Chapter fifteen:

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"JJ you gotta stop pacing around, John B is fine." I tell him, I sat in the van and watched JJ pace in front of me. We were parked outside at the Chateau and waited for John B to return from getting the gear. "I should've gone with him, that's a lot of shit to carry for one person." JJ rambles on. I sigh and reach out and grab his hand, he stops and looks down at me. "Come sit down with me." I tell him, he sighs and takes a seat. He runs his fingers through his blonde hair and lays his elbows on his knees. I rub his back softly and lay my head on his shoulder. "John B is fine, he'll come right back with the gear and we'll go check the boat out. Then maybe they'll be some money in there." I say and nudge his side. He chuckled and nods his head, he sits up straight and pulls me into his lap. I wrap my arm around his neck and he smiles up at me, "It's cute that your worried about your friend." I tell him, pushing his blonde hair out of his face. He playfully rolls his eyes at me, running his hand slowly up and down my thigh. "Don't roll your eyes at me." I smile, playfully shoving his chest. He glances over my shoulder to see Kiara and Pope are still down on the dock together. "I need a distraction to take my mind off it." He whispers to me, a huge grin on his lips. I smile at him and place my hands on his cheeks, "I'd just hate for you to be worried about John B." I mumble, our lips barley touching. He puts his hand on the back of my head and pushes his lips against mine and pulls me close against his chest. Our lips perfectly in sync with one another. I run my fingers through his hair, my hands slowly move down his chest and I push him back. He holds himself up on his elbows and looks up at me confused, I straddle his lap now and his confused stare turns into a grin filled with excitement. He lays himself down and puts his hands on my hips, I hold my hair back and lean down. His lips find mine again and he digs his fingers into my skin. JJ pushes me lightly off of him and starts to climb ontop of me, "JJ, Y/N. He's back." Pope shouts to us, JJ stops himself and lets his head fall down and lay on my stomach. "Now I wish he would've been longer." JJ grumbles, he lifts his head up slowly and gives me the cutest puppy dog eyes. I chuckle and sit up, "We can finish this later." I tell him, kissing his lips and stepping out of the van. He groans and reluctantly follows me, grabbing my hand. "Why's he so annoyed?" John B ask, JJ not even trying to hide the annoyed look on his face. "He was just worried about you, that's all." I tell them, letting go of his hand and sitting down on the boat. JJ sits down on the other side of the boat and just stares at me, "Fix your face." I mouth to him, pointing to my own face and circling it with my finger. He shakes his head and pulls out his vape, John B taking off as we head back into the marsh.

Kiara scoffs and runs her fingers through her hair, "All these tanks are empty expect one, and that's one is a quarter of the way full." She announces. "So who knows how to dive?" She questions, I slowly shake my head. I glance around and everyone is shaking their heads. "Look you put the thing in your mouth and breath, how hard can it be?" JJ ask, I scoff and shake my head. "That is the exact reason you shouldn't be the one diving." I tell him. "Well if you come up too fast nitrogen will get into your blood and you'll get bends." Pope explains to him. JJ grab the metal pole and bends his back and sticks his ass out, "Bends will kill you JJ." Pope adds in, "Oh." JJ say quietly standing back up straight. "I.... I can dive." John B says, "Since when can you dive? Like have you ever done it before?" Kiara argues with him. My eyes widen a bit and I look at JJ, "See chemistry." He mouths to me, making kissing sounds while putting his fingers together. I giggle and Kiara reaches over and slaps his arm, "Enough." She snaps at him. "Let me do some calculations." Pope says while John B, JJ, and I watch him. Kiara takes off her shirt and jumps into the water, "Uhhh, what?" I question, looking over the side of the boat. Kiara swims back to the top, "I tied my shirt at the ten foot mark. Remember you need to stay there for two minutes before surfacing." Kiara tells John B, climbing back into the boat. JJ starts rambling on about the cargo hold to John B. Kiara joins me laying down on the front of the boat, we watch the boys get John B set up. John B steps between the two of us and salutes all of us. "Diver down." He smirks, Kiara stands up and kisses his cheek. "Just be careful." She tells him me, I jaw falls wide open. I watch the startled John B only be able to nod his head and jump into the water.

