Chapter forty seven:

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JJ and I didn't talk much after we got back home to my house, I was thankful Tucker and Tommy were out with friends that night so they couldn't ask us any questions. I hopped in the shower to wash off the long and exhausting day I've had, I hear a soft knock on the door and peak my head out the shower curtain to see JJ standing shirtless in my bathroom. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I shouldn't have done that. I know your emotions are all over the place right now and I should've been more patient with you." He tells me, leaning against my sink. "I'm sorry for yelling as well, you were trying to protect me and I was taking everything out on you." I tell him, he smiles at me and nods his head. "I'll let you shower then." He tells me, pushing himself off the counter and goes to leave. "JJ." I call out to him, he turns around and I hold my hand out to him. He closes the door and grabs my hand, with his other hand he undressed himself and hopped in the shower with me.

"So this is the north drain, it should've gotten washed into the gully." JJ explains to us, him and Pope hopping down into the grass. I stood with Kiara ontop of the drain. "So, it it got flushed out from this drain, it would've been pushed out to..... about here." JJ says waving his arms around at all the trash that laid in the water. Pope pulls out trash bags from his pocket, "Let's search." He says and throws the rolled up bags at JJ.

We spent the next hour picking up all the trash, hopping to find the gun in all of it. "We'll that was fun." JJ complains, throwing the last bag onto the street. "So it wasn't here, then it has to be still in the drain." Pope comments, "Of course it is." Kiara complains, I let out a defeated sigh and lean against the drain. "So rock, paper, scissors on who goes in?" I ask, looking around at everyone. Pope and JJ pull off the drain guard with the crowbar. "We could do oldest to youngest?" Kiara also ask us, JJ shakes his head and adjust his hat. "Hate to say it but it's gotta be either of you two. See there's these worms in the sewer. They get into your blood stream and how they come out through your pecker. I personally don't want to have to worry about peeing a worm out my pecker." JJ tells the both of us. "That's gonna be a hard pass for me as well." Pope chimes in. "Okay, I get it. You're scared." Kiara teases them, I bend down and look into the drain. "No, no." JJ tried to argue. "We're not scared." Pope protest. "It's kinda cute, both pussys." I tease them, pulling my phone and car keys out of my pocket and handing it to JJ. "Wait, wait. Woah, what are you doing?" JJ ask me, I pull my t-shirt so I'm just in a pair of athletic shorts and my sports bra. "I'm not being a pussy and I'm going to look for the gun." I tell him. "You don't have to be scared, I'll do it." I tell them, looking back at the three of them. JJ shakes his head and scratches the back of his neck, "Can we like.... Send Kie instead?" JJ ask, I can't help but giggle. Kiara gasp and slaps JJ arm. "It was just a thought...." He mumbled, rubbing his arm. "I'll be fine JayJ." I tell him, standing on my toes to kiss his cheek. "Okay, just be careful then." JJ tells me, "I'll be so careful." I tease him, bending down to crawl into the drain. JJ chuckles, "I deserved that." He smiles, watching me crawl down the drain with Kiara and Pope. "Ass looks great by the way." He calls out to me, earning another slap with Kiara. JJ rubs his arm again and looks back at me, "Just holler if you need anything, alright? We can uh.... holler back." JJ calls out to me. "Very helpful. Thank you." I snap at him sarcastically.

JJ anxiously leans against the drain and waits for me to say anything. I fall into the catch basin and gag at the smell and all the trash in here. "You're right Kie, people are shitty." I call out pushing all the trash around. I bend down in the water and pick up something, when I bring it to the surface it looks like something dead to me, "Oh my god, oh my god." I shout dropping it back into the water. "Y/N, talk to me. What's going on?" JJ shouts to me, "There's something dead in here. Oh my god, I want out of here." I continue to shout, panicking at the sight of this dead thing floating in the water. "Y/N do you have the gun?" Kiara shouts to me, bending down next to JJ, "You guys owe me for life for this." I shout to them, bending down back into the water to feel around for the gun again. "Shut up." Pope snaps at the two of them, listening to what's coming from the sewer. JJ quickly bends back down and tries to listen as well, "Oh shit." I panic, watching as the water starts to raise around me. "JJ, the water. The water is raising." I shout to him, "Y/N, get the hell out of there now." Kiara shouts to me, putting her hands over her mouth. "I don't have time, guys. Please help me." I shout, as the water starts to rush in around me, starting to fill up quickly. "JJ, help me." I shout, I grab onto the ladder in the sewer and start to climb it to reach the top of the drain. "Y/N." JJ shouts before running off to the drain head. "Shit, shit." Pope shouts, him and Kiara running after JJ. "Y/N." JJ shouts once he reaches where I am. "JJ please, the waters coming up fast." I tell him, "pull it, pull it off." I shout once I see the three of them standing around. The three of them trying to pull the drain head off, the water doesn't settle and just keeps raising around me. "JJ, JJ please help me. Get me out of here." I beg him, "Y/N we're gonna get you out of there I promise." Pope tries to reassure me, JJ focus on trying anything to get me out of the drain. The water soon covers my face completely, water rushing out the drain now. JJ, Pope, and Kiara stood around the drain and tried everything to pull the cover off. They eventually get it off and I push myself out, I cough all the water up that got into my lungs and lay my chest down on the concrete. JJ falls on his butt next to me and looks at me shocked. I eventually push myself up on my my knees, the palms of my hand laid against the concrete. Kiara walks infront of me and grabs my cheeks, I look up at her and take heavy breaths as I try to get more air. "You're okay, you're alive." She reassured me. I nod my head slowly and look over at JJ. He was staring at me in disbelief and horror, I sit up straight and exhale loudly. I reach around to my waist band of my shorts, "This isn't what we're looking for right?" I ask them, pulling the gun out and holding it up. JJ expression changes to one of pure joy, "Holy fucking shit Princess you did it." He shouts, grabbing the rag from his pocket and wrapping it around the gun. "Holy shit Y/N, you did it." Pope shouts, pulling me into a hug. "We're gonna get this son of a bitch, man." JJ excitedly exclaims to us. I get up and Kiara had the biggest smile on her face, "Fucking Pogue style man." She smiles at me, I pull her into a hug and JJ and Pope join in as well.

I step out the shower and wrap the towel around my body, I open my bathroom door and JJ is sprawled out on my bed. He looks away from the TV and raises an eyebrow at me, "Is this your way of asking me for another round?" He teases me, I playfully roll my eyes at him and grab a sweatshirt of his from the edge of my bed. "I have sewage all in my lungs right now, I won't be able to last." I tell him, dropping the towel in front of him and putting his sweatshirt on. "Princess you can't just drop your towel infront of me and expect me not to want you." He tells me, leaning against the bathroom door. "Too bad JJ." I say and run the brush through my hair. He sticks out his bottom lip to me and grabs my free hand, "What if I say pretty please?" He begs me, I still shake my head and set my brush down. "Still not gonna happen handsome." I tell him, pecking his lips and walking past him to my bed. I crawl under the covers and JJ joins me, he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my stomach. "It was freaken badass what you did today, scared the hell out of me. But badass, I'm dating a badass." He tells me, pressing play on the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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