Chapter tweleve:

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Few days later:

"So you gonna finally apologize for what you said?" I snap at Topper, the two of us were standing on a dock in town. I only agreed to meet him on my side of the island. Topper leaned against the wooden railing, hands shoved in his pockets. "I never should've snapped at you, I'm sorry." He starts with, I have my arms crossed over my chest with an eyebrow raised. "And?" I ask him. "And I'm sorry I called your friends dirty Pogues..." he grumbles, looking up at me with puppy eyes. "I'd like you to apologize to them as well." I tell him, he scoffs and shakes his head. "I'm only apologizing to you since your the only one I care about, not your friends....." he starts saying, my attention is pulled away when I watch them pull a dead body off a boat. "Scooter." A lady screams, running over to the body. I walk away from Topper to some kids standing around watching the scene as well. "That's Scooter Grubs, he's a low life. Apparently he had a Grady white and everyone is looking for it." I hear someone say. "Y/N, what the hell? I was talking to you." Topper says and grabs my hand. "Yes, I accept your apology. But can you please drive me to John B house now, pretty please?" I beg him, cupping my hands together in front of him. He sighs and nods his head.

I jump out his car, seeing JJ, John B, Pope, and Kie walking up from the dock. I stop in my tracks and turn back to Topper who looked more annoyed than ever. "Listen, we'll figure out a time this week and we can get lunch or dinner together and talk more. But I forgive you but please don't talk about my friends like that again anymore. Alright?" I ask him, putting my hands on his forearm. He glances back at the Pogues watching us, he waves at them and turns his attention back to me. "Yeah, that's fine." He tells me, I smile at him and take a step back as he drives off. I turn to look at the Pogues who all don't look too happy with me, "Listen I was with Topper at dock, he was trying to apologize for his comment the other day, whatever not apart of the story." I ramble on, walking over to them. "I don't know who this is but they pulled a body from the water, a fisherman found him and cops were at the scene and everything. A girl said the name was Scooter Grubs and they said he had a Grady White. Is that the same boat we saw the other day in the water?" I ask everyone, I look to Kie who just sighs and shakes her head. "Of course something crazy like that happened when I wasn't around." She groans, walking onto John B porch and sitting down. "We have to deny everything, we never saw the boat, nothing." Pope says, taking his hat off and putting his hands on top of his head. "You guys need to give that money back to his wife, it's bad karma to keep it." Kiara shouts to all of us. "For once I agree with Pope, we deny everything." JJ says, John B and I looking at him like he lost his mind. "I never thought those words would ever come out his mouth." John B comments and I start giggling. "Scooter Grubs was a marine rat, how does someone like that get a Grady White? Just doesn't make sense to me. Just sayin." John B says, putting his hands up in defense. "Wait where did JJ go?" Pope ask, JJ walks back over with fishing poles in his hands and a tackle box. "We were in the middle of talking about something JJ." Kiara calls out to him, "I need to think more clearly, fishing helps." He says, walking down to the dock.

"Pope think about it, square groupers bro." John B says, while he watches Pope fish. I sit on the railing next to Kiara. "He was flying under the radar, no surveillance. They can't do stuff like that during a hurricane, so what we're they doing?" John B calls out, pointing to JJ. "They were straight smugglin." JJ answers, "See Smugglin." John B tells him, "Theres gotta be a shit ton of contraband on that ship bro." He continued, I start to drown out John B rambling on about how this could be something and we just don't know it yet. I run my fingers through my hair and just turn my attention to JJ fishing. I knew I was staring for too long, but the sun was starting to set. His arms looked amazing in his sleeveless shirt, I just couldn't make myself look away from him.

We all went back into the Chateau, John B, JJ, and Pope still arguing about what to do about the boat. "They've been going on for hours." I complain to Kie, the two of us watching the the three of them standing in the middle of the room and talking over each other. "Okay everyone shut up." JJ shouts, "Listen until we figure out a way to get into that cargo hold we just lay low." JJ says, "and how do we do that?" Pope ask. It looks like Kiara had a lightbulb moment in her head. "Kegger?" She questions, everyone automatically agreeing to it.

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