Chapter eighteen:

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"John B we're really trying to be supportive over this but your not making any sense." Kiara argues with him. She sat in the passenger seat next to him while JJ, Pope, and I sat in the back seat. I was holding JJ hand and playing with the rings on his fingers. "Listen just trust me on this, my dad is definitely trying to tell me something. Reinfield is the most common name on the island but it wasn't the lighthouse. It's for my great great great grandma, we're going to the cemetery. I just have a feeling, please just trust me." John B pleads with all of us.

We all walked through the cemetery till John B found her grave, Kiara and I took a step back while they pulled vines off the grave . "Back up, back up." JJ shouts a snake comes crawling out of the vines. Kiara and I jump back at the sight of it, "It's a cottonmouth." JJ comments, slowly walking behind it. Then out of nowhere he starts barking at the snake as it moves away. "JJ, JJ stop." Pope shouts at him, "You're gonna let someone know we're here." Kiara shouts at him. All I could do is start laughing, hysterically laughing at JJ barking at a snake. JJ starts laughing at himself as well and John, Pope, and Kiara look at the two of us like we're insane.

"There's an opening there." John B points out standing on the tip of his toes but can't see over the stone. "Help me with the door." John B says, him, JJ, and Pope all try to push the stone door open with no luck. I sigh and look at Kiara, "I can squeeze through that whole." I tell the boys. JJ shakes his head, "Fuck no. One snake already crawled out and I don't need another one biting you." JJ says, still protesting the idea. "It's for his dad JJ, I'll be fine." I tell him, JJ stood in front of me with his hands on his head. I kiss his cheek and wink at him, he lets a defeated sigh out. He squats against the wall and holds his hands out for my foot, he hoist me up and I push myself through the hole. "Okay, need some light." I ask, standing there in the pitch black. Pope hands me the flashlight, once I grab it from his hands I immediately scream, blood curdling scream. "Y/N, what the hell happened?" JJ shouts out, holding his hand to the hole to look in, "Y/N!" Kiara shouts, everyone panicking from my scream. I start laughing once I see JJ and John B panicked expression, "That wasn't funny asshole." JJ snaps at me, dropping himself back down. I laugh to myself a bit while I look around, to my surprise I see a FedEx package labeled Bird on it, "Holy shit..." I mumble, "Y/N I swear to god if this is another one of your pranks I'm gonna kill you." John B tells me, "Not a prank." I say and hold the package out to him, everyone looking at it shocked. "Oh my god..." Kiara says shocked and John B grabs the package from my hand.

"Dude there mold on that bread." I point out to JJ as he sprays peanut butter on it, "Listen princess mold is good for you, it's a natural organisms." JJ argues with me, "I'm not even gonna bother to explain this to you." Pope sighs, shaking his head at JJ. "It's gonna taste bad." I tell JJ, patting his chest and walking over to John B and Kiara. JJ walks over and takes bite of the sandwich, "Oh that fucking disgusting." JJ groans, spitting out the sandwich. I giggle and at him and Pope runs his hands over his face, "He's gonna kill himself one of these days." Pope sighs. "That's enough, let's focus please." Kiara snaps at us, John B pulls out a map. I look around at everyone as they look like they understand what it means, but I had no fucking clue. John B picks the package back up and pulls out a tape recorder. We all intensely listen to the tape recorder, "Listen kid, don't beat yourself up over our last fight. I didn't expect to find the royal merchant either..." the tape recorder says, JJ and Kiara look to each other shocked, John B not believing what he just heard either. The tape recorder ends and John B gets up and he catches himself on the wall. "Holy shit... John B he really found it... he foun...." JJ starts and Kiara shakes her head at him, "JJ, can you not? Please." She snaps, all of us turning around attention to John B quietly crying to himself.

We all sat outside on John B dock, JJ sat on the railing and I sat between him and John B. John B wasn't even focused on the conversation about the money that's possibly on the boat. JJ starts going on and on about how he should get more for protecting us from groupers with the gun he stole. I glance over at John B staring off into the night, playing with the now empty beer can in his hands. I look back at the other three, "What would I do with my share? I'd go full kook, buy the biggest house on Figure 8, I'd get a koi pond and a marble statue made of myself." JJ answers, now everyone looked to me. "What would you do with your share Y/N?" Pope ask me, I didn't know what to say. I knew what having that kind of money felt like, before I left my fathers house with Tommy and Tucker we had the kook life style times ten. I'd make the kooks look like Pogues. I must've taken so long to answer JJ waves his hand in front of my face, "Earth to Y/N." He ask, grabbing my attention. "Uhh... right sorry." I say and tuck my hair behind my ears. "Just fix up the house with my brothers, I'd honestly just want that." I tell them, tapping my foot on the wooden railing. "She'd be living with me, I'll even give you a statue as well." JJ tells me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I smile and shove his shoulder, "What about you JB?" Pope ask him. I smile at John B and he holds his beer, "To going full kook." He smirks, JJ cheering at his answer. "I'll even get you a statue as well, he'd be my fucking neighbor." JJ shouts, all of us clinking our drinks together.

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