park. JJ glances back down at the Id and hops out, "This'll only take a second." JJ tells us, walking up to the broken down home. "You know somebody should probably..." Kiara says before John B cuts her off. "Yeah, I got this one." John B groans getting out of the van and walking inside. I jump out the van and lean against the side of it, my mind racing in every direction as I just waited for JJ to return.

"So, what's your plan slick?" John B ask JJ when he gets inside and sees him ripping apart Barry's house. "I know he's got a stash around here somewhere." JJ tells him, not bothering to stop looking. "An eye for an eye John B." JJ tells him, "Yeah that's great and all but dude you've already gotten arrested. You wanna add this to your list of charges?" John B ask him, trying to stop JJ from looking. "I'm not scared of this guy." JJ tells him, shoving him away and walking down the hall.

"Took care of business, let's go." JJ tells him, "Woah, woah. JJ if you keep going down this road, your gonna end up just like your dad." John B tells him. JJ grabs a handful of his shirt. "Watch your mouth." He snaps at him, "What about Y/N? Your possibly putting her in more arms way by stealing from him." John B argues him, shoving JJ off of him. "He put a fucking gun to her head and all of ours. I don't take kindly to being threatened or having my girl threatened either, so I'm getting fucking even with this piece of shit." JJ tells him before storming out the house.

"So if I counted correctly , that's five grand each for us." JJ tells us, putting the book bag on his shoulder. I run up to him, "JJ what the hell are you doing?" I ask him, glancing at the bag over his shoulder. "So we're robbing drug dealers now?" Kiara ask him, "This Barry guys is gonna find out and come after us." Sarah argues as well. I sigh and step back from JJ, "How'd you like having a gun pulled on you? I didn't certainly liked it and I especially didn't like him pointing it at Y/N." JJ tells everyone, tossing the bag on the ground. "JJ I'm fine, I'm right here and I'm alive. There no need to makes things worse." I tell him, "Relax dude." John B tells him and gets in JJ face. "Dude he had the gun right there in your face." JJ says putting his finger guns in John B face. "Dude we have to go get the gold alright? I'm putting this shit back." John B snaps, grabbing the bag from his hand. JJ grabs his collars and slams John B into the van. I watch JJ shove his best friend into the van in complete shock, all of us watching shocked. "What are you gonna do when he comes for us? Huh?" John B ask him, tension growing between both boys. "I'm not putting it back." JJ tells him, grabbing the bag from his hands and getting into the van. "JJ, come on..." I say softly, walking up to the van. No one else moves and JJ shakes his head. JJ jumps out and stares everyone down. "We're sick of your shit man." John B tells him, JJ scoffs and shakes his head, "You're pulling guns on people." Kiara argues in. "You're acting like a freaken manic bro." Pope tells him. I scoff and shake my head hearing everyone argue. "Pope, I took the fall for you man." JJ shouts at him. "Know how much money I owe because of you?" JJ ask him, his voice cracking a bit now. "I didn't ask you too and I will pay you back." Pope tells him. "I just did." JJ snaps, getting into Popes face. "pay it back." He says in a lower tone. "That's exactly what I'm gonna go do." JJ says, walking back to the van and grabbing the money. "JJ please stop, let's just go home and think before we act." I tell him, walking after him and grabbing his hand. JJ stops and looks down at me, "I have to do this." He coldly tells me and pulls his hand away, "JJ wait, please stop." I call out after him when he walks away again. Kiara runs up and grabs my arm to stop me, "Just let him go..." she tells me and pulls me back to the van.

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