The four of us are startled when we hear sirens going off, I sit up quickly and look over to see a cop boat making its way over to us. "Shit, JJ cops." Pope tells him, "Just act freaken natural." Kiara snaps at the boys. JJ walks over and takes a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Natural?" I ask him, "This feels natural." He mumbled to me once the cops pull up next to us. "Evening officers." JJ says and salutes the both of them. "What are we doing out here guys?" Shoupe ask us all. "Swimming and relaxing." Kiara tells them both. "The marsh is closed, didn't y'all hear?" The female snaps at us. We all shake our heads together, trying to act as less suspicious as possible. "I'm coming aboard." Shoupe says, I take a deep breath and scoot more into JJ once he steps in. He looks around and walks to the edge of the boat. We all exchange a look with one another. Shoupe stared down at the water like he was looking for something, my heart was in my stomach. "He doesn't have much time left." Pope whispers to JJ and I. Shoupe takes a deep breath and turns back to us. "Alright." He claps his hands together and steps back onto his boat. "Pack it up kids, the marsh is closed and we need you to leave so you don't interfere with our investigation." He tells us, "Will do officer." JJ tells them and goes to salute them and I grab his hand and force him to keep it down.

We wait till the cops are out of view and look over the boat for John B. He surfaces quickly and takes a big breath, "Holy shit." JJ says, all of us letting a sigh of relief out to see John B is alive. "We're in the fucking game boys." John B shouts, holding up a black duffle bag. "All for a duffel bag?" Kiara questions, I look over at her and shrug my shoulders. "That's my boy." JJ shouts, grabbing the bag from John B and helping him back into the boat.

"Hey guys? Guys, bogey two o'clock." Kiara tells us, pulling our attention away from John B. "I don't recognize that boat." Pope comments, "JJ get the bowline and let's go." John B says, starting the boat up again. "Don't wait for me, just go." JJ tells everyone, standing on the end of the boat and pulling the anchor up as fast as he can. "I don't like the look of this." I say, standing next to John B and watching the boat still coming towards us. "It's fine, it's all fine. We're leaving so nothing to worry about." John B tells me. I look away from the boat and nod my head. "Hey Guys? Guys there still following us." Kie tells us, JJ sets the anchor down and pulls me against his chest, keeping his arm wrapped around my wait and holding onto the metal pole. "Dude you gotta go faster." JJ demands John B, glancing back and forth between John B and the men in the boat behind us. "Who the fuck are these guys?" I ask, holding onto JJ chest and looking back at the men gaining speed on us. John B drives as fast as he can through the marsh. The men on the boat pulls a gun out and shots it our way, "Was that a fucking gun?" Kiara shouts, all of us besides John B hitting the deck of the boat. I go to sit back up and JJ stops me, "No, stay down here." He says, poking his head up before immediately dropping it back down again when another shot is fired. "We're all gonna die." Pope says. Kiara pushes Pope out of the way and grabs a net, "Kiara, what are you doing?" I shout to her, JJ still keeping be against his chest with covering my head with his arm. She throws the weight fishing net into the water and the men drive right over it, it stalls their boat. "Holy shit, that's worked..." Kiara says, JJ, Pope, and I lift our heads up and look back to see the boat stuck in the water now. John B doesn't slow down and drives us all back to the chateau.

John B drops the black duffle bag down on the dock, "Time to get rich boys." JJ shouts, rubbing his palms together. John B holds a metal tub and out falls a compass, "Well that was for nothing." Pope groans, JJ throws his hands up in frustration. John B looks at it like he's seen a ghost. "Do you know who this belongs to or something?" I ask him, he looks up slowly at me. "It was my fathers compass." He tells me.

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