Chapter nine:

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John B parks the van outside of Pope's dad shop, JJ hops out and holds his hand out to me. "Are you coming to work?" Hayward calls out to us, "I can sure use the hands around here." He adds in, leaning on the broom in his hands. "Ahh Kiara and Y/N, keeping the boys in line?" He calls out, smiling at the two of us walking up together. "Is that even possible?" Kiara questions, sitting on the picnic tables. "You kids should take it easy the next couple of days, hurricane is heading right towards us. The whole island is prepping for it." Hayward starts to tell everyone, his voice drowns out to me when I watch JJ come stand next to me, leaning against the wood railing. "Ya know, I might need a buddy to ride out this storm with." I tell him, bumping my hip into his. "What kind of neighbor would I be if I didn't keep you company then?" JJ smirks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I giggle a bit and lean into his chest, "Hey love birds, focus. You need to understand the seriousness of this hurricane." Hayward snaps at us, I put my hands up in defense. "You have our full attention now." I tell him, I bite my bottom lip to hold my laughter in while we listen to Haywards speech.

John B, JJ, and Pope dropped both the girls off and we're hanging out at the chateau together. "You gonna finally tell us what's going on between you and Y/N?" John B ask JJ, tossing him and Pope a beer. JJ shrugs his shoulders, "We're just getting to know each other." JJ tells them, taking a sip of his beer. John B cocks his eyebrow, "Yeah I'm calling bullshit on that." John B laughs, shaking his head. Pope and JJ exchange a glance, "Why you so worried about Y/N and I getting so close?" JJ ask him, cocking his eyebrow at him now, JJ leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees, waiting for John B to answer. John B scoffs and looks out at the window, an awkwardness falls over the three boys.

A few days later:
"We'll be back before the hurricane hits, there's nothing to worry about." Tucker tells me while I hold the phone to my ear. "I just don't understand how you two could just leave and not tell me." I argue back to him, letting out a frustrated sigh. "We needed to get the rest of our stuff out of the storage unit. We've just been putting this off and we had to do it, Topper will keep an eye on you while we're gone. I have to go, we'll call you later." Tucker tells me, "Or JJ will." I hear Tommy yell through the phone, I'm so thankful their not here right now my whole face went bright red at his comment. "Just be careful." I tell them and hang up the phone. I let another frustrated sigh out and lay down on my bed. I stare up at my ceiling fan, I hated the idea of my brothers being so far away from me especially since we have no clue where our father is right now, an uneasiness washes over me at the thought of him finding us. My thoughts are interrupted with a knock on my door, I sit up quickly and raise my eyebrow. My heart drops to my stomach, thinking about my dad puts me on edge. I take a deep breath and slowly walk to the door, I peak my head around the corner of the living room and let out a sigh of relief when I see JJ and John B standing at my door. "What are you two doing here?" I ask them, not being able to help smiling at JJ. "Came to annoy you, everyone else families wanted them home. Storm is coming sooner than we thought." JJ tells me, walking inside with John B following him. "Well my brothers are driving back to get the rest of our stuff, guess they didn't check the weather before they left." I tell them, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the wall. "So wait they just left you here alone?" John B ask me, both him and JJ taking a seat on the couch. I nod my head, "I'm here all alone now." I tell both boys, "Nope, not alone." JJ says, "We're here to keep you company now. You will never be bored, we are great company and we bought beer." JJ adds in, running out the door to grab the case of beer from the van. "He's a idiot." I chuckle, sitting on the couch next to John B. "We keep him around for entertainment." John B smiles, slowly looking around the house. JJ walks back in with two cases of beer in his arms, "We also have liquor in the cabinet above the fridge." I tell JJ, his face lights up with excitement. "You are my new favorite." He shouts, I walk over. I stand up on my toes and try to reach the liquor, but can't. JJ leans against the fridge with a smirk on his face, "Little missy can't reach it." He teases me, easily grabbing the bottle of vodka and whiskey from the cabinet. I glare at him and he holds the bottles behind his back, he glances back at John B who's attention was on the TV playing the news about the hurricane again. "A kiss for every bottle." JJ whispers to me, placing his free hand on my hip. I put both my hands on his cheeks, a huge smile plastered on my face. "I would've kissed you anyways." I tell him, before crashing my lips into his. He smiles against the kiss before pulling me against his chest. He pulls back first to make sure John B wasn't watching, "I just had to do that again." He tells me, his same adorable smile on his face. I smile at him and reach around to grab the bottle of vodka from behind him, "One kiss for one bottle." I tease him, walking back over to the living room.

