Chapter ten:

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JJ, John B, and I all stayed at my house to ride out the hurricane together, plus they brought quite a bit of beer with them so I allowed them to stay. John B stood in-front of JJ and I telling me the story of JJ last drunken night. "Y/N you don't understand this man was running, fucking running away from Pope and Kie. He got himself stuck in a tree, then couldn't get down and fell on his ass once Kie convinced him he could get down. He broke his ass and had to sit on a special pillow for like a whole month." John B tells me, I laugh and look over at JJ who threw a pillow at John B. "It was my birthday and I wanted to celebrate, Sue me." JJ tells him, finishing the rest of his beer and crushing the can. "I have plenty of embarrassing stories I can tell about you." JJ tells John B, the two boys playfully start arguing back and forth. I use the opportunity to get up and grab myself another beer. I grab two more for the both of them and sit back down on the couch, "If you two don't stop I'm gonna drink these beers for you." I tease, JJ raises an eyebrow and leans over towards me. "Now listen Princess I can out drink you and I want my beer." He tells me, holding his hands up to me. I slowly back up till my back hits the end of the couch. JJ grabs my waist and digs his fingers inside my side, I scream, laughing. I try to push his hands away and drop all three beers on the floor. JJ grabs two beers and throws one to John B, he cracks his open and sits back in his seat, satisfied with himself. I glare at him and grab my beer from the ground, "Asshole." I mumble, pretending to be mad at him. John B sits on the recliner, staring at the two of us with a raised eyebrow. "John B, do you have a crush on anyone?" I ask him, pulling my knees to my chest. He chuckles to himself and shakes his head, "I mean Kie is pretty cute." He admits, I gasp and grab JJ's arm. "I fucking knew it, I mean I barley know y'all but I saw the way you look at her." I shout in excitement, JJ chuckles at me and grabs my hand. "Okay, relax princess. We've known this for awhile now." He tells me, I raise my eyebrow and turn my attention to JJ, "Pope also has a bit of a crush on her as well." JJ adds in, I gasp again and look to John B. He smirks and nods his head, "Since like the third grade, but never acted on it." He tells me. A loud clap of thunder makes all three of us jump, John B looks back at us with wide eyes. I can't help but start giggling, I jump over the back of the couch and swing open my front door. I step outside onto the front porch and is immediately pushed back by a huge gush of wind. "Holy shit." JJ comments, stepping outside next to me with John B following. "This is fucking terrifying, I've never been in a hurricane before." I tell the boys, JJ wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Princess this isn't even the worst hurricane that's come through here." He tells me before pushing me back inside the house. "So that normal?" I ask both boys, they both shrug their shoulders and nod their heads at me. I guess I had to take their word for it and be okay with it.

"Oh my god." John B groans, sitting up slowly from the couch, his head already pounding from the night before. He rubs his eyes and looks over to Y/N asleep on JJ bare chest and a blanket thrown over the two of them. John B gets up as quietly as he can and looks out the huge bay window in the living room, "Holy shit..." he mumbled, he looked out to see trees and trash all blown around her and JJ's yard. He walks over and slaps JJ's cheek to wake him, "Dude, you alive?" John B asks him, "I have polio, I can't walk." JJ mumbles, sturring in his sleep. "Y/N, wake up." John B says, shaking her leg. Y/N groans and covers her head with the blanket, "Can I use the polio excuse as well?" She calls out to John B. He was already out the front door, he walked over to the van and pulled branches off. JJ comes out next with a beer in his hand and he takes a seat on the porch steps. "We'll shit, this is something." JJ calls out to John B, taking a sip of his beer. "Dude, it's...." John B starts, pulling out his phone to check the time. "11oclock, why are you drinking?" John B ask JJ, JJ chuckles to himself and shrugs his shoulders. Y/N walks out, covering her eyes with her arm. She sits down next to JJ and lays her head on his shoulder, "Tommy and Tucker are gonna lose their mind seeing this shit." She says, watching John B move branches out of the way on the path. "Perfect day for a boat day." JJ calls out, John B turns around with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N go get dressed, we'll come back with the boat." John B tells her. Y/N jumps up and runs back inside, "See you in a bit boys." She shouts out to them. JJ runs to his house and quickly grabs different clothes to change into.

