Chapter thirty eight:

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John B and I hide out in Toppers garage for the night, Topper wasn't in the right head space to be clearly thinking so I wasnt going to ask anything. Around midnight the two of us were woken up by my phone buzzing, I roll over to see I have numerous missed calls from JJ, "Shit...." I mumble putting the phone to my ear. "Hey JJ..." I say softly, I can hear him let out a sigh of relief when he hears my voice. "I've been calling you non stop, I'm even in your fucking car driving around. Where the hell are you?" JJ snaps at me, JJ had one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other one holding the phone to his ear. He's been on edge ever since Y/N left, when he hadn't heard from her he grabbed her car keys and left even if Pope and Kie were protesting the whole time. I stepped out the little storage room in the garage to see Topper and Kelce standing in the garage, grabbing some more beer. "Oh fuck..." I comment, John B gets up to also see them, both boys staring right at us. "Y/N what the hell are you doing with him?" Topper shouts at me, "Y/N what the hell is going on?" JJ shouts through the phone. "Go, go, go." John B tells me, the two of us running up the stairs. I slam the door behind me, the two of us looking for a place to hide. I swing open the laundry room door and push John B inside. "JJ listen, I need you to come to Topper apartment. It's in the middle of the town, but about two blocks from the police station. Kelce and Topper just saw us, we're hiding but I have to go." I tell him quickly and hang up the phone. I put my phone back in my pocket, I quickly turn around to see both boys staring at me. "Where the hell is he Y/N?" Kelce shouts, "Who?" I ask, playing dumb. He glares at me, walking past me and going upstairs to look for him. "Y/N, he's a fucking murder." Topper shouts, "Kelce go get the cops, I'll fucking find his ass." Topper shouts to him. "Topper, what the hell are you on right now?" I shout at him, following him through the house, trying to keep him as far away from John B as possible. "John B come out, come out wherever you are." Topper shouts, ignoring me completely as he runs through his whole house to look for him.

"John B come out, we don't want anymore bloodshed." I hear someone shout through a megaphone. I run to the window and look out to see Shoupe standing there with the megaphone to his mouth, Topper stands next to me and starts giggling. "Oh no John B looks like they think it's you. What a fucking shame." Topper shouts, running back down the stairs. I follow after him quickly, I glance to the laundry room door to see it's still closed. "This is what he gets Y/N, he's a fucking murder. He's going to prison for her death and JJ isn't far behind him, remember he sunk my fucking boat." Topper says, still looking through the house in his drunken state. I stop following him, I couldn't believe this was once a guy I was so madly in love him, I don't even recognize him anymore. I jump when the front door swings up "Kildare County." Shoupe calls out, him and a few other men walking in behind him. "He's in the house somewhere, I haven't seen him leave." Topper tells them, "No, no. Leave him alone, he didn't fucking do it." I shout, trying to push Shoupe away. "Get her out of here." Shoupe shouts to one of the officers. The man holsters his weapon and grabs me around my waist, dragging me outside. "No, let me go. He didn't kill the sheriff." I shout, being dragged out the house. I wasn't going easy, I was kicking and trying to push his arms off me. "Get your fucking hands off of her." JJ shouts, running over to us and pulling me out that man's arms. I lean into JJ chest, and he had his arms wrapped around my waist. The two of us watch the officer walk back inside, "Y/N, where's John B?" JJ ask me, spinning me around to face him. "I pushed him into the laundry room when we ran from Topper and Kelce, for all I know he's still in there." I tell JJ, looking back at the house. "Shit." JJ comments, pulling away from me and putting his hands on his head. "He slipped out the laundry room, he's on the run again." I hear a cop shout, I look at JJ and he grabs my hand. "We gotta find him before they do." JJ says and he hops back into my car, parked a bit down the street. "We'll find him before you do." I hear Rafe shout from behind us, Topper and Kelce stood next to him. "Yeah and how do you plan to do? Huh?" I ask Rafe, slamming my car door shut and walking over to him. "Do you plan to shoot him like you shot the sheriff?" I ask Rafe, standing infront of him. He looks at me a bit startled. JJ hops out the car and walks over to us, "Yeah, that's right. I know what you did, you're the real killer and your framing our friend daddy's boy. Just wait till the truth comes out, you're fucked Rafe." I tell him, JJ grabbing my waist and pulling me back from him. "Is it a bad time to say that really turned me on?" JJ whispers in my ear, I smile and shove his chest. "Once we find John B we can deal with that." I tell him, hopping into the passenger seat. As we drive past Rafe, Topper, and Kelce I hold my middle finger up to them.

"JJ, stop there's Sarah." I say, rolling down my window, "Sarah." I shout to her and JJ puts the car in reverse. "Where's John B?" Sarah ask us, "I don't know, he escaped Toppers before the cops got him. He's on the run again." I tell her, sticking my head out the car window when I hear Rafe, Kelce, and Toppers voice. "Listen go get the others, I know where he's going too. I'll help him for now." Sarah says and hops back on her bike. "Do you really have him or you gonna turn him in? He said you were there and witnessed everything." I ask her, I know my comment was blunt but I needed the truth from her. "Rafe shot her and my dads trying to blame John B. Im helping John B out, an innocent women died for no reason." Sarah tells me and rides off quickly. I sigh and look back at JJ, "I fucking hope she's telling the truth." I tell JJ. I look over at him, he speeds off to get Kie and Pope. His hands clenched the steering wheel and his eyes straight forward, "JJ..." I say softly, reaching over to put my hand on his arm. "I'm fine, just worried that's all." He tells me.

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