"Bro I bet the waves are perfect right now." John B calls out as the news station scans the ocean. "You two can't be serious?" I ask them both when I see the two of them exchange a look with one another. "Y/N, get your bathing suit on. We're going surfing." John B shouts, JJ laughing in excitement. I watch both of them grab swim trunks from their bag and run down my hallway, "Boys I don't know how to surf." I shout, the heavy footsteps stop and I watch JJ walk backwards slowly, giving me a puzzled look. "You don't know how to surf?" He ask me again, looking at me like he's seen a ghost.

"This is fucking insane." I comment to both boys, looking out the dashboard of the van, the waves were insane. The wind was blowing the trees everywhere and raining was very heavy. John B turns the van off and tosses the keys to me, "You stay here and make sure we don't die. Sound good?" JJ laughs, jumping into the back seat, both him and John B strip down to there swim trunks. I hop in the driver seat, shaking my head as I watch the huge waves crash onto the beach shore. "I'm really not sure about this boys." I say again, my uneasiness taking control. JJ pokes his head up front glancing at the waves then back to me, he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "If it makes you feel better this isn't the first time we've done this." He tells me, pulling himself away. John B throws open the door and both boys jump out and grab their surfboards from the top of the van. "Watch me kick his ass Y/N." JJ shouts over the heavy rain hitting the van roof, I chuckle and roll my eyes. I watch both boys run out to the waves, everytime they fall off their boards I feel sick to my stomach.

My attention got pulled away from the boys surfing when I get text from my brothers. I drop my phone and jump when I hear something hit the top of the van. "Y/N start the fucking van." John B shouts at me, while JJ put his board on top. "What? What happened?" I ask them, starting the van up. I look up and see two cop cars with their lights on parked in front of us. "I told you this wasn't a good idea." I tell both boys, putting the van in drive and speeding past the two officers jumping out their trucks. John B jumps into the passenger seat while JJ hangs out the van door. "You can't catch us." He shouts, laughing while he watches both officers try to chase us through the sand. I pull off the beach and get back onto the main road, I let out a sigh of relief and JJ closes the door. John B and I exchange a look when we hear JJ still laughing to himself.

I park the van in my driveway, I run inside to not get soaking wet which didn't matter I still ended up soaking. JJ and John B walk inside and I toss two towels at them, "Do you two want a shower?" I ask them, wiping my now soaked body off with a towel. John B nods his head, I walk him down to my brothers bathroom. I walk back into the living room, I catch myself staring at the shirtless JJ that stood in front of me. I can't help but let my eyes wander down his tone chest, JJ leans his elbow on the wall with a huge smirk on his lips. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." JJ chuckles, my whole face goes bright red and I shove his chest. "Just come take a shower." I tell him walking into my bedroom, I push open the bathroom door and JJ leans back against the door frame. I step out the bathroom after turning the water on for him, JJ pokes his head in and looks over the different kinds of soap I have in the shower. "I'm gonna smell like bath and body works." JJ tells me, I can't help but laugh and throw a dry towel at him. "Don't use all of it, that one is my favorite." I tell him, pointing my finger at him so he knows I'm serious. I close the door and change out of my wet clothes and into a pair of black Nike shorts and a hoodie that engulfed me.

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