Chapter six:

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"We've been waiting here for you two to finally show up." Pope calls out, throwing his arms up once JJ parks his bike. "We'll we're here now, let's go." JJ snaps back at him. He opens the door to the Twinkie as I step insides Kie smiles at me and moves over for me to sit next to her. JJ hopes in the front seat next to John B, "You were doing your hair weren't you?" Kie ask me, holding up my curled hair. I smile and nod my head, "This is why y'all were waiting on me." I tell her, playfully slapping her hand away and she chuckles a bit.

John B jumps out the van and pulls open the door for us, I step out and see a huge bonfire already going with people standing around it. "Welcome to your first OBX bonfire Y/N." John B says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as well as Kie's. "Lead the way." I tell him as he walks over with the two of us, JJ and Pope walking behind us. "We'll get some drinks." Pope calls out, dragging JJ with him. Pope and JJ stand around a kegger, "JJ, here." Pope say, handing him a red solo cup and it immediately hitting the ground. "What the hell..." Pope comments, looking up at JJ staring off. Pope looks over and sees her laughing with John B. "What do you think he said that was so funny?" JJ ask Pope. Pope sighs and grabs his shoulders and turns JJ to look at him. "I don't think she's into John B at all, the two of you can't take yours eyes off one another. For fuck sakes man she was all cuddled up in your arms on the boat earlier today. I guarantee you, when you walk back over to her, she's going to give you her full attention." Pope tells him and hands him a red solo cups, "Now hold these cups and help me out." Pope snaps at him, filling the cups up with beer. JJ carry's over a cup for himself and hold out one for Y/N, "Thank you." She smiles, turning to face him. JJ smiles at her and takes a seat next to her, he watches her as she looks around the bonfire. JJ holds his cup out, "To a fun night." JJ tell hers, Y/N clinks her glass with his, "To a fun night." She comments, both of them taking a big sip of their beer. Y/N scrunches her face and sticks out her tongue, JJ chuckles and raises an eyebrow at her, "Little miss what is that face for?" He ask her, "I'm not the biggest fan of beer." I admit him, "Come on, let's get you something else." JJ says, standing up and holding his hand out to me. "You're my hero." I giggle, grabbing his hand and walking off with him.

Topper walked in with Sarah Cameron under his arm and Rafe with him as well. He looks around the party before his eyes land on Y/N and JJ walking together and holding hands. "I can't believe you didn't introduce me to her. She's fucking hot." Rafe comments, sticking his hands in his pockets as both boys stare at Y/N. "Who you talking about?" Sarah ask, looking around the party. "The new girl who just moved here." Topper says, "Can you go get us something to drink?" Topper ask her and she nods her head and walks off. Topper turns to Rafe and pushes his chest, "Y/N is off limits, I don't want to see you anywhere near her. Got it?" Topper snaps at him, Rafe chuckles and pushes him back. "I'm not promising you anything, plus it'll be nice to get her away from the Pogues." Rafe tells me, bumping his shoulder into Toppers and walking off.

I laugh as JJ holds one of every flavor wine cooler they had, "One of them would've been just fine for me JJ." I tell him, and he shakes his head. "Nope, we will test every flavor and figure out which one is the best one." He says dropping the cans onto the sand and sits back down on the log, I hand him back his cup and he quickly finishes the beer and picks up a can. "Owww this one is strawberry kiwi flavor." He tells me, handing me the can. "So we figure out which one is the best flavor and drink it all night long." I smirk, JJ grabs another can while the two of us taste test all five flavors together.

"I've never seen JJ take such an interest in someone before." Kie comments, nodding her head over to JJ and Y/N laughing with each other like their in their own little world. "He was all jealous when she was laughing with you earlier." Pope admits, nodding his head to John B. "We were just talking, it was nothing serious. Plus he hasn't even said a word to me about her." John B tells the two of them, Looking between the both of them. Pope puts his hands up in defense and smiles. "I'm just telling you what happened earlier. He seems to be into her." Pope says, John B scoffs and shakes his head. "He barley knows the girl, he met her only a few days ago. He can't just call dibs right away." He snaps, Kie spits a bit of beer out on her chin. "Please don't tell me you have a crush as well, that isn't gonna end well." She tells him, wiping her chin. John B stays quiet and just takes a sip of his beer, Kie throws her arms up and sighs. She gets up and walks over to Y/N and JJ, "Can you come pee with me? I don't want to walk alone." Kie ask me, "Of course." I tell her, I start to walk off from her and stop to look back at JJ. "If I find out you tasted any of the other ones without me, I'm gonna kill you." Y/N tells JJ pointing her finger at him as she walks backwards. JJ chuckles and pretends to open a new one, she gasp and he sets the cans back down. "I'll wait." He calls out to her.