"I've been waiting here for like an hour boys." Y/N calls out to John B, Pope, and JJ. She stood in front of them in a red bikini top that tied behind her neck, Jean shorts that covered her red matching bikini bottoms with white flip flops. "Well damn." Pope mumbles as all three boys stare at her, she had her hands on her hips and waited for them to pull up. JJ glares at Pope, once they reach her pier JJ holds her hand out and Y/N steps in with a cooler in her hand. "Where's Kie?" She ask, sitting down next to JJ while Pope drove. "Her parents needed her help cleaning up the restaurant after the storm." John B tells me. I pout my bottom lip out at the thought of her not being able to come hang out with all of us. I can feel someone staring at me, I look out the corner of my eye. I run my fingers through my hair and grab two beers from my cooler. "I know your staring." I tell JJ, handing him a beer. I could tell my comment made him a bit flustered, he quickly stands up and walks to the edge of the boat. "JJ, what the hell are you doing?" Pope ask him, JJ throws his shirt off and holds his beer out. "I'm letting the boat do all the work, now drive faster." JJ demands Pope, holding his beer up. "Cmon JJ." John B complains, "It's getting in my hair." I also complain, covering my hair with JJ shirt. Everyone trying to cover themselves from getting covered in beer. The boat comes to a quick stop when it hits something in the water, JJ goes flying off the edge of the boat into the water. John B and I fly forward while Pope chest slams into the steering wheel. "Jesus Pope." John B groans, pushing the hat off his head. "I must of hit a sandbar or something." Pope says, rubbing his chest. "One hell of a sandbar." I groan, pushing myself up and not seeing JJ on the boat. "JJ?" I call out, a bit panicked now. "I think my heels touched the back of my head." JJ groans, floating on the surface of the water. Pope helps John B up and stands on the edge of the boat, "Guys that wasn't a sandbar I hit." He tells us, "Dude, it was a fucking sandbar." JJ tells him, swimming over to the boat and pulling himself back in. "No guys, I think it's a boat." He calls out, I look at him a bit skeptical and walk to the edge of the boat. "See, it's a boat." He points, "Holy shit..." I mumble, causing John B and JJ to come look as well. Without hesitation John B takes his shirt off and JJ jumps back into the water, John B following after him. Pope and I exchange a look, I shrug my shoulders and jump in next. "Guys, wait for me." Pope calls out, throwing his shirt and shoes off. The four of us swimming down to the where the boat was laying, I hold onto the side and eventually push myself up to the top. "That's really fucking creepy." I comment, wiping the water off my face, "Dude you guys saw that right?" JJ gasp, I look at him confused but see John B and Pope as excited as he was. "That's a primo rig Y/N, easily could go for 500 g's." JJ tells me, after seeing my confusion. JJ pulls himself up on the boat and holds a hand out to me, I grab his hand and he pulls me up. I stumble when my wet feet hit the boat floor. He catches me with his arm wrapped around my waist and my hands on his chest. "Don't worry, I got you." He whispers, his eyes staring into mine before he looks down at my lips. I would've sworn he was going to lean in to kiss me but then Pope cleared his throat. The two of us pull back from one another, "John B what are you doing?" I ask him when I see the anchor in his hands. "Diver down?" He smirks, "Diver down." Pope chuckles, JJ smirks before pushing John B off the side of the boat and back into the water. The three of us stood there in anticipation for him to surface again. "Should we go get him?" Pope ask, before either JJ or I could answer John B swims back up with a motel key in his hand. "So all you found was a motel key?" JJ ask him, the three of us less than thrilled about the very boring find. "We'll turn it in, let them know we saw a boat and maybe they'll give us a finders reward." John B tells us, I shake my head and lay on my back on the front of the boat. "We got nothing else better to do I guess." I say, putting my sunglasses back on and closing my eyes.

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