Chapter thirteen:

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"The girls disappeared?" JJ questioned walking back over to John B who was controlling the kegger. "Kiara is over there..." he says and points to her talking to people, "And Y/N is with Sarah, Topper, and Kelce." John B tells JJ, filling his cup up. JJ eyes don't leave Y/N who he watches laughing with the three of them, JJ watches Rafe walk over and try to wrap his arm around her shoulders. JJ storms over with John B and Pope closely watching him.

I look at Rafe confused and push his arm off of me, when I back up away from him I back up into someone and feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I look over and see JJ glaring at Rafe. The conversation quickly ends as everyone watches the situation to see what's gonna happen. "Little jealous there Maybank?" Rafe teases him, putting his drink to his lips. I put my hands on JJ chest and slowly push him back, "He has nothing to be jealous about daddy's boy." I call out to Rafe. Topper, Kelce, and Sarah all laughing at my comment while Rafe just glares at me, JJ eyes move down to mine. "I don't?" He questions, I can smell the beer on his breath. I was a bit speechless, I had no clue what I was going to answer him, he keeps his arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand cupped my cheek. "You don't." I finally mumble out, I watch his eyes stay glued to my lips. He pushes his lips into mine, this kiss wasn't like our first kiss. It was filled with hunger and passion, I wrap my arms around his neck and push my chest into his chest. I pull back first and take a deep breath, he smiles at me and grabs my hand. He turns around to see John B and Pope watching the two of us with grins on their faces. "Just getting to know eachother huh?" John B teases JJ, JJ smiles and pulls me into his chest. He looks down at me, I lean into his chest and smile at him. Our attention gets turned away as we watch John B and Pope pass out beer to everyone. We all continued drinking through out the night, JJ and John B deciding to have a contest who can drink the most.

Kiara and I were talking to a group of guys she met, she was taking a particular interest in one of them while I talked with the other ones. I always kept an eye on JJ and wasn't too far away if anything happened.

"Alright where's my girl? She's gotta come take a shot with me." JJ shouts, John B had his arm wrapped around JJ neck while the two of them looked around the party for me. His drunken eyes scan around the party for me, "There's that pretty little thing." John B tells him, pointing him out to me.

"Okay, what was that earlier with you and JJ?" Sarah calls out to me, running over to me with Topper behind her and grabs my hands. "Don't get me wrong, I totally support it. You two would be fucking adorable together but I just looked over and you were kissing." Sarah shrinks in excitement, Topper looking less than thrilled. I chuckle and run my fingers through my hair, before I can answer her I heard JJ calling her name. "Sarah, Sarah Cameron can I interest you in a nice cold beer?" JJ ask her, looking at him I can tell he's drunk. "No, thanks." She tells him, letting go my hands. "We were getting ready to head out." She tells JJ, "Y/N?" JJ ask me, holding the cup out to me. "You know what JJ, I'll take the beer." Topper tells him, reaching out for the beer. "That's nice, but I didn't ask you." JJ snaps at him, "If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't." JJ starts in, Topper chuckles to himself. "Pretty please then?" Topper ask him, I watch the frustration grow in Topper. "JJ, let's let them leave and we can go over there." I tell him, grabbing JJ free hand. "If only if I can kiss you again." JJ smiles, his focus fully on me now. I smile at him and nod my head, before JJ can leave Topper smacks the cup of beer into JJ faces, spilling it all over him. "Alright asshole." JJ snaps, letting go of my hand and grabbing the collar of Toppers shirt. John B quickly gets between the two of them and pushes JJ back. I grab his arm and stop him from going anywhere, "Hey, hey, hey..." John B starts to tell JJ keeping his hands on his shoulders. "Dirty fucking Pogues." Topper shouts at both of them. John B turns around and punches Topper in the face. I gasp, and JJ backs the two of us up. Topper punches John B back and we all watch the boys start to get into it. "Topper, what the fuck stop." I shout at him, JJ holding me by my waist to keep me back from the fight. Topper knocks John B into the water and doesn't let up, keeps pounding him in the face. "Hey John B don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?" Topper shouts at him, kicking him back into the water. A crowd has now formed to watch the boys fight it out, "Cmon Topper let's go." John B shouts at him. I grab Kies arm to stop her from running out there, knowing she'll get hurt if she's hit. "Stop, that enough you two." Kie shouts at them. Topper flips John B over his shoulder and holds him down in the water, waves crashing all around him. Without warning JJ runs out to the two boys and puts a gun to Toppers head. "Yeah, you know what that is right?" JJ shouts at him, clicking the safety off. I gasp and everyone runs off once they realize JJ has a gun. "We're cool, we're cool." Topper says, trying to reason with drunk JJ. Topper let's John B go and he takes a deep breath before falling back into the water. Kiara, Pope, and I run out to him and pull him out of the water. JJ shots the gun into the air, "Stay off our side of the island." He shouts, making Kiara and I jump at the gun shot sounds.

Kiara and I left the boys to handle everything else, honestly we both didn't want to see them. "Stay the night at my place?" I ask Kiara while the two of us walk down the gravel road. "Of course, plus my parents will love to hear I'm hanging out with you and not the boys." Kiara laughs, I smile at her and wrap my arm around hers. "Like what the hell was tonight?" I ask her, she sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "Like who the fuck knows dude, everything was fine and then it just went insane like really fast." She tells me, shaking her head at the thought of the night we just had. I take a deep breath and sigh, "JJ kissed me again tonight." I tell her, she gasp and stops the both of us on the road. "But clearly he was drunk Kie, like he was all over me and got protective when Rafe walked over. But I think it's just the booze talking, we've only kissed when he's been drinking before." I tell her, she immediately glares at me and pinched my arm. "Owww, what the hell was that for?" I shout at her, rubbing my arm. "Y/N he doesn't know how to act around you. The alcohol just gives him the courage to act how he really wants to with you. The second he's laid eyes on you he's been memorized with you, I've known JJ for a long time now and never once have I seen him act like this before in my life." Kiara tells me, "He asked you out on a date when he was sober, so that's how you know he wanted it. Yes, tonight I think he fucked up. He over did it and pushed boundaries but that's also JJ but that doesn't excuse his behavior." Kiara says, pausing as we both try to process what she meant by that, the two of us giggling and she shakes her head. "You know what I mean, but don't think for a second he doesn't like you. Just the other day when they picked me up and you were with Topper. JJ didn't stop talking about you the whole time, like to the point we were all teasing him about how much he likes you." Kiara tells me. I take a deep breath and exhale, "We just need to figure it out, it's all so complicated." I tell her, the two of us continuing our walk to my house.

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