I stand outside the gas station as Kie went inside to go pee, "Hey Y/N." I hear someone call out, I look up to see Rafe walking over to me, drink in hand and a huge smile on his face. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, "Yes?" I snap at him, leaning back against the building. He stands in front of me, he finishes his drink while keeping his eyes locked on mine. "Is that suppose to impress me or something?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckles and tosses his empty cup in the trash. "Why you over here by yourself?" He ask me, "I'm waiting for Kiara to come out the bathroom." I tell him, I raise my eyebrow as he has his eyes locked on mine. "Come with me and let's get a drink. I want to get to know you better." He tells me, holding his hand out to me. I look at him like he's crazy and shake my head, "I'm good. Like I said I'm waiting for Kiara to come out and I'm going back to hanging out with JJ." I tell him, I glance down at him before I look back up at him again. "Oh come on, I promise you I'm a lot more fun than JJ Maybank." He tells me, closing the space between the two of us a bit. His fingers trail my arm and I step away from him, "I highly doubt that." I tell him and take another step away. He chuckled to himself and slowly follows after me, "Hard to get, I like it." He smiles, I let out a sigh of relief when I watch Kiara walk out the bathroom door. I looked at her like I saw a ghost, "What's going on?" She ask as she looks over at Rafe standing there and staring at me. I grab her hand and pull her away with me, I walk fast and she tries to keep up with me. "Woah, woah. Y/N what happened?" She ask me, sticking her heels in the ground to stop the two of us. I tuck hair behind my ears and look back to Rafe still standing there, just watching the two of us. "Rafe was being a fucking weirdo, trying to get me to go with him and came way to close for comfort." I tell her, taking a deep breath. "He's a fucking freak, I'd just continue to stay away from him if I were you." She tells me, wrapping her arm around mine. We continue to walk back to the boys, "Are you okay though?" She ask me, I nod my head, "Yes, I just needed to get away from him." I tell her, both her and I stop in our tracks when we see some girls talking with JJ, Pope, and John B. "JJ, you're just so funny." One of the girls say. Kiara looks at me and acts like she's gonna throw up. I can't help but giggle with her and walk past the three boys. "JJ, you're just so funny." Kiara says, mocking the girl. I can't help but laugh more with her, her and I taking a seat on the log together. I run my tongue along my bottom lip, not being able to pull my eyes away from the smiling JJ. The girl continues to laugh at his jokes in an obnoxious tone, "Like is she really trying that hard to get with him?" I ask, my annoyance for the situation growing. The alcohol mixed in as well probably wasn't helping me either. Kiara giggles, her giggling turns into her laughing hysterically and before the two of us know it she fell of the log. "Oh my god." I laugh, watching her still laughing with her legs in the air. The two of us laughing hysterically catches the boys and the girls they were talking to attention. "What the hell is going on?" John B ask, helping Kiara up. Our laughing calms down till we both make eye contact with one another again. Our laughing starts up again. JJ, Pope, and John B look at each other confused and then back to us. "Wanna explain what's so funny?" JJ ask the two of us. I calm myself down first and wipe the tears escaping my eyes away from my cheeks. "JJ, come back." The girl says, I don't know what came over over me. I stand up and grab his hand, "Come get another drink with me?" I ask him, batting my eyes a bit and taking a step back. His eyes stayed locked on mine and he follows after me like a lost puppy dog. "Sorry, he's not interested in you." Kiara tells the girl.

"So who was that girl you were talking to?" I ask JJ, glancing down at our hands. I watch his thumb rub small circles on my hand. JJ raises his eyebrow at me, squeezing my hand to get me to look at him again. "Just a friend from school." He tells me, I slowly nod my head. I let go of his hand and grab a new drink from the cooler, "She thinks your just so funny." I say, sober me would be kicking myself for even having the courage to say this. Without a second thought JJ grabs my hand again, pulling me closer to him. With our chest pushed together now, I glance down at his lips. "Somebody jealous?" He teases me, I lightly shove his chest and he takes a few steps back, smiling. "I was just curious that's all." I tell him, he grabs my hand again.

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