Chapter thrity six:

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John B and JJ were hiding out in a broken down garage port by the side of the road together in Kiaras car. JJ sits up when he hears sirens coming their way, he lets out a sigh of relief when the cops drive by. "We're gonna figure something out man, alright. I will figure out a way to get you out of this." JJ tells him, slapping his shoulder. Both of them had their seats reclined back and keeping their heads low. Pope laid in the back of the car, laying low as well. "Kie and Y/N should be coming by soon with some food and hopefully any good news for us." Pope tells John B, the radio quietly played in the background for the boys, it was just the news going on about the hunt for John B. JJ had a blunt in his hands and passes it to John B, "Calm the nerves man. Cause currently you're fucked." JJ tells him, John B scoffs and takes the blunt.

"What else do we need? Got all the food I can think of, clothes?" I ask Kiara as the two of us walk through the grocery story together. She shrugs her shoulders and runs her fingers through her hair, "Like what do we get? Hey your being hunted by the whole island, here's some crackers and a snickers." Kiara says sarcastically, I giggle a bit and lay my elbows down on the cart. We round the corner and are stopped by Shoupe grabbing the end of my cart, "Hi girls." He smiles at us, I stand up straight and glance at Kiara, "Have you seen your friend John B recently?" Shoupe ask us, another male officer walking up behind him. "Nope." Kiara tells him, holding her ground. Shoupe glances down at the cart full of food, "Is this just for the two of you?" He ask me, picking up a few items in my cart. "Nope, for my older brothers as well." I tell him, watching him rummage through our cart. "We'll if John B turns up please give us a call." Shoupe tells us, stepping away from our cart. Kiara and I quickly walk past him and turn down an isle.

Kiara and I park my car outside my house, I take a deep breath and lay my head on the steering wheel. Kiara sighs as well and sinks into her seat, "What the hell are we even gonna do for John B? No one is gonna believe us, no one is gonna believe just some teenagers." I says, lifting my head. Tucker walks up to my window and knocks on it, I slowly roll it down and he leans his elbows on the door. "So what's this I hear about John B killing the sheriff?" He ask the two of us, glancing into my backseat to see it filled with grocery bags. I take a deep breath and fill him in on everything that's happened these past few weeks now. He takes a deep breath and runs his hands across his face, "Tucker we don't have much time. We need to get back to the boys, we're just here to grab a few things." I tell him, he steps back and let's me out of my car. "I'm worried if you saw dad and he saw you." He tells me, I wave for Kie to go inside and look back at Tucker. "I'm not going anywhere alone, only reason JJ isn't with me is he had to stay with John B. Kie came with me, I know not to go anywhere by myself. But please I need to help John B out, he needs us Tuck." I beg him, he sighs and nods his head. "So Dad and Ward are behind the killing of the Sheriff?" He ask me and I nod my head, "Sarah witnessed the whole thing as well, she can tell the truth. Rafe shot her and apparently Ward was there and dad showed up when he heard the shooting." I tell him, "That is so much to process..." he tells me, laying down on the couch with his arm over his eyes. I run down the hall and throw clothes into a bag for Kie and I, grab some of JJ as well and we grab all the pillows and blankets from my room. "This would be such a fun sleepover if it didn't involve us actually hiding from the cops and John B on the run." Kiara tells me as we shove everything into the back of my car. I had a small suv so we could all fit in mine and Kies car comfortably.

JJ lifts his head up when he hears a car driving down the gravel road leading up to the old abandoned house and garage port they were hiding at. "It's just the girl." JJ say, John B let's out a sigh of relief and looks over to us. "We bought the goods boys." I call out to them, stepping out my car and opening my back door, I reveal my backseat filled with food. "Can she be my girlfriend?" John B ask JJ, all three boys looking at her with huge smiles on their faces. "If you touch her, I'll kill you." JJ says, hoping out the car. He glanced in the back of the car before pulling me into a hug, "And I got you a new vape." I say, pulling it out my back pocket. "God I'm in love with you." JJ says, taking the vape from my hands. I look at him a bit shocked and I realize he didn't realize what he just said to me. I clear my throat and just wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head against his chest. Kiara clearly heard it and had her mouth wide open and stared right at me, I push my index finger to my lips and shake my head at her.

Kiara, Pope, and John B helped Kiara set her car up for a night of sleep. I had a small suv like Kiara, I laid my seats down and positioned the pillows to lay right behind the driver and passenger seat. "No one else is allowed to sleep here tonight." JJ chimes in, glancing over at John B as both boys now leaned against my car. "Ya know I really thought Y/N and I could share her car tonight... looks like there's plenty of room in Kies car for you." John B tells JJ, trying to get him worked up. JJ stays silent and just glares at his best friend. I sat back against my pillow and look at JJ with a raised eyebrow, "Unless you wanna hear me fuck her, I suggest you stay in the car." JJ snaps,  my jaw must've hit the floor at his comment. I look at him completely shocked, John B chuckles and sits down on the edge of my car, "JJ it's too easy to get you worked up." John B tells him, slapping his stomach. JJ kicks his shoes off and climbs into our makeshift bed for the night, he crawls between my legs and lays the back of his head against my stomach. I pull his hat off his head and run my fingers slowly through his hair, John B crawls up and lays next to the two of us.

It was getting late, JJ fell asleep in my lap, he was snoring softly as his arms were wrapped around my waist and his head on my chest. I glance over to John B, staring up at the ceiling. "Hey," I nudge his shoulder to get his attention. "What's on your mind?" I ask him, pulling the blanket over JJ chest and tossing his hat into the drivers seat. "How the hell am I gonna get out of this mess?" He ask me, looking over his shoulder at me. I sigh and look out at the woods that surrounded us. "JB I honestly don't know, we won't let anything happen to you but we have no clue what to do." I tell him, "I think your best bet might be to get off the island, get off and hide out somewhere till we can get the real truth exposed." I tell him, looking back at him, his eyes never left me. He sighs and nods his head. I softly lift JJ head up and move down in the car, "Y/N...." He mumbled, lifting his head up to look at me. "I'm just laying down." I tell him, JJ pulls away from me and lays back down. I curl up next to him, his chest now pushed up against my back, he sleepy lifts his head to see John B still here. He pulls me a little closer before letting his head fall back against the pillow, John B and I both giggle at him. "You'll take care of him then while I'm gone?" John B ask, I smile at his care for his best friend. "Of course I will, I'll always look out for him." I tell him, John B grabs the blanket and pulls it over his chest. "I will admit, I've never seen him so head over heels for someone before. He has been completely obsessed with you from the moment you moved here, he's in love with you Y/N." John B says, glancing over my shoulder at his sleeping best friend. I'm thankful the car was dark so no one could see my bright red cheeks now, "The feelings are completely mutual JB." I tell him, kissing JJ forehead and putting my hands on top of his.

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