Chapter sixteen:

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"Dude you have to see the way Kiara looks at you? You have to tell me you'll atleast try to get with her." JJ tells John B, "What the hell is going on with you and Y/N? You two can't keep your hands off each other." John B says, trying to put the attention back on JJ. "I like her, I like her a lot." JJ proudly says, John B chuckles and nods his head. "Clearly you do." He says and JJ cuts him off again. "We can talk about Y/N in a minute cause lord knows I can go on and on about her. But honestly dude, when you gonna give Kiara that John D?" JJ ask him and John B shoved his shoulder. "Dude she's not interested in me like that." He argues JJ, "Dude she was like freaking out yesterday when you went to dive, plus what was that kiss on the cheek all about?" JJ ask him. John B just smiles and shrugs his shoulders, driving the two of them through town to Lana Grubs house. "Don't act like the conversation about you and Y/N is over with." John B tells JJ.

"I want to ask you about that kiss on the cheek you gave John B yesterday." I tell Kiara, bumping my hip against hers. The two of us were walking back to her house from the gas station. Kiara smiles and shakes her head, "Literally nothing, just wanted him to be safe. That's all." She tells me, we quiet our conversation when we realize her parents were sitting outside on the back porch. "Y/N, it's so good to see you." Kiara dad calls out to me, I smile at him and his wife and give them a wave. "Now Kiara, this friend of yours we approve of." Kiara dad teases her, "Mike." Anna says, narrowing her eyes at her husband. "Do you girls want some lunch? I was about to start grilling." Mike ask the two of us, "Honestly I'm starving so my answer is yes." I tell him, he smiles big and nods his head. Mike and Anna go inside to start getting lunch together. "We'll my parents are in love with you." Kiara teases me, I chuckle and shake my head at her, the two of us take a seat on the couch on the porch.

"Oh my god, what the hell was that." JJ shouts once him and John B we're back in the van. "It's the same fucking guys from the marsh, and what the hell was Ms.Lana freaking out about. It's just a damn compass." JJ keeps rambling on, John B quickly pulls out of the driveway, his mind is racing a mile a minute. "Why was she so afraid of the compass?" John B ask outloud, JJ pulls his vape out and exhales the smoke, "Dude how the hell should I know?" JJ snaps, still freaking out about the whole situation that just happened. "What the hell are we gonna do now? How the hell do we know Ms.Lana isn't gonna send them after us?" JJ ask, "JJ, she isn't gonna send them after us. You saw how terrified she was of them." John B snaps at him, "You have to pull it together dude." John B tells him, gripping the steering wheel hard, both boys now silently freaking out. "Just tell the girls to meet us back at the chateau, we can come up with a plan." John B tells JJ.

Pope, JJ, and John B stood in his fathers office looking through his things to get any clue what Reinfield was. "I've slept over 700 times and I've never seen this room before." Pope comments, looking around aimlessly at everything on the walls. John B starts pulling out different items, trying to find anything that makes sense. "This is fucking insane, it's like finding a needle in a haystack." JJ complains, trying to understand what he's looking at in front of him. A truck pulls up outside the chateau, "John Routledge, we know you're home." A man shouts, slamming his car door shut. "It's those guys from the marsh." Pope says, looking through the blinds. "Get the fucking gun JJ." John B tells him, JJ feels his pockets and sees he doesn't have it on himself. "It's in my bookbag on the porch." JJ says, John B swings the door open, JJ goes to run out but quickly turns around when the men swing open the porch screen door. "They're on the fucking porch." JJ snaps, closing the door behind him. John B leans against the door, "Open the fucking window." He snaps at Pope and JJ, both boys trying anything to get the windows to open up.

Kiara and I were walking to John B from my house, Kiara was explaining the whole story to me of what happened to his dad. "I'm kinda speechless." I tell her, shaking my head as I try to wrap my head around the whole thing. "Yeah so DCS is on him so are the cops, it's a whole messed up situation." Kiara tells me, the two of us hit the dirt road leading up to John B house. "Who's truck is that?" I ask her, pointing to the huge black truck parked in the grass. We walk towards the truck, looking it over.

JJ, Pope, and John B jump out the window and to their surprise see Y/N and Kie walking around the truck. "What the hell?" Kie questions watching the three boys run over to them. "The guys from the boat are inside with guns." John B tells the two of them, grabbing Kies hand and pulling her into the chicken cope. JJ grabs Y/N hand and pulls her into the chicken cope as well. He pulls her against his chest, everyone trying to stay as quiet as possible. "What the hell is going on?" Y/N whispers to the boys. John B looks through a crack in the wood, the two men were carrying box's of his fathers stuff out of the house.  I look up at JJ and he just shakes his head at me and puts his finger to his lips. They load the boxes into the truck and peel off, Y/N let's out a sigh of relief. John B immediately storms out of the chicken cope and back into his dads office. Everyone follows after him, "Holy shit." Pope comments, seeing the room torn apart. Y/N steps back when her phone starts ringing,
'Get home right now, emergency.' Tommy texted her, Y/N loses all the color to her face. "Guys I'm so sorry, I have to go home." She quickly tells everyone, everyone looking at her confused. JJ looks at her pale face and grabs her hips. "Hey, hey. What's going on?" JJ ask, he moves one of her hands to move hair out of her face. "My brothers just need me home, I'll help with this whole thing later on." Y/N tells them, looking at John B. "I promise I'll come back, I want to help you find what your dad wants you to know." She tells him, John B gives her a weak smile and nods his head. She quickly walks out the room, JJ just watching her run out the house. "Go after her, clearly something is going on dude." Pope tells him, shoving JJ after her.

"Y/N, wait up." JJ calls out to her, I stop in my tracks and turn to see JJ running over to me. "Hey." He says out of breath. "What's going on? You look like you seen a ghost." JJ tells her, reaching out and grabbing her hands. I take a deep breath, not ready to explain what I think the emergency could be about. "My brothers just texted me to get home it's an emergency. They never say stuff like that and it makes me worried something is going on." I tell him squeezing his hands. "Listen stay with your friends, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get time." I tell him, standing up on my toes and kissing his cheek. I turn away from him before he can protest anymore and start to run back to my house. JJ reluctantly watches her run off, he returns back to his friends and everyone makes their way to the lighthouse with John B.

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