Chapter thirty:

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I sat on the bed of Tucker truck with him, Tommy, Topper, and JJ held me in his lap. The rest of the Pogues stood around as well. I knew JJ was more confused than ever but he just silently held me, no one said a word. "Did you see him?" I finally speak up and ask, lifting my head off JJ shoulders. Tucker can't even look at me, "Yes." He said coldly, rubbing his hands together and staring at the gravel road. I look over at Tommy who had his back to us, "The bastard is buying a house on Figure eight." Tommy tells us, I feel the color drain from my face again. "Ward Cameron sold him the property since he use to own it apparently." Tommy adds in. "Where? Where exactly is he buying the house?" I ask, getting out of JJ lap. "It's across from Wards place. We drove by and saw the two of them outside and talking. I recognized a guy we met fishing last week and that how we found out Ward sold him that house." Tommy tells me, I walk over to stand in front of him. "I don't know if we should stay here, I think we should've gone a hell of lot further than here. Tennessee wasn't that far from here. Should've moved to the mountains and bought a house in the woods. He never would've found us there, for Christ sakes guys we came here and stayed at Toppers place." Tommy shouts, "What the hell are we gonna do now then huh? Just pack up everything and leave, move again. Keep doing that over and over again because we all know he will not stop trying to find us." I shout at Tommy, he just scoffs and walks past me. "We all heard his voicemail, he said he would do what it takes to get y'all back. Maybe it is best you leave? I can help y'all move far away. It's summer I'm not in school I can help out with anything that's needs to be done." Topper tells us, Tucker finally lifting his head up and looks at my mortified expression.

JJ couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was possibly going to lose the only girl that understood him and was patient with him. He lost all the color to his face, Pope walks up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I'm not fucking leaving." I shout, stopping, Tucker, Tommy, and Topper from arguing with one another. "We finally found our little place of happiest after years of that man's torture. I refuse to let him take another thing from me." I tell the three of them, "Y/N, you know he has the resources to do whatever the hell he wants. Your still underage, he can technically take Tucker to court and say he's unfit to watch you. Tommy's fine he's eighteen." Topper tells me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I appreciate you coming and telling me the information you did, but don't think this makes us friends again." I snap at him, shoving him away from me. I turn around and see my friends all staring at me, JJ couldn't even look at me. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, "I'm a kook." I admit to them, "A big fucking kook, my dad would make the Cameron's look like Pogues." I admit to them all. "My dad is a fucking psycho, he has more secrets than he cares to admit. We were all a pawns in his big life game, he never cared about us. He ran my mom off and then his abuse turned to us. We left after Tommy got out of the hospital, he beat Tommy so badly he collapsed one of his lungs. That's when we moved here. My grandparents set up a trust fund for all of us, that's what we're living off of, with the amount of money in it I'd never have to worry about working again. So yeah, that's why i'm here, we traveled with Toppers family a lot since our dads are best friends so that how I know him." I tell them, spilling more than I intended but I also needed it to be out in the open. No one says a word and just looks at me shocked, I sigh and walk back into the Chateau to grab my things.

JJ had his head in his hands, "JJ what are you doing right now dude? Go talk to her." John B snaps at him. "I don't have anything to say...." JJ tells him. "You are about to lose the only girl that's given a shit about you, you are about to lose an amazing future with her if you don't go after her right now. I would bet everything she's inside right now packing her stuff up." John B tells him, pulling JJ off the truck. "Honestly, I'd leave her be. She'll come around, she likes her space." Topper tries to say but earns glares from both John B and JJ. JJ runs into the house and down to the guest room, he startled Y/N when he swings over the door. "Please don't go." He begs her, closing the door behind him. "I have questions, I want to talk to you. I want to understand your situation, I really do. But don't leave me." JJ tells her, softly grabbing her bag from her hands. Y/N softly cries in front of him, "I will protect you from him, I will never let him come anywhere near you. I promise you, I will protect you at all cost." JJ tells her, cupping her cheeks in his hands and wiping away her tears with his thumb. "He's insane JJ, he won't question hurting you to hurt me." Y/N tells him, crying harder. She wraps her arms around his waist, JJ holds her close and kisses the top of her head. "Babe, I have you. That means I won't let anything happen to you. But please just stay and don't leave me, I'm selfish to ask this of you but I won't survive here without you by my side." JJ ask Y/N.

Tucker and Tommy stayed around till Y/N came back out the Chateau. "So should one of us go check on them?" Topper ask, "JJ's got her, she's fine." Pope tells him, Topper scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Like that means anything." He mumbles to himself. Tucker looks back at the house then to Tommy, "She's right we can't leave." He tells Tommy, "We can't let him win, we have our little bit of peace here. He can try whatever he wants but I don't want to leave." Tucker says, Tommy sighs and paces in front of him. "You know he'll be watching our every move, it's not a coincidence that he just moved here by chance. He knows we're here." Tommy says, stopping when he watches Y/N walk out with JJ. Tommy smiles at her and pulls her into a hug, "I don't want you out on your own okay? We're either with you or your friends." Tommy tells me, I pull back and nod my head. "You really won't have to worry about that, JJ doesn't let her out of his sight." Pope teases him, we all chuckle and I look back at the red faced JJ. He just smiles at me and wraps his arms around my shoulder, kissing the top of my head.

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