Chapter thirty seven:

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No one really slept last night, sirens woke us up everytime they went by. Everyone was to on edge to really sleep, I'm almost positive JJ slept for a few hours and has been up ever since then. I sit up slowly and run my fingers through my hair, JJ sat on the edge of my car. I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "Good-morning." I whisper in his ear, kissing his neck softly. He smiles at me and looks over his shoulder at me, "Good-morning gorgeous." He smiles at me, leaning back into my arms. I lay my chin on his shoulder, and JJ puts his hands on my arms. Pope steps out of Kies car, "Worst night of sleep ever..." He tells us, putting his sneakers on. "I've been thinking, I think John B best bet is to get off the island. We can work on clearing his name while he's gone and not having to worry about getting arrested or us always hiding him." Pope tells the two of us. "That's what I told him last night, I don't want him to go but I think it's his only way." I say, "It is the only way." We hear John B say, sitting up and moving next to JJ.

"It's gonna work, everything is gonna be just fine." Pope says, sitting in the driver seat of Kie's car, he was tapping excessively on the steering wheel. "Pope are you still high?" I ask him, I sat in the backseat in JJ lap with John B laying down next to us just out of view. We waited in the car line for the ferry. I look out the window to see John B wanted posted on a bulletin board. I hop out to go grab it, "Y/N, what the hell?" JJ calls out to me. I hop back in the car and show John B his poster, "Real handsome." I say as he takes it out of my hands. "Hey, that the car that's on the wanted poster." A kid shouts, pointing over to Kies car. A man walks over and puts his face to the glass, "I see him, it's the fucking guy on the poster." A man shouts, all eyes were on us. "Pope start the fucking car." Kie shouts, John B covers himself with his book bag. "Pope drive the car now." I shout, all of starting to panic a bit as people make their way over to us. Pope slams Kies car into the car in front of us, he backs and cuts through a flower bed and takes off. "Holy shit." I mumble, looking back at JJ who takes a deep breath. "Popes gonna kill us...." JJ sighs, wrapping his arm tightly around my waist.

After Pope runs into a mail box he slams on the break, JJ arms tightly wrapped around my waist as I slam my hand against the head rest of the driver seat, "Popes gonna give me a heart attack today." I say, looking around to make sure no one is following us. "John B get out." Pope tells him, we all look at him a bit confused. "We'll draw the cops away, meet us back at the chateau. We'll have a plan by then." Pope tells him, "He can't go alone." I argue, glancing at John B. "Topper family has a small condo on the island. It's kinda in the middle of figure eight. We use to stay there when I would visit, John B could hide there for now." I tell him, John B sitting up and staring at me. "No, hell fucking no. I'm sorry your not going with him, tell him how to get there and we'll meet him there." JJ argues, shaking his head profusely. "JJ we have no choice and no time to argue right now about this. We have to go now." I tell him, pushing open the car door and hoping out. JJ hops out after me and grabs my hand, "I really don't like the idea of the two of us being separated right now." JJ tells me, pulling me close to his chest again. "Jay I promise nothing will happen, I'm just going to go hide him there for now. I'll call you as soon as we get there, okay?" I tell him, grabbing his cheeks. I can see the frustration written all over his face, he nods his head slowly and takes a deep breath. "I just don't want something to happen to you." He says, laying his forehead against mine. "Your not getting rid of me that easily." I tell him, pecking his lips twice. The sound of sirens pulls the two of us apart, "Just go, I'll call you when we get there." I shout, I run with John B, the two of us disappearing into the woods. JJ reluctantly got back into Kies car, staring back to where John B and I disappeared at. "They'll be fine JJ." Kiara tells him, trying to comfort him in anyway.

"Holy shit, I need to run more." I tell John B, the two of us hiding behind a fence as cars drive past us. The two of us both breathing heavily, I lean against the wall and put my hands on my knees. John B slides down the wall and sits down in the grass. "We're not to far from his apartment in town I think." I tell him as he stares up at me bewildered, "You think?" He questions me, "I haven't been to it in years. Like I said I think we're getting close so we gotta keep moving." I tell him, watching the sun slowly starting to set. "Topper only goes there to smoke and drink so his family doesn't find out." I tell John B, holding my hand out to him to help him up. He grabs my hand, getting to his feet. "So what the plan to sneak me into Toppers? He kinda hates me Y/N." John B ask, the two of us walking down side streets to be less scene by people. "Let me do all the talking, okay?" I tell him, watching the sun set fall around in front of us. I was getting thankful it was almost dark so it would hide the two of us better.

"Okay, there. It's the one with the open garage, that's his bike." I tell John B, pushing him to start running across the street. We slip into the garage and I close the garage door, I slide down the wall next to it and let out a sigh of relief. John B lays down in front of me with his arm over his eyes, "I'm exhausted..." he says and I nod my head in agreement. "This will all be over soon." I tell him, looking up at the ceiling when I hear footsteps walking. "Go, go hide." I quickly tell him, John B jumps to his feet and hides in a storage room under the stairs. I go to walk up the stairs and see Topper coming down then, he stops in his tracks when he sees me. "Y/N?" He ask me a bit surprised, "Hi Top." I say and give him a small wave. I step out the way as he walks downstairs into the garage, "You closed the door?" He ask me, crossing his arms over his chest. I could smell the weed and booze on him, I nod my head and tuck some hair behind my ear. "So what are you doing here Y/N?" He ask me, leaning on the wall in front of me. "Wait, where's JJ? That boy doesn't keep his hands or eyes off of you." Topper ask me coldly, his tone was definitely a snarky one. I sigh, "Topper he isn't here right now. But I need your help right now. Listen John B is being accused of murder..." I start before he cuts me off. Topper was chuckling to himself, "I'm glad JJ not here, I can't stand him or the two of you together. He isn't the right guy for you and I definitely don't wanna help his best friend out, he probably encouraged your relationship." Topper tells me, chuckling to himself. He walks away and sits on the seat of the golf cart. "Topper can we talk about that later? It's not the time to discuss this." I try to reason with him, standing in front of him. "No this is the time, I love you Y/N. I've loved you for a long time, I'm almost positive you felt the same way for a while as well. But then that dirty Pogue came in and stole you from me because that's what he is Y/N, a thief." Topper tells me in his drunken state, I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. My stocked expression turns into one of embarrassment as I remember John B can hear all of this. "Y/N, you can't stand here and tell me you never felt the same way about me before." Topper says, standing up and grabbing my arms. "Topper, I'm with JJ. I'm very happily with JJ. You can't be telling me stuff like this." I tell him, trying to pull my arms away from him. Topper squeezes my arms a bit and pulls me closer to him, "No, Y/N. You aren't listening to what I'm telling you, I love you. I've loved you for a long time now and I want you to myself, I know deep down you still have some lingering feelings for me." Topper say, still trying to reason with me. "Topper stop it now." I snap at him, "I got over you, there is no still feelings for you. I only saw you as a friend for a long time. I found someone who makes me happy and I'm not messing this up. So stop it, stop telling me you love me and let me go." I snap at him, I knew it was harsh and I can see I broke his heart with my words but I needed to get through to him in his drunken state. I pull my arms away from him and step back, I can't look at him as his eyes desperately pleaded with me. "You will realize that he's a piece of shit and you'll realize why you should've listened to me." Topper says, walking past me. He heads up the stairs and slams the door shut. I sigh and run my hands over my face, John B slowly pushes the door open and walks over to me. He just gives me a small smile and wraps his arm around my shoulders, I lay my head against his shoulder.

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