Chapter forty four:

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JJ drove my car and picked up Kie and Pope for our first day of school. JJ opened my door for me and grabbed my hand, "I feel like everyone is staring at us." Kiara comments, looking around at everyone. I glance around with her and sigh. "That's because they are Kie." I tell her, JJ squeezing my hand and the four of us walk up to the school. We all spot the John B memorial they had set up against a rock in front of the school, "I can't be late." Pope sighs, turning to walk away. "Hey, we have to stick together." Kiara calls out to him, holding her hand out to him. She looks back at the two of us and I give her a small smile and JJ squeezes my hand. "We're in this together." JJ tells us and we all walk inside. JJ walks me to the office, "You can go to class, I can handle getting my schedule." I tell him, letting go of his hand. He leans against the wall and holds his binder at his side, "Just text me your schedule once you get it, okay?" He tells me, leaning down to kiss my cheek. "Go to class JJ." I tell him, playfully shoving his shoulder. I blow him a kiss before I push open the office doors.

The principal walks me down the halls of the school, he was pointing out different classrooms and hallways while we made our way to my first class of the day. "We hope you feel welcomed here and have an awesome years." The principal tells me, swinging open the door to my classroom. "Excuse me Mr.Sunn, have a new student joining your class, Y/N Limbrey." The principal tells him stopping his lesson, I look around the classroom and immediately spot my handsome blonde hair boyfriend. He looks up from his books and a huge smile on his face, Kiara and Pope smile at me and wave. "Welcome Miss Y/N, take a seat anywhere you like." Mr.Sunn tells me, holding his hand out to the classroom, JJ nods his head to the open seat in front of him. I take my seat next to Kiara and in front of JJ. JJ leans over his desk, "I'm not gonna be able to focus on this class all year now." He whispers in my ear, once Mr.Sunn starts his lesson again. I glance back at JJ and roll my eyes, "I'll just go sit next to Pope then." I tell him, pulling out a notebook.

The boring lessons moves at a snails pace, I stare down at my text book till my phone goes off and it grabs my attention. I quickly lock it and put my phone in my lap, "Who's phone was that?" He calls out, looking around the classroom. Kiara glances at me and I shrug my shoulders, after Mr.Sunn turns back to the chalkboard I look down at my phone and see a text from JJ
'You're ass looks amazing in those jeans.' It read, I look at him over my shoulder and he had a huge grin on his face. I put my phone on silent for the rest of the listen and ignored any future messages from JJ.

Kiara and I had classes with eachother for the rest of the day, JJ and Pope weren't with us for those. The last bell of the day rang and we made our way back to my car to wait for JJ and Pope to show up. Once we reach the parking lot JJ was leaning against the drivers door with Pope next to him, "Took you long enough." JJ calls out to us, I roll my eyes and look at Kie. "We can get away with his murder right?" I ask her, she smiles and nods her head. "Only if we work together." She tells me, to my surprise she kisses Pope and Pope kisses her back. Both of them hoping into the backseat of my car, "Ummm...." I question looking up at JJ shocked as ever. "I wasn't dreaming, you saw that too, right?" JJ ask me, tossing his binder into my car "yes, yes I did." I tell him, starting to giggle and he chuckled and kisses the top of my head. "We'll the No Pogue on Pogue macking rule is officially gone." JJ tells me, walking over to the passenger door and opening it for me. I turn in my seat and look back at Kie and Pope, "Sooooo..." I say waiting for JJ to get in, he turns in his seat to look back at them as well. "You two are dating now?" JJ ask them both, Pope glances at Kiara who looks up from her phone. "Yeah, let's not make a big deal out of it." She tells us, glancing at the two of us and then to Pope. Pope smiles and looks back at us, I turn back to look at JJ wide eyed. He smiles and starts my car to drive them home.

