Chapter twenty nine:

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We all sat in John B yard and passing the gold around, "So we can't sell this with the wheat symbol on." John B says. I run my fingers along the symbol before handing it to Sarah, "Think somebody will recognize the symbol?" I ask John B, he shrugs his shoulders. "Honestly I have no clue, some people might know of the gold and others will have no clue what it means. I don't wanna risk trying to sell it with the symbol on the gold." John B tells me, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head. Kiara takes a seat on the other side of me, she looks over at me before pushing hair over my shoulder. I knew she saw the hickey below my ear. "No you fucking didn't..." she whispers to me, Sarah looks at the two of us confused and I cover the hickey with my hair. Kiara points out the hickey to Sarah, "Fucking details girl." Sarah says, I chuckle and glance up at the boys who are looking at us confused. "We'll talk later." I tell them, tossing the gold to Pope.

We're all startled when we hear a car flying into the driveway, JJ and John B quickly hide the gold in the shed. "What the hell is Topper doing here?" Kiara ask, I look away from his jeep and sit back down on the log. "Y/N, Y/N..." Topper shouts, jumping out his car and running over to us. "Leave me the hell alone, I told you to stay away from me." I tell him, Topper walk in front of me. "Y/N please come talk to me, that's all I'm asking you. Five minutes of your time." Topper says, bending down so he's eye level with me, "Or what you gonna send the police to arrest my boyfriend again?" I question him, "I think you should get the hell out of here man." JJ tells him, standing next to him. Topper glances at him and then back to me, "It's about your dad." He whispers, my harden expression softens. "Now please, five minutes." He tells me, standing back up straight. JJ looks at me puzzled then back to Topper. "Do Tucker and Tommy need to be apart of this conversation?" I ask him, standing up. "I just told them, there on their way to go look to see themselves. They told me you were here so I came right away." Topper tells me, guiding the two of us away. JJ watches me a bit taken back that I walked off with Topper.

I stand at the edge of the dock, my back leaned against the wooden railing. "What is going on with him?" I ask Topper. "He's on the island. I was at the country club, my dad told me meet him there. Your father was sitting there with my dad and Ward Cameron." Topper tells me, I instantly feel sick. I had no words, I just stared at him in disbelief. "He was acting like nothing was going on, he pulled me aside and asked me if I knew where you, Tucker, and Tommy were staying. Of course I didn't say anything. I left as soon as I spoke to him and came right here." Topper tells me. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I tell him and lean over the railing, Topper holds my hair back and I throw up over the railing. "Okay, okay. Get it out." He says, rubbing my back and looking away from me. I stand back up straight and sink to the floor, "He's going to kill us, he will kill us for leaving and will kill you for helping us hide and not telling him anything." I say, putting my head in my hands. "Hey, hey. No way in hell will I let him get close to you. Tucker and Tommy won't let him get close either. Clearly my dad is friends with him but maybe I could convince my mom to help me hide you as well." He tells me, pulling me into his arms. I cry into his chest, of course my dad had to ruin this perfect little place we found.

JJ couldn't take his eyes away from watching Topper and Y/N talking. "What the hell do you think is going on?" JJ ask, shoving his hands in his pockets. He leaned against the porch door. Everyone else couldn't deny they weren't watching and curious as well. "She just willing walked away from him and didn't say a word to me...." JJ says, Kiara walks over to him and rubs his back. "If it was that serious you know she would say something to you, don't freak out till you know the whole story." Kiara tells him. "They've been friends for years, Topper told me all about her. Honestly I thought he was a bit in love with her." Sarah says, Kiara immediately glares at her as does John B and Pope. "Now why'd you have to go and say that? Putting thoughts in his head." Kiara snaps at her. "You thought he was in love with her?" JJ ask Sarah. John B and Pope both groan and throw their arms up in frustration. Sarah stays quiet and shrugs her shoulders, "Sarah, tell me why you thought that." JJ demands of her, glancing between Kiara and Sarah. Sarah sighs, "Topper saw the two of y'all kissing and lost his mind. He said he was golfing with Rafe, I came over to his house and he put a golf cub through his gym wall. He was going on and on about it to me. That's when I started to think that." Sarah tells him. JJ doesn't say anything and just turns away.

After a few hours, Topper and I sat in silence till I started to feel better, I wipe the last bit of tears away from my face and pull away from him. I stand up and fix my hair, Toppers phone starts ringing. I look at it to see Tucker is calling. Topper silently listens, "Okay.... We'll I'm still here with her. We're at John B house..... okay see you soon." Topper says and hangs up the phone. "They're on their way over." Topper tells me, I run my fingers through my hair and look back at the Chateau. "I don't want to leave this place...." I admit to him. "If we can successfully keep your dad away you won't have too. We can keep you safe and you can still enjoy your life here." Topper tells me, the two of us slowly walking up the dock. I look up to see JJ sitting on the porch steps, he gets up slowly when Topper and I walk up to him. He can tell instantly that I was crying, "Hey, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" JJ ask me, pulling me into his chest. I slowly shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck, JJ glances at Topper and holds me close to him. He doesn't dare let go on me till I'm ready for it.

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