Chapter thirty five:

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John B drove the van to the private airstrip, I sat in the back with Pope and JJ, "We're going in there, guns a-blazin." JJ tells us while Pope and I watch him load the gun. "Ward won't know what hit him, we're in and we're out." JJ says, pointing the gun to the roof and cocking it back. "Y/N, Kie. You two are gonna be in charge of putting as much gold as you can into the van. John B, Pope, and I will be the distraction." John B says, "Then we're off to Yucatán to sell this shit and eat big ass lobsters everyday." JJ says, huge smile on his face and looks over at me.

We park just behind a gate and run up to the fence, "Okay we need a plan, a plan would be great right now." Kiara says, all of us staring at them loading gold into the plane. John B grabs the binoculars from Pope, his face falls a second later, "What, what is it?" I ask him, looking between the plane and him. "Its Sarah, Sarah is with him." John B tells us. John B watches Sarah and Ward argue before Ward grabs her, trying to force her into the plane. "He's hurting her. Wards hurting her." John B says, "Wait what?" JJ questions confused, trying to see what he saw. John B hops in the van, "Woah dude what are you doing?" Pope shouts, John B says nothing and starts to drive the van right into the wired gate. I grab JJ arm and pull him out of the way, "Don't be a hero man." JJ yells to him, the van breaks through the fence and he drives it straight towards the plane. "He's lost his damn mind." I shout, we start to run after him but stop when the van is too ahead of us. Different men start shouting on the runway when they notice the van driving up. "He's gonna get himself killed." Pope shouts, putting his hands on his head. "We gotta help him." I say and look to JJ, JJ looks at me before the ground a bit startled and not sure what to say. "Y/N?" A man's voice calls out to me, it sent shivers down my spine. I look across the runway to see my father staring right at us, "JJ that's my dad, that's my dad." I tell him panicked now, grabbing his arm. JJ spots him and sees he's walking over to us and the sound of police sirens making their way over to us. "I can't get arrested." Pope says, "My dad can't come over here. We need to go." I say, pulling JJ back as he just stares daggers at my father. "We're all useless if we're in jail." Kiara tells us, her and Pope running off together. "JJ, come on." I say, giving his arm a pull and he finally looks away from my father and we all run off.

We hide in the junk yard, "There goes the gold." Pope sighs, I look up to see the plane flying off. "Shit." JJ grunts, kicking a chair and breaking it. "Fuck." Pope screams, making Kie and I jump. He throws something at the metal wall. "Pope." Kiara exclaims, her and I watching him shocked. "Fuck." He shouts, slamming a baseball bat into anything that was in distance of him. Pope eventually calms down and hyperventilates to himself, sitting down in an old chair. "Yeah man." JJ tells him, "I was wondering when this was gonna happen." JJ says, holding out his vape to him. "JJ, he doesn't smoke." I tell him, looking around at the damage Pope caused. "A little weed never hurt anyone." JJ tells him, Pope grabs the vape from his hand and JJ sits down next to him. "I lost my scholarship, I walked out during my interview." Pope tells us, "It's just gone..." Pope comments. "You did that all for us?" Kiara ask him. Pope shakes his head, "No not for us." He says, getting into Kies face, "For nothing." He says coldly to her. "Welcome to my world man." JJ tells him, wrapping his arm around his chest. Pope pushes JJ off him and leans against the pole, surprising to us all he takes a hit of the vape. "Pope you don't have to do that.." Kiara tells him, "Why do you even care?" Pope snaps at him. JJ goes to speak up but I put my hand over his mouth, "Let this happen." I whisper to him. Pope looks wide eyed behind us, we all turn around to see John B standing there. His hands were covered in blood as well as his shirt, he looked like he been crying. "Holy shit." JJ says, all of running over to him. "John B is that your blood?" I ask him, attempting to look him over with JJ. The sound of sirens causing us to all hide behind the rumble.

Later that evening after John B was able to process what happened Kiara drove all of us to the police station, "I still don't understand why we're going to the cops." JJ ask him, keeping me close to his chest. I haven't really said much since I saw my father at the airstrip, I could only reply in my head our last interactions together before we all left. "Someone has to know what happened there." John B tells him, Pope was smoking a blunt in the car and starts coughing up a storm. "Alright easy there tiger. Let's not over do it now." JJ tells him, patting Popes shoulder. "Listen dude, you are going to be going into the lions den in there. We have no clue what story Ward has already told them or anything. Your going in there blind." He tells him, I lift my head up. "If my father is working with him they have already spun some elaborate story to the cops on what happened. Ultimately pinning this whole thing on you." I tell him, JJ points at me and nods his head. "Exactly, my dad taught me to never trust the cops. No matter if you think their on your side, never trust them." JJ tells John B, "Your father is an abusive liar." Kiara argues him, "I agree with JJ, fuck the police." Pope chimes in, taking another long drag of the blunt. "When have they ever helped us out?" Pope ask him. "Peterkin helped me. She always tried to look out for me or at-least tried too." John B finally speaks up. We all go silent and watch him hop out the car, "We'll be here waiting." JJ calls out to him, he sighs and leans back into the seat. "He's screwed if my dad and Ward are working together." I tell everyone, laying my head back down on JJ lap.

Two deputies walk out from the back with Ward and James Limbrey, both of them still covered in blood. "Just breath..." the female deputy tells John B. He looks at James and Ward horrified, "John, it's best you do what these deputies say. We don't want anyone to get hurt." James tells them. "Look I didn't do it okay?" John B tries to tells them with no one believing him. He bolts out the door, "Kie start the car." He shouts, scaring the shit out of all of us. John B hopes back in the car and two deputies, my father, and Ward come running out. "What is my dad doing in there?" I shout as Kie speeds off as fast as she can. "What the hell did you do?" Kie shouts, the female officer hanging onto the door, trying to force her way in. "Kie drive faster." I shout. John B opens the door and knocks the officer off. I let out a sigh of relief when we speed off down the street

James and Rafe sat in silence in Wards office while they waited for him to come up. "So she's dead?" Rafe ask him. James sighs and nods his head, "She dead before they got her to the hospital." James tells him, leaning back in his chair, he had a glass of whiskey in his hands and sipping on it. The door opens and Ward walks in, he glances at Rafe before sitting down at his desk, running his hand over his beard. "We told them John B did it." Ward announces to Rafe. Relief washes over Rafe when he hears that, "That's good, that's amazing. That'll work, that piece of shit Pogue can get locked him. Hell end up there soon anyways." Rafe tells them, huge cockily smile on his face. James titles his head at him, "This almost costed us everything and your sitting here celebrating?" James ask him, anger taking over him now. "Rafe just go to your room and clean up." Ward tells him after James comment. "If you are questioned you tell them you were here all day, working on the boat." Ward tells him, Rafe scoffs and looks at both men confused. "Rose knows I wasn't here though." He tries to argue, "I will handle Rose, now go." Ward snaps. Rafe goes to walk out and James grabs his arm, "Remember, I saw what you did. I own you now." James tells him, dropping his arm and finishing his glass of whiskey.

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