JJ let's out a sigh of relief when he pulls back into my driveway, "I always hate the first day of school." JJ tells me, hopping out the car. He holds the front door open for me, "It always feels so long." I tell him, grabbing two water bottles from the fridge. I raise an eyebrow when I notice Tucker and Tommy weren't home , I see the note they left on the fridge
'Both got a job working at the marine, we'll be home later.' It wrote, JJ walks up behind me and reads the note. Without question JJ picks me up bridal style, "JJ, what the hell?" I shout, wrapping my arms around his neck. "We have the house to ourselves. I'm gonna fuck you." He tells me, walking down the hall to my bedroom. JJ tosses me on the bed and climbs on top of me, he pecks my lips quickly and then moves his lips down my jawline to my neck. I put my hands on the back of his neck, closing my eyes and laying my head back into the pillow. "I can't really focus when your sitting right in front of me." JJ mumbled against my skin, his hand slips under my shirt and he squeezes both my breast. I moan softly, biting down on my bottom lip, JJ pulls his lips back and sits up. I open my eyes to watch him pull his hat off his head and pulling his jacket off. I sit up and pull my shirt over my head, revealing my black lace bra, one of JJ favorites. He stares down at my breast in awe, I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head. He takes a deep breath while I toss the shirt on the ground next to my bed, I lean forward and softly kiss his chest, "Y/N...." He sighs, his head falling back and he grabs a handful of my hair. I slowly move down his chest to the waist line of his cargo shorts, I pull back slowly and look at the bulge wanting to escape the restriction of his shorts. I smile at him and lay back down on my bed, his eyes never left me. I run my hands down my stomach slowly and start to undo my jeans, JJ hands ran slowly up and down my thighs while he watching me. I push my jeans down a bit to reveal the matching black lace underwear I had on, "Fuck me..." JJ comments, pulling my jeans off the rest of the way. He kicks his boots off and crawls back on top of me again I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his lips down to mine, I moan against his lips when I feel him grind himself against me. JJ hands reach around and unhooks my bra, his lips not leaving mine. He tosses the bra, he pulls back from me the two of us breathing heavily from our intense makeout session. I put myself up on my elbows, he kisses slowly down my chest, to my stomach. He looks up at me with a huge grin on his face, he bites down on the sides of my underwear and pulls them now with his teeth. I can't help but giggle a bit while I watched him. I kick them off once my underwear hits my ankles. I sit up and push JJ down where I was laying, I get ontop of him and straddle his lap. I put my hands on his chest to support myself and grind against him. He holds my hips and groans, closing his eyes, his fingers dipping into my hips. "Fuck princess." He moans loudly. "JJ, Y/N." Pope shouts with Kie behind him and runs down the hall to her bedroom, Pope swings the door open to see Y/N on top of JJ and naked. "Oh my god Pope." I shout, grabbing the blanket and covering myself up. "Dude what the fuck? You could've knocked." JJ shouts, covering Y/N with the blanket. Kie turned the corner when she saw the two of them and Pope stood there with his hands over his eyes. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. We wouldn't of barged in if it wasn't important. I'm so sorry....." Pope drags on, "Have either of you checked your phones?" Kie shouts from the hallway. "No, our stuff is in the kitchen." I tell her, keeping the sheet covered over me. "Put some clothes on and come check your phones." Kie demands, grabbing Pope and closing the door. JJ groans and lays back on my bed, "One fucking time we were alone..." he groans, I smile at him and lean down to kiss his lips. "We can finish this later." I tell him, grabbing a t-shirt of his and putting it on and I grab a pair of my shorts. JJ just throws on his cargo shorts and walks out the room, "This better be fucking important, we were busy." JJ snaps at both of them. Kie hands us both our phones, I look down at a number I don't recognize, I glance at JJ who showed me he got the same message. We open it at the same time to see a picture of John B and Sarah, "Somebody's fucking with us...." I say, taking a seat on the couch. "That's my exact thought, Shoupe said they didn't make it." Kiara says and takes a seat next to me. Pope just stares down at his phone and sits down on the arm of the couch, "We shouldn't over react now, because this could be some weird hoax or something." Pope tells us, pacing the room. "What if it's actually him though?" JJ finally speaks up. "I'm just gonna ask." Kiara says and I look over her shoulder to what she's texting this number back.
'Is JJ there?' The text wrote and I look up at him immediately, before looking back down at my phone when another text comes through.
'Did you pimp my short board?' It read, JJ chuckles and nods his head with Kiara laughing as well. "It's him." JJ smiles, JJ and Pope hug one another and I look over at the crying Kiara. I smile at her and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Can't believe it's really him." I exclaim, the two of us squeezing each other tightly. "Yeah." JJ screams, holding his arms open for me. I stand on the couch and jump into his arms, I giggle with him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Can't kill a Pogue, dude." JJ says and sets me back down, "Especially John B." Pope smiles, finally taking a seat on the couch next to Kiara. "How the hell did they get to the Bahamas?" Pope ask, reading the next text. "Be in touch, P4L." Kie reads, crying a little bit more. "P4L, that's what I'm talking about man." JJ says, pulling all of us in for a group hug.

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