Chapter forty one:

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JJ drove the truck back to the Chateau, the car ride was silent. JJ didn't bother to let me go, he had his hand on my thigh. I stared out the window, rubbing my neck softly from where Rafe grabbed me. Pope was in his own little world in the back, he was laying across the seats, staring up at the ceiling.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" Kiara shouts once we pull up with the boat and truck. When I step out the car she gasp seeing my neck, "Rafe and Barry jumped us." I tell her, running my hands through my hair. "Oh Y/N...." She says and pulls me into a hug. "I'm okay, looks worse than it really is." I tell her, hugging her back before I pull away. Kiara and I step out the way while JJ backs the boat into the water with Popes help. "Pope beat the shit out of Rafe, he was like he was memorized beating him. JJ and I couldn't get him to stop for a minute." I inform Kiara, she looks at me shocked, I nod my head slowly and sigh. "Yup, Rafe was bloody and laying on the ground when we left. He's not dead but could've been." I tell her, "He's probably mad at me and took it out of Rafe. I feel so bad but I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to lead him on like that." She tells me, sitting down in the hammock. "Trust me, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I understand completely, think he had pent up anger from that and past shit Rafe has done to him." I tell her, sitting down next to her.

"How's it going boys?" I call out to JJ and Pope, Kiara and I had a boxes full of food in our arms for John B. "She's ready to go, just need John B." JJ says, grabbing the boxes from my hands and then Kiara's. "Where the hell is he?" Pope ask, putting his hands on his hips and look back at the driveway. "Don't you worry, he'll be here. He knows the plan." JJ says, finishing setting up the boat. Sirens can be heard in the distance as they drive down the driveway, "Guys...." I call out, "Shit, untie the boat. Get in." JJ shouts to us. Pope runs over to untie the boat, "Wait a damn minute." I say, seeing John B hop out the truck. "No fucking way..." Kiara chuckles, pulling John B into a hug. "Shoupe let me take it for a spin." He tells us, giving Kiara a hug. I smile at him and hold my arms open to him. "Always keeping us on our toes aren't ya?" I tease him. He smiles and pulls me into a hug, "That's my job." He says, letting me go and tossing his bag into the boat. "Where's Sarah?" He ask, looking around for her. "We have no clue, she's not here." Pope tells him, "We'll I'm not leaving without her." John B says. "Dude there's no time, you have to go down. You got a tank full of gas, food to last you for a bit, and a way to fucking leave. Go now." JJ tells him, jumping off the boat and grabbing his shoulders. JJ starts rambling on about what he should do and where he should cross the border at, John B wasn't even listening. He was staring off, he was still waiting for Sarah to show up. "Hey.... Hey. Man time to go, let's saddle her up saltwater cowboy." JJ tells him, slapping his cheeks. "Dude I can't leave without her..." John B tells him, JJ and Pope look like they're gonna kill him. "You can't sit here and act surprised by me saying this, that's my girl. We said we were leaving together." He argues JJ, putting his hands on his head. JJ goes to speak up and John B cuts him off, "Don't stand here and act like you wouldn't leave without Y/N, you were freaking out when she went to the store with Kie. I'm allowed to be feeling this way." John B snaps at him, JJ puts his hands up In defense and steps back. "But this is life and or jail man, she's not here. You have to go now before things get any worse than they are. I understand you want her to come but John B, you will be put in jail if your caught." JJ tells him, pulling his hat off his head and bending the cap of it. "You're right, I wouldn't want to leave Y/N. But we're still here and we can take care of Sarah. I know you would do the same thing for Y/N." JJ tells him, John B face softens and he nods his head. He slowly climbs in the boat, I smile at JJ who glances back at me. JJ walks over to the boat and starts to push her into the water. "Hey... I'm sorry for basically throwing us off the cliff." John B tells us, eyes filled with tears. His voice was shaky as he tried to hold it together, "Man we were bound to run off the cliff at some point man, right?" JJ says, stepping back next to me. I grab his hand and lay my head on his shoulder, "Atleast we did it together though." JJ say, his voice now breaking. He wraps his other arm around Kiara, I grab Popes arm and pull him in. "We'll miss you John B." I tell him, giving him a weak smile as the realization hits of we might not see him for a very long time. "Pogue style." John B says in a broken voice, wiping his eyes quickly. "Go get out of here, please." Kiara demands of him and Pope agreeing with her, "We'll take care of things here. But you gotta go." Pope tells him, waving at him. "We'll be in Mexico in two months to get you alright?" I call out to him, looking away from John B and to JJ who's blue eyes filled with tears. JJ let's go of us and walks to the end of the dock to watch John B drive off, I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I don't say anything and lay my head against his back, I can feel JJ sigh in my arms and put his hand on top of my hand.

JJ grabs my hand after John B is out of sight and pulls me back to the truck, JJ picks his head up when he hears sirens. They pull down the driveway and five cop cars pull out infront of us, "Where's John B?" Shoupe shouts at us, all the cops pointing their guns. I slowly put my hands up and glance at JJ, "We don't know." I tell them with a straight face. "JJ I see you're living up to your name, huh?" Shoupe snaps at him, his comment made my blood boil. "Pope? How about you? This isn't a fucking game." Shoupe shouts in Popes face. He turns his attention to me, "You know your dad tried to save Peterkin life and you just helped her murderer escape?" Shoupe shouts at me now, I just chuckle and lick my lips. "Oh you believe that now? Why don't you dig a little deeper into my fathers file, you'll see how he's an abusive, lying asshole. But go ahead Shoupe believe the man all you want, him and Ward both know who the real killer of Peterkin is." I snap at him through gritted teeth, I drop my hands and stand in his face. The fed turns around and looks at me, "What you trying to say kid?" He ask me now, "That you were spun a lie and believed it. John B didn't murder her, he tried to save her life while his was in danger. Ward Cameron and my father are fucking liars." I tell him, Shoupe grabs my arms and pulls me away from him. "Alright, let's go. Everyone in the trucks." Shoupe demands, dragging me as I try to get my arm free. "Get your fucking hands off of her." JJ shouts, running over to us before another cop grabs him. I look back at him as both of are shoved in two separate cop cars.

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