Chapter twenty seven:

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"So my daughter is on this island?" A man ask Ward, sitting down at his dining room table. Ward nods his head and leans against the door frame. "I saw her at an event we had at our country club the other night." Ward informed him. The man slowly nods his head, tapping his finger on the table, "Think she has anything to do with the gold?" He ask Ward again, staring out the huge bay windows. "I would assume so, she hangs out with the young men and seems to be dating one of them." Ward tells him, sitting down across from him now. The man slams his hands on the table and sends the chair flying into the wall, Ward takes a deep breath, watching the man pace the room. "Do you know if Tommy and Tucker are here as well?" He ask, "I haven't seen them James but I also haven't been looking till I noticed her the other day and recognized her. That's when I called you." Ward admits. James sighs and puts his hands on his hips, staring at the ocean in front of him. "Thank you for letting me know. Keep me informed about the gold hunt." James tells Ward before leaving his house.

"Goodmorning sunshine." I shout seeing Sarah and Kiara standing at the front of the boat. "Let's not give them the satisfaction of thinking this worked." Kiara tells Sarah, "Agreed." Sarah smiles at her, we pull up next to them and I smile at Kiara who is glaring at me. "I love you." I say in a questionable tone to her. "I hate you." She tells me, throwing her hair clip at me. "So how was your night?" John B ask them, kicking his feet up on the control board. "Are we able to work together?" JJ ask, throwing a rope to Kiara. "We're not friends in the slights." Kiara says, "But we're willing to work together." Sarah tells her, sneakily winking at Kiara. "That's a win in my book then." JJ shouts, him and Pope high fiving each other. "Get on board, we got some gold calling our names." John B smiles, both girls jumping back into the boat. "Why'd you get to leave with the boys Y/N?" Sarah ask me, taking a seat next to me. "Because I don't hate you and Kiara is my best friend. I had no problem with either of you." I tell her. JJ smiles, "That's my girl, unproblematic bitch." JJ teases me, pecking my lips. I gasp and slap JJ stomach, he stood infront of me giggling to himself.

JJ, John B, and Pope sat in the living room with Tucker and Tommy while they waited for me to get changed. "So what exactly are you doing again?" Tucker ask, still confused on what's going on. "Short story is, John B dad found the royal merchant. John B put together clues to where the soul surviver of the ship might of hid the gold. We possibly found it and we're going to go check it out tonight and it's in some axe murder women's basement." JJ tells him, "When you say it like that it sounds insane." Pope says, shaking his head. "Because this is completely insane." I call out from my bedroom, putting a black baseball cap on my head with a long sleeve black shirt and black shorts. "How should we even response to this?" Tucker ask Tommy and he shrugs his shoulders. "I have no clue, as long as you keep her safe. We don't care what she does." Tommy says, pointing his finger at all three boys. "We of course will look out for her, but JJ here will keep an extra close eye on her for you two." John B tells them, wrapping his arm around JJ shoulders. JJ glares at him and pushes his arm off, "You two dating yet?" Tucker ask him, JJ clears his throat and nods his head. "As of a few days ago yes." JJ says, waiting for how they will response. Tucker groans and pulls cash out of his pocket and hands it to Tommy. "I fucking knew it." Tommy shouts, Y/N walks out and looks down at her brother confused. "Time to go." John B calls out, going to pick up Kiara and Sarah.

John B parks his van outside the house, he jumps out first. "Guys wait, I just want to thank you all for coming with me. It really means a lot, especially our two newbies who recently joined us." John B smiles, pointing over to Sarah and I. "Of course man." Pope says, him and John B doing their handshake. "Alright, we done with the circle jerk? Can we go do this?" JJ ask, breaking up the moment. I pinch the back of his arm, "Oww." He screams and rubs his arm.

We all quickly hide behind the thick bushes as the motion sensor light turns on when we walk up. "The circuit breaker is on the front porch. We use to play hide and seek here as kids, I've seen it." Sarah tells us all, "No your not going up to that house." John B argues with her. I sigh and watch him try to stand his ground, JJ moves over to me and pulls me to him. "You are not allowed out of my sight. And I refuse to let you be killed by an axe murder." He whispers in my ear. "I'll go with her." Kiara speaks up. "Hey. Be safe." John B tells Sarah. "We will." She says as her and Kiara walk off together. JJ cups Popes cheeks, "Be safe." He says, imitating John B. "I'll be so safe." Pope chimes in. I cover my mouth with my hands to prevent myself from laughing too loud. "I'll be safe for you." Pope says which I can't help but laugh harder at. "Can you guys stop?" John B groans, dropping his head in embarrassment. "I'm gonna kill you." John B tells the two of them, "But how will that keep us safe?" I chime in, JJ and Pope look at me in excitement and start laughing as well. "That's my girl." JJ chuckles while we three try to contain ourselves while we wait for the signal.

JJ, John B, Pope, and I head down to the basement and get the rope set up. I help John B tie the rope around himself and get himself situated over the well. "Slow and steady, boys." He tells Pope and JJ. I look over to JJ being the anchor for the rope. "Don't you dare drop me." John B tells him, "Just for that comment I will." JJ snaps back at him. I stand at the front of the rope to help Pope guide him down.

"Okay, okay. I'm at the bottom." John B calls out to us, "I'm hanging over some water. A lot of fucking gross water." He tells us, the smell up here was terrible I can't imagine what it smells like down there. "Find any gold?" JJ calls out to him, the three of us leaning over the well. "JJ, hey. Pull me up man. Pull me up now." John B shouts, startling all of us. "Go man go." Pope tells us. The three of us grabbing the rope and starting to pull him, Pope at the front, myself in the middle, and JJ being the anchor again. As we're pulling him up in a panic John B shouts back up to us, "Wait, wait, wait. I think I found something." He calls out to us. "You gotta be kidding me." I shout back to him, trying to hold him in place the best we can.

"The axe murder has a shotgun." Kiara tells us as her and Sarah run down the steps. "Alright let's get him up then." Pope says as we all grab rope, "John B we're pulling you up." JJ shouts to him, once pull the rope we all go flying back to the ground. The basement door swings open and Mrs.Crain, shotgun in her hand. I grab JJ hand and pull him away from where she's walking, "Holy shit..." Kiara says a bit too loudly, Mrs.Crain fires shots in her and Sarah's direction. Both girls scream and run out the basement, she turns in our direction Pope, JJ, and I were hiding from her. "Nope fuck that. She has a buckshot, that thing goes everywhere." JJ shouts, pushing Pope and I out of the basement.

JJ jumps into the drivers seat of the van, "Where the hell is John B?" I ask, hanging out the side of the van as JJ starts to drive off. "Wait for me." John B shouts, I move out his way and he jumps into the van. "Oh my god you smell like shit." I tell him, covering my nose with my hand. "Are you okay? Are you shot?" JJ ask him, glancing back at John B and the road. "No, Im good. I'm good." John B says trying to catch his breath. "I think I would know if I was shot right? Y/N check me out." Kiara says, the two of us looking over her whole body. Our adrenaline was still racing, no one really knew what was going on. John B pulls something out of his pocket, "What is that?" Kiara and I ask simultaneously, "No, you didn't." Sarah says noticing what it is right away. JJ completely looks back at the gold in John B hand, "Oh my god, oh my god." He continued to yell, all of us screaming in excitement. Kiara and I shared the tiny seat beside the driver seat and we're completely jumping up and down, "That's gold baby." JJ shouts, banging the roof with his fist. "Holy shit guys, we're gonna be rich." Kiara shouts, "Full kook, full kook, full kook." Pope starts out with, all of us chanting along with him.

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