Chapter forty five:

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Kiara drove all of us to The Wreck, "Ya know, I never doubted him for a minute bro." JJ say, once we walk outside the restaurant, "Yeah, I owe you five bucks." Kiara says, we all followed her down to the dock and took a seat away from everyone else. "So we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ ask, leaning against the wooden railing. "There's no way we're getting to the Bah...." Pope starts to say before everyone head turns to me. I raise an eyebrow and playfully roll my eyes, JJ walks over and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "I knew this is why I kept you around for so long Princess." He tells me, I gasp and slap his stomach. He chuckles and kisses my forehead, "I hate you JJ." I tease him, sitting down next to Kiara. "John B is gonna get napped sooner or later. So if we're gonna clear his name we need to do it like yesterday." She tells us. "I'll tell you how we'll do it." JJ announces, "Big man has a plan guys, be ready." I tease him, JJ narrows his eyes at me. I wink at him and blow him a kiss, "So you have it all planned out?" Pope questions him. "As a matter of fact I do."JJ starts, standing next to Pope and putting his knee on the bench. "We kidnap Rafe." JJ starts out saying, I look at him baffled, this boy most of lost his damn mind. "I'm sorry, what?" Pope ask him, just as baffled as I was. "We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick a gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ tells us, putting two fingers up to look like a gun. "You know, torture is a war crime." Kie tells him, shaking her head. "So how to plan to clear John B name from a prison cell man? Because that's a felony." Pope tells him. "You've already been to jail once, what's another time or two?" I ask him, scoffing at his idea. "You got any better ideas on what to do? I was trying to keep things simple. You know, one stop and we're done." JJ says, sitting on the bench and laying his elbows against the railing. I glance over my shoulder to see Topper and Kelce walk outside to sit down at The Wreck, both of them don't see me yet. I was still extremely pissed off at Topper for what he said and did to JJ, none of that was fair in anyway. That's not the Topper I knew at all or use to have the biggest crush on ever. "Woogity- Woogity?" Pope says which grabs my attention back to the boys and Kie, "Woogity, baby." JJ shouts, all of us doing the handshake.

I sat in the backseat and watched JJ load the gun, "So if this guy was working for Ward he must be pretty tight lipped. He has to be paying him well to keep his mouth shut about seeing a murder, especially the Sheriff." Pope explains, honestly I couldn't focus. Watching JJ load the gun, and his red hat backwards on his head was all I could focus on. I needed him, I needed him badly. "So then direct approach gets my vote." JJ announces to all of us. Kie and Pope look mortified, "What?" Pope ask, "No." Kie demands, both shaking their head at him. "Just put the damn gun down man." Pope tells him, sinking down into his seat. I lean over and put my hand on top of his thigh, I lean into him and kiss him right behind his ear. I pull away and fall back into my seat, I watch a huge smile creep on his face. He looks over at me, I can't help but grin and bite my bottom lip. "I still need you." I mouth to him, glancing up at Kie and Pope to make sure they weren't looking at us. Luckily the two of them were lost in conversation together as Kiara drove to the pilots house. JJ puts the gun back in his bag and pulls me against his side. JJ wraps his arm around my waist and the other one placed on my thigh, Pope glances back at the two of us. "You two really can't keep your hands to yourself for five minutes?" He ask us, Kiara glance between the road and us to see what's going on. I smile at Pope and shake my head, "No can do partner." JJ tells him, continuing our drive.

"You two stay here." Pope tells us, once we park down the street from the house. "Dude, why?" JJ protest, unbuckling his seat belt. "What are you gonna do if your seen?" I ask them, both of them exchanging a look with one another. "You two would be the reason we were seen." Kie tells us and locks eyes with him, "I'll text or call if we need a quick get away." She tells us, tossing the keys to JJ and I. Once Kie and Pope walk out of sight JJ's head turns to look at me, he leans down and kisses my neck ever so gently. "JJ." I gasped feeling his wet lips against my neck, he hummed in response not pulling himself away from me. I grabbed his arm when I felt his fingers running slowly up my thigh, "Princess no one's around, just let me. You told me yourself you needed me." He mumbled against my skin. His hand slips under the waist band of my shorts and underwear, my breath hitched when I felt his fingers grazed against my clit. "Fuck princess." He mumbled, feeling how wet I still am. He pulls his arm away from around my waist and pulls my shorts and underwear down, giving himself more access to me. He pulls his lips away from my neck and looks out the window to make sure no one was coming again, the pulls his hand away from my pussy and grabs my hips to lay me down. "JJ, what are you doing?" I ask him and he moves Kies seat up and bends down. He pulls my shorts and underwear down to my ankles and puts my legs over his shoulders. My eyes widen and I watch him in shock, looking around out the windows for any people. He grabs my hips and I can feel his hot breath against my pussy, "I can't leave my girl unsatisfied." He tells me, kissing down my inner thigh, working his way closer and closer to my pussy. He runs his fingers slowly up and down my folds, moisture covering his fingers now. Without warning his pushes two fingers inside of me, his lips still slowly moving down my thigh, his slowness was driving me insane. "JJ I can't do gentle right now, please." I beg him putting my hands above his head and holding onto the head rest. A grin grows on his lips and his eyes meet mine. "Whatever you say princess." He tells me, he pushes his fingers deeper inside of me. He moves his head over my pussy and pulls his fingers out of me, we'll almost all the way out. Before I can protest him stopping he shoved his fingers back inside of me and his tongue was on my clit. "Fuck JJ." I moan, loudly. My knuckles had to me white while I gripped the headrest, JJ hummed against me, my eyes rolled back into my head with pleasure. I felt his tongue move circles around my clit, it was sending me over the edge. "Oh god, I'm close...." I moan out, my back arched. JJ didn't ease up on me, his tongue was all over me and his fingers didn't ease up on his pace. My head was all over the place, I didn't even know I could think straight. The knot in my stomach was already forming as the only thing on my mind right now was pleasure. I gasp loudly, my mouth forming an O shape while I came all over JJ fingers, JJ had the biggest smile on his face like he won the keys to the castle. He pulls his fingers out of my and licks them clean, I watched him trying to catch my breath. JJ puts his head back down to my pussy and runs his tongue along me one more time. JJ grabs my shorts and pulls them back up my legs, I run my fingers through my hair and JJ takes a seat next to me and fixes Kies seat again. "I can't believe we just did that in Kies car." I tell him, sitting up straight. JJ fixes the messy parts of my hair and pulls me against him. "That was amazing babe, you did good." He tells me, cupping my cheek in his hand. "You sound like you won the lottery." I tease him, putting both my hands on the side of his neck. "I just went down on my insanely hot girlfriend for the first time, so yeah I kinda did win the lottery right there." He tells me, pushing his lips into mine. I smile against his lips and pull back to see Kie and Pope running back to the car. Kie takes a deep breath lays her head back against the headrest. "Did you guys run a marathon or something?" I tease them both, JJ chuckling at my stupid comment. Kie looks over her shoulder at me, if looks could kill I would be six feet under right now. I give her my best smile, "I love you." I wink at her, laying my head back against JJ shoulder, his fingers slowly ran through my hair.

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