Chapter twenty five:

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Two days later:
I hand Kiara the water pitcher, walking back over to the table we sat at in The Wreck. "So you're just living with Sarah Cameron now?" Kiara questions John B. "Just because her dad is my legal guardian, he saved me from DCS." John B tells us. "He did it guys, he went full kook." I tease John B, patting his shoulder and grabbing the food from the counter. "You trying to get a job Y/N?" Mike and Anna tease me, I smile at them and shrug my shoulders. "Just trying to help out, can't leave my girl hanging." I say and put our food down on the table. "So do you like have access to the country club now?" Pope ask him, I hand JJ his food and he smiles at me, kissing my cheek. "Why do you always gotta look so good?" He ask me, kissing my other cheek. "JJ, I'm literally in just sweatpants and a tank top." I tell him, looking down at my light grey pants, white converse which weren't so white anymore, and my white tank top crop top, revealing my belly button piercing. He rolls his eyes at me and takes a bite of his burger, "Look you promised." Kiara starts, the conversation moving to a serious one now. "You said you weren't with her." Kiara says, taking a seat at the table. "Bro just owe it. She got you." JJ comments, John B scoffs and points to me, "And she doesn't?" He exclaims, JJ smiles and wraps his arm around my waist, "Hell yeah she does, I can proudly say she has me wrapped around her finger." JJ tells him, holding up his pinky finger. I slap his hand down and smile, "Sarah Cameron has you wrapped around hers." I mouth to John B who just sinks back into his chair. JJ stood behind me, I laid my head back against his shoulder with my hands on his arms. JJ makes a wip sound when John B starts to speak again, earning us a glare from both Kiara and John B. I put my hands up in defense and chuckle to myself. "Can we just focus alright?" John B ask us, pointing down at the map laid out on the table. "She's not here, I'm here with my friends. Now let's focus and figure out where we can find the gold." He tells us, we all crowd around the table, trying to figure out anywhere to start.

We pull up to an old Stone Wall, "This is definitely worst case scenario." John B says, putting the car into park. "Not the Crain house." JJ groans, once we all step out the van. I look to Kiara, "It's rumored she murdered her husband and she's a crazy bitch." Kiara explains to me, "I heard she buried her husbands head on the property." JJ tells us, "Ghost stories don't scare us JJ." I say, walking up to the stone wall and running my hand along it.

"Ya know, I don't really believe the stories of this place man. It's all rumored nonsense." John B states to us all, "Guys I swear to god this is all true, every rumor that's been thrown around. All of it." JJ says, taking the lead of leading us all through the thick brush. I stop Kie in her tracks, I put my finger to my lips to tell everyone to stay quiet. JJ stops when he stares up at the old run downed house. I walk up behind him quietly and grab his hips, "Boo." I shout and he jumped back from, looking back at me startled. His face immediately palms when we all start laughing at him, "I refuse to protect you guys now if she starts trying to kill us." JJ snaps, still watching us all laughing at how scared he got.

"Listen focus, we need to look for the wheat by the pond water." John B explains, JJ wasn't paying attention and only heard the end of his statement, "Bong water?" He ask, Pope glares at him, shoving his shoulder. "He's such an idiot..." Kie comments and grabs my hand, "Don't get decapitated now." Kiara calls out, the two of us walking off together through the jungle of fucking weeds.

John B has us all follow him into the basement of the house, we all look around "Well this is a dead end, no water here." I say, watching JJ run his hand along the dried up pipes on the ceiling . "You wanna know why? Bad karma." Kie says, causing both Pope and JJ to groan. "This really isn't the time you two." I say trying to calm the situation down between everyone. "This is exactly the reason why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah." John B tells her, completely ignoring my comment "Yeah?" Kiara says to him, not backing down either. "Is it because I kissed you? Is that why?" John B ask us and Kiara immediately slaps his face, I glare at Pope and JJ for chuckling at the scene. "Stop treating me like im some girl that's obsessed with you." Kiara snaps at him. "Instead of your best friend who's trying to look out for you." Kiara says, biting the inside of her cheek in frustration and to prevent herself from saying anything else. To my surprise John B slaps her back and the two of them have a playful slapping war with eachother now. "Don't bother to try to understand them, I still don't." JJ tells me, walking past me and slapping a mosquito that bit his arm. "So many tiny vampires." He complains to himself. Pope pulls up a wooden board to reveal a well just below our feet, "Holy shit." I say, helping him move more boards. We all stand back and look at the well, "Well, well, well." Pope comments, giggling at his own joke. "We're gonna need a really big rope." John B smiles, "And back in the game again baby." JJ says, throwing his hands up in celebration.

