Chapter thirty nine:

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JJ pulls back up to where we were hiding out, "Where the hell did they go?" JJ shouts once we pull up and realize Kies car is gone. JJ throws the car in park and hops out, "Babe, hey. What's gotten into you? Why are you so worked up right now?" I ask him, walking over and grabbing his cheeks. JJ couldn't look at me, his hands were on his hand and he backed away from me and threw his hat on the ground. "I told them to stay here and they just fucking left." JJ shouts, pacing back and forth. I walk up to him and grab his hands, I put his hands to my lips and kiss both his hands softly. I watch him let out a deep breath and finally look at me. I smile at him and stand on my toes to kiss his cheek, I make sure to kiss both side and his forehead as well. "Better?" I tease him, he lets go of my hands and grabs my waist. "Ya know I'm still mad, might need a few more to calm me down." He tells me, pushing his body against mine. I loosely wrap my arms around his neck, "Now we wouldn't want that now..." I smile and stand on my toes, he hungry pushes his lips into mine. I didn't even have a chance to try to fight for dominance, he immediately took over. I pull back first after a moment and put my hands on his cheeks, "Y/N...." He groans, laying his forehead against mine. I smile at him, "JJ, we still gotta help John B." I tell him, he sighs and leans down to lay his forehead on my shoulder. "Y/N....." he whines, I smile at him and pick his head up. "Self control JJ, gotta have self control." I tell him, walking back to my car. JJ phone starts ringing, "Dude where the hell did you go?" JJ ask, shaking his head at me as I go to get in the drivers seat of my car. "Why the hell did you two go there?" JJ ask him and glares at me when I refuse to move. "Okay, okay. We're on our way." JJ says and hangs up his phone. "So who was that?" I ask him facing him in my seat, I open my legs a bit and put the palm of my hands on the seat and purposefully push my boobs together and lean over to him. I knew exactly what I was doing to him, his mouth falls open a bit and his eyes go straight to my tits. "Princess I'm driving...." JJ mumbles, his eyes not leaving my body. He steps closer and puts his hands on my thighs, running them slowly against my skin. "You're driving me crazy..." he tells me, leaning start to kiss my cheek. "You can't do this to me.." he mumbled against my skin, his lips moving down my jawline and then to my neck. I bite down on my bottom lip and expose my neck more to him. "I'm gonna teach you self control JJ." I tell him and pull myself away from him. I push his head back and climb over my center console to get into the passenger seat. He looks at me completely shocked before his shocked expression turns to a glare, he climbs into the car, mumbling to himself. "What was that?" I ask him, knowing I'm just teasing him on purpose now. He glared at me once more before pulling the car out of the driveway, heading to The Wreck.

As soon as JJ and I walk into The Wreck we can feel the tension between Pope and Kie. JJ had his arm wrapped around my shoulders and my fingers interlocked with his. "Where the hell did you run off to?" Pope shouts at JJ when he spots the two of us, "I found Y/N and John B got away from Topper after almost getting caught by the cops. Sarah went after him and said she would call if they were in trouble." JJ tells them both, Kiara glances back at us before looking out the window. I pull away from JJ and take a seat next to her, "Everything okay?" I ask her, glancing at the two boys going to sit down on the other side of the restaurant. "Let's never let Pope get high again." She tells me, laying her head in her hand and staring out the big windows. "He told me he's in love with me when we went to Sarah's house. It was just the two of us and it was after JJ took off. He was rambling on and on about how he's always felt about me, the timing was never right to tell me, then John B kissed me, and yeah so Pope confessed all of that. I will say I didn't handle it appropriately, I could've been nicer about to him but we were standing in the middle of the Cameron's yard and I was freaking out since he was being so loud and that we could've been scene." She tells me, finally looking at me now. "Holy shit..." I mumble, putting my hands in my lap and sinking into my chair. "Yeah, that's my exact thoughts." She tells me, clearly starting to stress out over the whole thing. "Safe to assume you don't feel the same way?" I ask her, pulling my knees to my chest. "I don't know, I don't know what I feel. But right now I'm not focused on trying to get a boyfriend. I just want to clear John B's name." Kiara tells me, I go to speak up but stop myself when JJ and Pope walk over to us. "We can hide out here for the night, there's no need for us to go around trying to find them." Kiara says, getting up with her spot, she disappears into the kitchen of the restaurant.

The night gets later, Pope and Kie end up falling asleep on different sides of the restaurant. I walk back inside from my car with a blanket wrapped around my body, JJ stood by the window, watching. "I think you need some sleep handsome." I say, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist, I lay my chin against his shoulder and look up at my gorgeous blonde hair boyfriend. He smiles and puts his hands ontop of mine, "I'm just standing watch, I'll be okay." He tells me, leaning back into my arms. "I get you think your okay but still doesn't excuse the fact that you need sleep. You've been running in fumes recently." I tell him, he spins me around so we're facing one another now. "Princess I'll be fine, go at down and I'll join you shortly." He tells, I glare at him and scrunch my eyebrows together, he imitates the same face back to me. "I'm serious JayJ, please come get some sleep." I tell him, grabbing his hands and try to pull him with me. He plants his feet to the ground and doesn't move, he grabs a chair and pulls it up by the window. He sits down in it and pats his lap, "Cmon." He says and opens his arms wide for me, I climb into his lap and loosely wrap my arm around his neck. He covers the two of us in the blanket and keeps his arms wrapped around my waist, he kisses my forehead before turning his attention back out the windows to watch. I laid my forehead on his chest and tried to fight sleep as much as possible.

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