Chapter twenty eight:

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JJ paced in front of the bed, he was too excited to relax with me. I sit up in the bed and chris cross my legs, I had one of JJ old t-shirts on and a pair of black spandex shorts. We were in the guest room of the chateau which was designated as JJ room. "JJ, come to bed with me. You're gonna be exhausted in the morning." I tell him, "Y/N, Princess. I can't, we're gonna be filthy fucking rich. Do you even know what that means?" He ask me, tossing his hat on the small desk in the room. "That you'll buy me all the tacos I want?" I tease him, chuckling a bit. "Babe, I can fly us to Mexico to get the best tacos whenever you wanted." He tells me, he pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor. "How about Italian food?" I ask, just to entertain the idea. "We'll go to fucking Italy. Whatever food your craving I will get you from its original country." He tells me, "And then we'll always end up on some beach where I can surf all day long." JJ tells me, laying his hands down on the bed, resting on each side of my leg. "We'll?" I question him, he smiles and nods his head. "Your coming with me wherever I go." He tells me, pecking my lips before standing back up straight. "Where are you going?" I call out to him, watching him disappear behind the door. I sigh and fall back into the bed, JJ emerging a few seconds later with two shot glasses and a clear liquid in them. He hands me one of them and holds his up to me, "To going full kook." He says, I clink my glass with us. "To going full kook." I say, shooting back the clear liquid. I instantly feel my throat burn and know it's vodka, "Woohoo." JJ shouts, after taking his shot. I move myself back in the bed and lean my back against the headboard. "You are something else Mr.Maybank." I tell him, he raises his eyebrow at me, grabbing my ankles and pulling me over to the end of the bed to him. "So are you Ms.Limbrey." JJ smiles, he hovers over me, his hands planted on each side of my head. Silence falling over the two of us. I grab his cheeks and pull his lips into mine, I completely caved first. I wrap my legs around JJ waist and he wraps one arm around my waist and the other hand cupping my cheeks. JJ swiftly picks me up before sitting down on the bed, having me straddling his lap now. I pull back to catch my breath, I lay my hands on his bare chest and he holds himself up on his elbows, "So fucking beautiful...." He whispers, his eyes slowly running down my body. I run my nails softly down his bare chest and stomach, I grab the end of my shirt and pull it over my head, revealing a light pink laced bra. JJ jaw falls to the ground at the sight of me in front of him, I lean down and kiss his jaw line softly and make my way up to his ear. "Seems like your losing it Mr.Maybank." I whisper in his ear, softly biting down on his ear. JJ moans softly, his head falling back with his eyes closed. In one fluid motion, JJ flips the two of us over, he was now on-top of me. His lips were glued to my neck, he didn't miss an inch. He left behind wet sloppy kisses, his hands slowly trailed downs my bare hips till he reached my shorts. He grabbed the hem of my shorts and pushed them down my legs, he reluctantly pulls his lips away from my neck. He plants small kisses down my thighs, I didn't have any fancy underwear on, just a white thong. JJ tosses my shorts to the ground and crawls back on top of me. His lips pushed back against mine, the two of us fighting for dominance which I quickly lose and he takes over. I run my hands down his chest and undo his shorts, pushing them down as much as I can before JJ kicks them off without breaking away from my lips. JJ's hands snake around my back to unclip my bra, that also ends up thrown across the room. He grabs my boobs and playing with my nipples, I moan into our kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. JJ smiles at the sound of me moaning, he goes back to kissing my neck, not caring about leaving a mark on me. He wanted everyone to know who I was with. My head falls back against the pillow, JJ sits back up and grabs the sides of my underwear. He grabs my legs and sets them against his chest while he slowly pulls my underwear off, his eyes watching every movement. Once my underwear is off I slowly put my legs down on each side of him, JJ takes a deep breath. I could see the bulge through his dark blue boxers, "So fucking perfect...." He mumbles, I sit up and push him off the bed. He stands up and pushes hair out of my face, I push his underwear down to his ankles. I stand up and push him on the bed and straddle his lap again, I grind myself slowly against him as he runs his hands up and down my back before grabbing my ass. JJ slaps my ass hard, the sound who could be heard to anyone in the house. "JJ, they can hear all that." I tell him, trying not to smile, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I liked it. "There about to hear a lot more Princess." He says, biting down on his bottom lip. He grabs his cock and slowly lowers me down on him. I whimper softly and lay my head on his shoulders, digging my nails into his arms. "Oh fuck." He says once he's fully inside of me, I pick my head up. I bounce myself slowly up and down on him. I let my head fall back between my shoulders, JJ had one wrapped my waist and the other one grabbing my ass, the way his fingers were digging into my skin I knew I was gonna be bruised tomorrow and probably have his hand print on my ass. "Oh fuck JJ." I moan loudly, not even caring if anyone heard at this point. "I thought you said we needed to be quiet." JJ chuckles and pulls my face to his. "Shut up, I can't help it." I tell him, he chuckles and shoves himself deep into me again. A huge grin on his face when he hears me loudly moan, "JJ..." I say softly, he flips me over and lays me down on my stomach. He spreads open my legs and pushes himself back inside of me, "Fuck Y/N." He groans, taking a second to enjoy the feeling of himself inside of me. He grabs a handful of my hair and pulls my head back, he puts his hand on my lower back to hold me in place. He doesn't easy up on me, slamming himself in and out of me, I bite down on my bottom lip hard to try and control my moans. My hands gripping onto the sheets till my knuckles turn white, both of us breathing pretty heavily at this point. "Fuck JJ I'm getting close." I admit to him, feeling the knot forming in my stomach. He lets go of my hair and I bury my face into the sheets, my moans muffled only loud enough for JJ to hear. My whole body tensions up as I cum all over JJ cock. JJ hands held my hips in place while I ride out my high. I turn my head to the side, JJ pumps himself into me a few more before cumming himself. His fingers digging into my hips and he lays himself down on my back, I look at him over my shoulder. His forehand rested on my back and he was taking a deep breath. He rolls off of me and lays down on his back next to me, "Best day ever." He smiles, I giggle and shove his shoulders. "You're an idiot." I tell him getting off the bed and wrapping the sheet around myself. I walk into the shower and turn the water on, JJ walks in and leans his back against the door frame. "Thank you for the invite." He tells me, quickly jumping into the shower before I could. I look at him shocked and he pokes his head out of the shower curtain. "Come on, there's enough room for the both of us." He says, grabbing my hand. I drop the sheet and climb in the shower with him.

Once Y/N fell asleep JJ as quietly as he could got up and walked out to the living room, just putting his shorts back on. To his surprise he sees Pope and John B sitting in front of the TV eating bowls of cereal. "So how was it?" John B smirks, putting a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Oh JJ, oh JJ." Pope says imitating Y/N moaning sounds. JJ whole face gets red and also grabs himself a bowl of cereal, "Don't be jealous that you didn't get any and your girlfriend is not as hot as mine." JJ tells them both. "Hey now, Sarah is hot." John B argues with him, "But not as hot as Y/N. How she's into me, I have no idea." JJ says, taking a seat on the couch next to Pope. "Yeah we've all been wondering that, Y/N is a nice girl and your...." Pope says, both him and John B looking at JJ who had milk dripping down his chin, "You." Pope says, shaking his head.

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