Chapter twenty six:

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I stood by the window, watching Pope talk to Kie at the end of the dock. JJ walks up behind me and puts his hands on either side of the window. "I know who'd I choice." He whispers in my ear, kissing my skin right behind my ear. "Oh yeah?" I question him, putting my hand on the back of his neck, looking at him over my shoulder. JJ smiles at me, nodding his head and lays his forehead against mine. "Forget I'm still here?" John B calls out to the two of us, sitting on the kitchen counter with a beer. JJ reluctantly pulls away and sighs, Pope walks back inside and JJ throws him a beer. "What'd she say?" John B ask him, "That you're an idiot." Pope tells him, catching the beer. I don't join them in the kitchen and just watch Kie from afar, I wanted to go comfort her but I knew she needed some space right now. "We can't do this without Kie and you know it." JJ tells him, throwing the beer cap in the sink. "And I can't do this without Sarah." John B says. "They both have to be in on it, alright. I know it's my fault."John B says, "Ain't that the truth." I call out to him, turning back to look at him. "It's our problem now, and I have a plan. You shitheads are gonna help me out." He tells the boys and walks up to me, "I'm sorry for my comment earlier. I don't believe you wanted that to happen to either of them, friends?" John B smiles at me and holds his arms open. I sigh and nod my head, "Friends." I say ducking under his arms and walk back over to JJ. "Sorry boys, she just knows what she likes." He calls out to them, pulling me against him and whistles.

Later in the evening:
"This isn't gonna work." I tell JJ as he puts the keys to the boat in his pocket. "Y/N, trust us. This is definitely gonna work. Tomorrow morning comes around, they'll be best friends again." He tells me, putting down a few blankets and food for them for the night. "And one last touch." JJ says, setting a blunt down on the blankets as well. He sees me eying it and smiles at me, "Don't worry, I saved one for us later." JJ tells me, the two of us watching Pope drive up with Kiara. "She's coming bro." JJ calls out to John B, "Hang out by the front and be ready to jump." He tells me, kissing my cheek and getting into position with John B.

I help Kiara into the boat, "They're in there." I tell her, pointing them out. She sighs and walks in. Seconds later JJ and John B emerge. "Go, go, go, go." JJ tells me the three of us jumping back into the water. I swim as fast as I can to the HMS Pogue. JJ hops in first, "You can't be serious right now." Kiara calls out to us. "John B you asshole." Sarah shouts at him. "Y/N you were in on this?" Kie calls out to me. I grab JJ hand and he pulls me into the boat. "Kie, I was out voted on this idea. I'm sorry." I call out to her, blowing her a kiss. "Hey, those are mine." JJ argues, wrapping his arms around my waist and tickles my sides, kissing me all over my face. "JJ rolled you guys a blunt, we'll see you in the morning." Pope tells them, waving to them and we drive off.

"We'll boys, I'm eating my words but I can't believe you pulled it off." I say, standing at the front of the boat, putting JJ sunglasses on. John B smirks at me and steps up to me, "Is this your way of apologizing to me?" He ask me, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. I shove his chest and shake my head, "The plan isn't over yet, we just got them stuck on the boat together." I say, watching John B step closer to me. "Say your sorry Y/N." He says, holding his hands out at me. "Don't make me injury you more cast boy." I say going to slap his cast but he pulls his hand away just in enough time. Without warning John B grabs me and throws me back into the water. I gasp and wipe the water off my face, "This is war JB, and I intend to win." I tell him, watching JJ quietly walk up behind him. JJ pushes John B into the water next to me, JJ chuckles to himself while he looks proud. "I think I win." JJ say, Pope walks up behind him and pushes him into the water, "No I win." Pope shouts. John B and I laughing as JJ emerges to the surface. JJ immediately starts splashing water at Pope which results in a splashing war amongst the four of us.

John B built us all a fire, we sat around it drinking and eating pizza that I ordered for us. We didn't even bother to change out of our bathing suit, just came back and here and sat down.  "Thank you for not getting into with the girls as well Y/N. Don't think we would've survived JJ without being able to touch you for a whole night." Pope says, leaning back in his chair pointing to my legs laid across JJ lap and his hand and running slowly up my leg. "I fully admit I am addicted and I don't care." JJ says, putting his hand on his chest before going back to my legs again, we all giggle at him. "Happy to have you as a Pogue Y/N, not many people who move here end up on our side of town. And then who do are usually old men who have nothing left to lose." John B says, tipping his beer to me. "Give it time, I could turn into those grouchy old men." I tease, tipping my beer back to him. I take a sip and make myself swallow it. "I'm gonna get something besides beer." I tell the boys, handing JJ the mostly full can of beer. JJ eyes were glued to my ass while I walk inside the chateau. John B whistles once Y/N gets inside, "JJ she is something else." John B tells him, Pope chokes on his beer a bit. Knowing this comment will get under JJ skin, "Hell yeah she is." JJ laughs to Popes surprise. "My hot fucking girlfriend." JJ proudly admits, "Wait? No way. You made it offical?" Pope ask him, looking at him with wide eyes.  "Made it official the night of midsummer." JJ tells him, putting the beer can to his lips. John B and Pope throw their empty beer cans at his head, "Thanks for keeping us in the dark about it." Pope tells him. "Hey, my bad. I just didn't wanna scare her away, I wanted to make sure she was ready for everyone to know." He tells the boys, throwing the beer cans back at them.

Y/N walks back out, she puts her hands on her hips, watching the three boys fighting and throwing cans at each other. "Okay boys that's enough." I tell them, drawing their attention to me. "Yes ma'am." John B smiles, saluting me. I roll my eyes at him before he throws a beer can at me, I flinch and let the can hit the ground. "You asshole, I could've dropped my bottle." I shout at him, holding up the bottle of Malibu in my hand. "Where the hell did you get that? I know I don't drink that." John B shouts back at me, the two of us yelling for no reason. "I brought it from home cause I fucking hate beer." I tell him, putting the bottle to my lips. JJ sits back down and pats his lap which I happily take a seat on. JJ puts the beer can back to his lips and doesn't take his eyes off of me, "You are so fucking gorgeous." He whispers to me, tucking some hair behind my ear. My whole face goes red and I bite down on my bottom lip, "Thank you handsome." I smile, setting the bottle down in my lap and pecking his lips twice.

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