Chapter forty six:

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I had JJ jacket on and I pull the hood tightly over my head, the raining was coming down hard as we ran through a backstreet of town. We reach a fence and I stand next to Kiara and look over it, "No one's here yet Pope." I tell him, looking up and down the street. "They said this was the meeting spot, they'll show." He tells us, pulling out a very old camera. "Nice camera, where'd you dig up that relic?" JJ teases Pope. "Why don't you just use your phone?" JJ ask him. "Well first off, I like my antique electronics. This is a telephoto by the way. Allows me to get photos from far away." He explains to us, I can't help but smile and shake my head at Pope being a nerd. "Lord of the dorks." Kie scoffs, turning her head back out to the street. We all go quiet when a black truck pulls down the street, only our eyes can be scene over the fence. To my surprise my father is the one who gets out of the truck, he meets the pilot and they run into an abandoned building. I watched them run a bit taken back and Kiara turns her head to look at me, "You don't have to stay here, you can go wait in my car if you need too." She tells me, I take a deep breath and shake my head. "No, I want to clear John B name just as much as you guys do." I tell them, looking over at Pope and JJ. "Shit I lost them." Pope says, once they disappear into the building. JJ runs off to go find another place for us to watch from, he whistles and grabs all our attention. "Cmon, follow me." JJ calls out, holding his hand out to me. He pulls the two of us over to a ladder on the side of the building, I climb up first with him behind me, then Kie and Pope. "Does this work Pope?" I ask him, all of laying down on the roof when we reach the edge. I could barley see anything through the heavy rain, "Yeah, I can see em." Pope tells us, I let out a sigh of relief and look over at JJ. He gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead. "James handed something to Gavin, I'm pretty sure it's a duffle bag." Pope tells us, "I'm pretty sure this is a payoff guys." JJ tells us all. "He's yelling at James about something, Gavin doesn't look happy at all." Pope continues to fill us in on what he's watching go down. We watched as they continued to talk to one another, then both men start fighting each others, "Whoa, whoa, somethings happening." JJ says, Kie and I trying to see anything that's happening. "Shit, they're fighting each other." Pope says. "Your father is beating the shit out of Gavin Y/N." Pope says, I look over at JJ a bit panicked now and he pulls me against his chest, "It's alright, I got you." JJ tells me, turning his attention back to my father and Gavin fighting. "Shit, shit, shit. James has a gun. He's holding it to Gavin's head." Pope says, "I bet that's the murder weapon." Kiara says, she reached over and grabs my hand to squeeze it. "What I don't understand is why is James doing the Cameron's dirty work?" Kiara ask, looking over at JJ and I. "John B said he was at the airstrip. He was apart of all of this bullshit, he's trying to keep his name clean as well. It's apart of his sick fucking games he plays with people." I tell her, squeezing her hand. I looked back over at both men standing away from one another, it looked like my father was walking away till two gun shots go off. "Oh my god." Pope says, pulling the camera away from his eye. JJ drops down behind the wall and pulls me with him, "No, no, no." Kiara softly cries, laying her forehead against the concrete wall. "That did not just happen." She says, holding her face in her hands. "Pope what is going on? You have to keep the camera on them." I demand to Pope, pushing JJ's arms off of me and looking back over the wall again. "I have enough to put this asshole away for life Y/N." Pope tells me, a bit of relief washes over me. I watched the gun fall from the building, my father runs down the stairs to quickly find it through the thick rain puddles that were now on the street. My father follows the gun down the street, "I think the gun just went down the drain." Pope tells us, my father sat there on his knees. We could all see him flinging his arms around in the water in frustration. He bent down and was looking in the storm drain for the gun. I stand up and lean over the concrete wall, "We're going to send where you belong, in fucking jail you murderer." I shout to my father, "God damn piece of shit." I shout again before JJ puts his hand over my mouth and pulls me down against him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He ask me, slowly pulling his hand away. "I don't care if he hears me, that asshole needs to get what he finally deserves." I tell him, pushing JJ arms off of me. "That's what the camera is for Y/N, we can put him away for murdering Gavin, the sheriff, everything but your gonna ruin it by screaming at your father." JJ argues back to me. "Shit guys he saw us, we gotta go." Pope says, pushing all of us towards the ladder. I go down first and then Pope. As Pope was coming down Kiara steps on JJ hand and he swings his foot back and hits Pope in the face. Pope falls down and drops the camera, "Dude you fumbled it." JJ shouts at him, I look down at the camera dumbfounded everything we just worked for is lost now. "Stop fucking arguing and go. James is coming." Kiara tells all of us and we run down the side streets back to her car. I hopped in the passenger seat next to Kie, "Can somebody tell me, what the fuck just happened?" JJ shouts, putting his head in his hands. "What we're they fighting over?" JJ ask, Pope fumbled with the camera. "They were fighting over the gun, I think..... that's gotta be the murder weapon then." Pope tells JJ, both of them trying to come up with an explanation for everything that's just happened. I sat there silently staring out the window, replaying the whole thing in my head again. "We can't stay here." Pope says, "We're sitting fucking ducks here." JJ says, both boys screaming at her.

"So your trying to tell me James Limbrey shot and killed a man here and then cleaned everything up in the time it took you and your friends to call the police?" Shoupe questions us, "Yes." Kiara shouts at him. I had my arms crossed over my chest and was staring down at the ground, "He was paying Gavin off and then killed him with the murder weapon Rafe used to kill Peterkin." JJ shouts at him, Shoupe scoffs and shakes his head at us. "So you just don't believe us?" I ask him, finally looking up. "You can look into a file of my father and see what kind of person he was. This is not out of character for him." I shout at Shoupe, "Alright let's calm down now." He tells me, trying to reason. "Calm down? Calm down. My father murdered a man, helped assist Rafe and Ward Cameron in killing Peterkin so she wouldn't talk." I shout, shoving Shoupes chest. "You fucking asshole." I shout, continuing to shove him till JJ wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me away. "Now listen to me, I don't care how you all got this information or how you say you have video but you don't really because of some stupid broken camera. I want all of you to go home now." He snaps, walking down the stairs, out of the building. "JJ let go of me." I snap at him, wiggling out of his arms. "Shoupe, grow a fucking pair of balls and do your fucking job." I shout at him, continuing to follow after him. "You kids are just crying wolf at this point." He tells us, Kiara following behind me as well. "Atleast look for Gavin at this point." Kiara shouts. "Useless fucking cop." I shout at him, putting my hands on my head. Shoupe stops in his tracks and walks over to me, getting in my face. "Now listen here missy, we've been nice and let you live out of the cut with your brothers and haven't brought you back to your father since your a minor. I've been nice enough to look the other way, but my patience is wearing very thin right now." He shouts at me in my face. JJ gets down the stairs and pushes Shoupe away from me, "You kids, go home now." He snaps at us, waving for everyone to pack up. "I told you this happen, never trust the fucking cops." JJ says, pulling his hat off his head. "You had to be the one who dropped the camera." JJ shouts at Pope, "JJ it was your fault, you kicked him in the face." I shout at him, I was honestly completely filled with anger right now. "It was not my fault, Kiara stepped on my hand and I reacted. You could've caught the camera, your ass was already on the ground." He shouts back at me. "Guys stop." Pope shouts at us, "We're not out of the game yet, we can get the gun." Pope says and points to the sewer drain.

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