Chapter thirty two:

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We sat at The Wreck, I sat tapping the table. I was too nervous for JJ to relax right now. "Do you think he's okay?" Kiara ask. "Think he'll go home, should we check there?" She adds in, "There is about a zero percent chance JJ goes home." Pope tells us. I scoff and slam my chair out, "You can't be serious right now?" I shout at them, everyone looking at me shocked. "You guys treat him like he's some bad guy, he took the fall for you Pope so you can still keep your scholarship. Let's also not forget he's had your back since this whole Kook and Pogue thing has gotten out of control, he's fought for you every time." I snap at Pope, turning my attention to John B. "He has been by your side since day one of this whole gold thing, being your right hand man whenever you needed him. You guys don't give him enough credit, he watched all of us get a gun put to our heads today. So forgive him if he's a bit freaked out and acting on emotions rights now. Cut the guy a break and learn to appreciate him better." I tell them all, storming out of The Wreck.

JJ shoves the door open to walk out onto his back porch where his dad sat, working on something. "I've been staying at John B." JJ tells him, fidgeting with the book bag in his hands. "I didn't ask you where you were staying, I don't care." Luke tells him, turning his attention back to the motor infront of him. "I got the money." JJ tells him, slyly. Luke scoffs and even chuckles a bit, "I'll believe it when I see it." Luke tells him, not believing a word from him. JJ drops the bag on the table, Luke looks at his surprised and opens it to see a shit ton of cash in the bag. "It's all there, 25K." JJ tells him, small smile creeping on his face. Luke smiles, "I don't know you did it, but you fucking did it." Luke smiles, getting out of his chair and patting JJ back. "I'll grant you that, you did it." Luke says, both of them smiling at each other. "I think that sale is still going on..." Luke tells him, grabbing a magazine and flipping through it. "Dad, it's for the restitution." JJ tells him softly, Luke not even acknowledging his words. "Dad, can you please do the right thing for once? Please." JJ begs him, Luke drops the magazine and gets in JJ face. "Do you know how much you cost me, you little shit?" Luke ask him, pointing his fingers into JJ chest. "This ain't going to the cops, I'm gonna take it south and triple it..." he mumbled, putting into a thermostat cup. "Dad." JJ shouts at him, "You got something to say boy?" Luke shouts loudly at him, JJ stays quiet and drops his head. Luke takes a seat again and JJ looks at the container. He quickly grabs it and tries to run off, Luke shoved him into the wall. Punching him in the jaw and sending him to the floor, JJ gets up and punches him back in the cheek. Both of them going at it now, punches being thrown, kicks. JJ lip got busted open again and he had blood dripping down his chin. Luke and JJ full through the screened in porch, JJ quickly gets up and keeps Luke pinned to the ground. "You gave me nothing. You gave me nothing but a shitty life." JJ shouts, kicking his father in the stomach and punching him the face. JJ grabs a tool and holds it up, "I ain't scared of you anymore." JJ tells him, softly crying and he drops the tool next to Luke's head.

I was searching everywhere for JJ, I couldn't find him in all his normal spots. I let out a sigh when I drive down the driveway back to the Chateau, this was the first place I checked. I get out my car and startled when I see lights turn on around the yard, I look up and see the lights inside, a generator powering it, a huge hot tub in the middle of the yard and lights hung around the trees. "Y/N, my favorite girl. I'm so happy your here." JJ calls out of me, stumbling out of the Chateau, I turn around and to my horror I see his busted lip and his bruised stomach. "Oh my god JJ, what happened to you? I've been looking for you everywhere." I tell him, walking up to him. I softly run my hands over his bruised stomach, my eyes meet his again. I can smell the alcohol on his breath, JJ smiles at me and pulls the sunglasses off his face. "Isn't it great, got all of this. We are gonna have so much fun, like we said going full kook." JJ tells me, walking past me. He had a bottle of champagne in his hands and puts it to his lips. JJ stand at the hot tub, messing with the controls. "JJ, babe. Let's just sit down and talk for a minute." I tell him, grabbing the bottle from his hand and putting it on the ground and grabbing both his hands. My eyes go back to his bruised stomach, "Who did this to you?" I ask him, forcing myself to look away as I feel my eyes watering at the sight of his body right now. "My dad..." he admits, tossing his sunglasses on the ground. "But that doesn't matter, I got us a hot tub to enjoy. A place with power so we're not fucking dying of heat anymore and a fridge full of food." He tells me, picking me up and sitting me on the edge of the hot tub. "JJ no, stop it. I'm being serious, I'm worried about you. You gonna sit here and act like everything is okay? It's not, you're not okay." I shout at him, jumping off the hot tub. "What the hell is there to say? I'm tried of being picked on, alright." He shouts at me, "I can finally do something about it and I fucking did it. With the fucking kooks, Barry, and my fucking piece of shit father." He tells me, lowering his voice now. "I watched Rafe throw you to the ground and Barry put a fucking gun to your head. I won't stand for it, I can't." He says, his voice shakily now. His hands tremble a bit, I grab him and pull him into a hug, he bends down and lays his head on my shoulder. "I almost killed him Y/N. I almost killed him today, I couldn't take it anymore." JJ cries into my shoulder, I softly cried with him, holding him as tightly as I could. I just let him vent everything that's been bothering him. "I just wanna do the right thing Y/N." He sobs into me, "I know, I know JJ." I tell him, trying to keep myself together as best as I could.

Once JJ calmed down we sat on the porch of the chateau, JJ was laying his head in my lap, I was running my fingers through his hair. I just stared out at everything set up in the yard now. I look down at the broken boy crawled up in my lap. "Let's go away for a few days." I tell him, he turns his head to look up at me. "Let's get out of here for a few days, you need time away from all this madness and we can just have a few days to ourselves. We don't have to go far, we can go to Charleston or something." I tell him. JJ sits up slowly, "How we even gonn..." JJ starts to ask me before I narrow my eyes at him, "Right." He say softly, sitting back into the couch. "I can't ask you to do that Y/N, you don't need to waste any money on me." He tells me. "JJ you don't know what it's like for someone to appreciate you, I intend to show you how much you should be." I tell him, grabbing his cheeks to force him to look at me. "Please go change and grab some clothes, we can drive out tonight." I tell him, pecking his lips twice. JJ nods his head and goes back inside to change and grab a bag. I text my brothers to let them know where I'm going so they don't panic. JJ walks out slowly, changed out of his bathing suit and into a pair of cargo shorts, a sleeveless shirt and his combat boots. He grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet, "Thank you." He says softly, leaning down to kiss my forehead. I smile and nod my head at him, JJ goes to get into the drivers seat and I lock my car before he can open the door. "Oh no, you've been drinking. That's not happening." I tell him, he sighs and slowly walks around to the passenger side.

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