"No effing way." Kiara snaps while we all sat around the porch of John B house. I walk out from the house and I see Sarah sitting on the couch next to John B. "You brought her here? So she's in on this too?" Kiara continues to grill him. "Babe, out of the cross fire." JJ calls out to me, holding his hand out to me, "Hey Y/N." Sarah says softly when I walk back, I give her a small wave and sit down in JJ lap. "This is gonna get ugly fast." Pope comments, sitting down next to JJ and I. "Damn it, I left my snacks inside." I comment, the three of  us giggling together. John B looks over at the three of us, "Look all I care about is her share comes from yours." JJ tells him, laying his hand across my lap. "I don't remember taking a vote on this." Kiara shouts, if looks could kill. John B would be dead. "This is our thing, a Pogue thing." Kiara says motion to everyone in the room but Sarah. "I have to admit I'm a tad bit uncomfortable with this." Pope tells us all, "After all she is a kook and dating one. Frankly the one who been targeting JJ and I." Pope says. John B scoffs and points at me. "Not because of Sarah, if anyone is to blame for that it's Y/N." John B shouts. "Excuse me?" I snap at him, climbing out of JJ lap. "I have nothing to do with Toppers behavior. Topper has been a lose cannon for a while now. Don't you dare say I wanted what happened to Pope and JJ to happen." I snap at him, John B puts his hands up in defense. "Sorry, I see that was wrong now..." he mumbles. "Hey, hey. Don't get so worked up." JJ tells me, pulling me back down into his lap, my blood was boiling. I couldn't get myself to look at John B anymore. "You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kiara says, finally looking at Sarah. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here." Sarah snaps. "Then leave." Kiara snaps back at her. "I told you," Sarah says, turning her attention to John B. "Told him what exactly? That your a liar..." Kiara starts but Sarah cuts her off. "No that your shit talking bitch." Sarah shouts at her leaving all of us speechless. The two girls arguing back and forth with one another now. "Sarah.... Sarah you're my..." John B stumbles in his words, I actually look back at him. "You're my girlfriend." He finally admits, "Ha, that's new." I call out, covering my mouth with my hand as I try not to laugh. "She's your girlfriend now? Then what was all that talk about getting a map from her and then cutting her lose?" Kiara calls him out. "You were using me?" Sarah ask him and John B immediately tried to deny it. "I never said that..." he says, "Oh yes you did bro." JJ chimes in, annoyed with how John B tried to blame Y/N for what happened to him and Pope. "Love just walked in alright? It was unexpected." John B say and points over to JJ and I. "You two can't tell me you don't agree, you ever think you'd two would get together?" John B ask, trying to dig himself out of the hole he got himself into. "Yeah I did. I knew I wanted him the day I moved here. He was working on his bike shirtless." I admit, JJ proudly smiles. "I knew when she was standing on the back of her brothers truck and bossing everyone around." JJ say, John B throws his hands up in frustration. "Cut the bullshit John B if she's in, then I'm out." Kiara threatens silencing all of us. "Kie I can't decide." John B mumbles, "You actually are gonna decide right now. Me or her?" Kie shouts, her anger hitting a whole new level now. "Both." He exclaims, Kiara stares at him stunned for a minute before storming out the chateau. "I'm gonna go too." Sarah says, walking off in the opposite direction. "Can I just say? You handled that beautifully." JJ tells him, busting his balls.

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