Chapter five:

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Kiara stood at the she of her dock with a cooler in her hands, "Well it's about damn time." She shouts at us, "We dropped off Groceries to the club, sorry we're late." Pope tells her, holding his hand out to help her in the boat. "Y/N?" She says, shocked before taking a seat next to me. "Hey." I smile, "We're gonna show her around the island." JJ says, standing next to John B. "Sounds like fun, we have a lot of fun spots." She tells me, opening the cooler and hands me a beer. "Too a fun day." She says, holding her beer out to me, I smile and clink my can with hers. "Too a fun day." We both take a sip. I look around at the huge houses as we drive past them all.

Kie eventually moved to the front of the boat to talk to Pope and JJ took a seat next to me and pointed out everything to me. He always added a funny story whenever we drove past, JJ leans back and wraps his arm around my shoulders once we pull back up to Popes dads. "And here we have a place where we're made to work and drop off groceries." He says, huge smile on his face. I giggle with him, without noticing I leaned into his chest as I was laughing once we pull up to the dock, John B, Pope, and Kie turn around to see the two of us laughing in JJ's arms. "I'm betting they make it official by the end of the month." Pope says as the three of them start pulling money out of there pockets. "Hey, bonfire tonight on the beach." Kie calls out, once she glanced down at her phone. "Y/N, can you come with us?" Kie ask me, breaking JJ and I attention away from one another. "If you guys don't mind, I'd love to come." I tell her, looking at JJ, realizing how close the two of us are. JJ clears his throat and pulls his arm back, the two of us moving away from each other. "Perfect, meet at my place at 8 then." John B says. JJ hops out the boat and helps me out, "Want to get a bite to eat together? I did promise to show you around the island." JJ ask me, "Of course, I'm starving." I tell him and let him pull his bike out. "Perfect, I know the best spot to get the most amazing tacos ever." He tells me, I hide my huge smile from him and get on the bike. I wrap my arms around his waist tightly this time so he can't scare me like earlier.

"You're on the kook side of the island JJ." I tease him as he drives past nice houses. "I will turn us around and not get you any tacos." JJ teases me, parking his bike. I playfully roll my eyes at him and get off the bike, I go to walk to the stand and JJ stops me, standing in front of me. "I brought you here, I get to pick out your tacos." He tells me, a confident grin plastered on his face. I put my hands up in defense and lean back against his bike, "Okay, but these better be amazing tacos." I tell him, narrowing my eyes and pointing my finger at him. He smirks and points his finger back at me. I smile as I watch him walk away, I pull out my phone when I realize I haven't checked it all day. I see a few messages from Topper.
'I'm going to see your brothers, they gave me your new address.'
'I hope your there when I get there, it was really great to see you again.'
'I'm here, you home?'
'Please tell me your not still out with those dirty Pogues, there bad news Y/N. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.'
'Tucker and Tommy just told me why you all moved here. We need to talk now.'
I take a deep breath as I read the messages, a lump gets stuck in my throat when I read his last message. My face probably lost all its color, Topper knows everything now I bet. "Everything okay?" JJ calls out to me, setting the tacos down on a table. "Huh?" I look up from my phone and look a bit confused at him. "Is everything okay? Looks like you seen a ghost." He says, taking a seat. I put my phone back in my pocket and sit down across from him. "It was just Topper texting me, he said he's at the house and talking to my brothers and wanted to know why I wasn't there as well." I tell him, looking down at the mountain of tacos in front of me. "JJ, how do you expect me to eat this?" I ask him, a smile on my face now. I look up at him as he has food stuck all around his face, his face drops a bit and he sets his taco down. I can't help but start helping at the look of him, he laughs with me and wipes his face. "I never said they were easy to eat." He tells me, chuckling with me. I pick up one of my taco and look it over and try to figure out the best way to eat one. I eventually just say screw it and take a big bite, covering my face in sauce and topping from my food. JJ starts laughing at me, I quickly wipe my face and laugh with him as well. We spent the rest of the afternoon here.

JJ and I pull up to my house and I see Topper is still here talking on the porch with Tucker and Tommy. "Be ready in an hour and then we'll head to John B's. Okay?" JJ says to me once I climb off his bike. "I will try to be ready in an hour." I tease him, "Thank you for a very fun day today JJ. I'd love to do that again." I tell him, putting my hand on top of his and leaning down to kiss his cheek. I pull back slowly with red cheeks and walk up to my house. "Somebody likes the neighbor." Tommy teases me as I walk up to them, I slap his stomach and look over to make sure JJ didn't hear that. He was walking his bike back to the house. "You spent all day with him?" Topper ask me, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I hung out with all his friends, which I like a lot. And I'm going with them to the bonfire tonight." I tell him, walking into the house. Topper walks in after me and grabs my hand, "Hey, why didn't you tell me about your dad? I would've helped out. You could've called me and I would've came to help you out." Topper tells me, I pull my hand away and shake my head at him. "I don't want to talk about him, that man made my life fucking hell. My mother did nothing about that. I was so embarrassed that I didn't wanna tell anyone, that was Tucker, Tommy's, and I secret and we were gonna protect each other at all cost." I snap at Topper and he looks at me a bit startled. Topper takes a deep breath and pulls me into a hug, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay I understand, I shouldn't have pushed the topic." He tells me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, "I just don't want to talk about him right now, we finally got away and have our peace. I'd like to enjoy it." I tell him, pulling back from him. He keeps his hands on my waist and nods his head, "Okay, but I'm here to talk whenever your ready too." He tells me, I nod my head and walk back to my bedroom. "Come on, you can hang out with me while I get ready." I tell him, he doesn't miss a beat and lays out on my bed. Topper and I caught up with one another while he watched me get ready.

"Y/N, JJ here to get you." Tucker calls out to me, I held a curling iron in my hair still. "Tell him to come here, I'm curling my hair." I call out to Tucker before I hear heavy footsteps walking down the hall. JJ walks in and leans against the door frame, I give him a guilty smile. "I said I'd try to be ready in an hour." I tell him, he chuckled and looks over at Topper. Topper rolls his eyes before getting off my bed, "I'll see you at the bonfire tonight." Topper tells me, glaring at JJ before walking out my room. "What's going on there?" JJ ask, sitting on the edge of my bed, hint of jealously in his voice. "Just catching up and trying to warn me from staying away." I chuckle, looking at him through the mirror, "I have no plans to stay away." I admit to him and watch a huge smile grow on his lips. "What if I have no plans to let you stay away?" JJ ask me, laying his elbows on his knees. I bite my bottom lip and force myself to look away from him, my whole face had to bright red by now.

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