Chapter seven:

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I groan when sunlight hits my eyes, I grab the blanket covering my body to now cover my face. I sit up quickly and realize I don't remember getting home last night. I look around the room and don't recognize the place. I look down at my clothes and see I'm still wearing the same thing and let out a sigh of relief. I get out the bed and walk out the room, I walk into the small living room to see JJ and John B sitting on the couch and watching TV. "We'll good morning sunshine." JJ calls out to me, shoving cereal into his mouth. I rub my eyes and slowly walk over to them, "Where am I?" I ask, sitting down next to JJ. "My house, you were pretty drunk last night. Didn't think bringing you home was the best idea, didn't know how your brothers would react." John B tells me, shoving his mouth with food. "No wonder you two are best friends..." I mumble to myself, watching the both of them in disgust. I raise my eyebrow when I look at JJ's clothes, "Where you going?" I ask him, "I have work in an hour." He tells me, getting up and setting his dirty dish in the sink. "Im a busboy." He tells me, I lean back into the couch and rub my hands over my face, "Next time please cut me off, I feel like shit." I tell both boys, "You look like shit." John B teases, I reach over and slap his arm. "Do you want a ride home before I go to work?" JJ ask me, shoving his dirty clothes into a bag. "If you don't mind." I smile at him, I get up from my chair and pull my phone out of my pocket. I let out a frustrated sigh when I see all the messages from Topper. I put my phone away and both boys look at me, "Topper is just giving me shit from last night, nothing to worry about." I say and walk to the door, "I'll see you later John B." I say and JJ follows out behind me.

Once we pull back up to my house, JJ turns off his bike. I stand next to him and adjust the collar on his shirt. "Once again I had a fun time with you, even if I don't remember most of the night." I tell JJ, pulling my hands back. He smiles at me and nods his head, I give him a small wave and walk back to my house, "Y/N?" He calls out to me, I almost too eagerly turn around to look at him. "Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" JJ ask me, he starts to play with his rings, a nervous habit of his. A huge smile grows on my face, "I'd love too, text me once you get off work then." I tell him, the same big smile grows on his lips now. He smiles and drives off quickly, he rode to work with the biggest smile on his face. This was a high he'd be riding all day long.

"Just stop arguing and tell me what to wear." JJ shouts at Pope and Kie who were helping him pick an outfit out for his date tonight. "I was perfectly fine with what I was wearing until you two had to make comments about it." JJ snaps at them, running his fingers through his hair. Kie had his clothes laid out on the couch in the chateau, "You have to look like you care JJ, not wear what you wear everyday." Pope shouts at him. Kie grabs a tan pair of shorts and a white button up shirt and pushes it into JJ chest, "Here this is what your wearing, no buts about it. Y/N is wearing a cute dress so you have to be dressed up as well too." She says before covering her mouth with her hands. "What?" Both boys question. "Y/N and I we're on FaceTime earlier and she was asking my opinion on different outfits for the date. You have to act surprised now, act like I didn't say a fucking word to you." Kie points at JJ before shoving him down to the his room at the chateau, "Now go change, hurry up or you'll be late." She tells JJ, sitting down on the couch. "I'm not tucking the shirt in, I'll look like a fucking kook then." JJ calls out to them, walking out the room. He had the top two buttons undone and throw on his combat boots on with the outfit. Pope sighs and let's his head fall back against the back of the couch. "Guys, I'm still gonna be me." JJ shouts at them, John B walks in and raises an eyebrow at JJ. "What the hell are you wearing?" He ask, dropping his bag down and sitting down on the couch next to Kie. "He's taking Y/N on a date, we had to make sure he looked presentable." Pope tells him, John glares at everyone. "We'll presentable is definitely the word." John B says, JJ throws an empty beer can at him. "I hate you all. Goodbye." JJ shouts as he walks out the door.

JJ takes a deep breath with flowers in his hand and knocks on the front door of her house. Tommy opens the door and steps to the side to let him in, "Hey JJ." Tommy says causally and Tucker sticks his head out from the kitchen. "Hey Tommy, Tucker." JJ says, nodding his head to both of them. The three of them stood their in awkward silence, "Y/N, JJ's here." Tucker eventually calls out to her. "Don't be mean to him." Y/N shouts to her brothers and she scrambles to put her sandals on. She eventually walks out and spots JJ holding flowers for her, she smiles at him. "I'll see you two later, please don't completely destroy the house while I'm gone. Just work on the kitchen." Y/N points to both her brothers. "Just the kitchen, got it." Tucker calls out, she grabs JJ hand and pulls him out the door with her. "So what does Mr.Maybank have planned for us tonight?" Y/N ask him, leaning against the hood of his truck. "You'll just have to wait and see." He smiles, handing her the flowers which causing her to smile even bigger, if that's possible. He walks over and opens the door for her, and closes it once she gets in. JJ hopes in and looks over at her, "You look amazing by the way." He tells her, his eyes scan down the light pink flowy dress that stopped mid thigh, the thin straps of her dress were covered with her curls. She put on a pair of white converses on and just a bit of makeup, nothing over the top. JJ leans over a bit on the center console, running his tongue along his bottom lip. "You don't look so bad yourself." She tells him, laying her elbows on the console, he leans over and kisses her cheek. He sits back up right and starts the truck.

Y/N raises her eyebrow when she watches JJ pull up to the beach and turn the truck off, JJ jumps out and opens her door. " Melady." He says, bowing to her as she jumps out, she playfully shoves his chest. He grabs her hand and the two of them walk down the beach together, "I know it's not some big fancy restaurant dinner or anything..." JJ starts once they walk up to the picnic he set up for the two of them. Y/N can't hold her excitement in and squeezes JJ hand, "Don't discredit yourself, this is perfect." She tells him, a huge smile grows on his lips and he walks the two of them over. Y/N takes a seat and JJ sits down next to her. "On tonight's menu, Tacos from the best food truck in town." He calls out, opening the Togo box with tacos.
"Those were so good, thank god you got them again." Y/N says in excitement. He pulls out a pack of canned margaritas as well, "More different flavors for us to try." He tells her, Y/N has a huge smile on her face as she looks around at everything he got for the date. "JJ." She says, getting his attention. He hummed at her before his eyes meet hers again. "Thank you for all of this, I love everything about this." She tells him. JJ cheeks go red and he keeps his head down with a huge smile on his face, "Let's dig in." He tells her, both of them trying their best to eat the tacos the least messiest way possible. Y/N held a napkin under her chin and JJ was leaning over the Togo box. The two of them make eye contact and start laughing, "Stop looking at me." Y/N tells him with a mouthful of food, causing JJ to laugh harder and almost choking on his food.

Y/N and JJ laid on the blanket, the sound of waves crashed around them, the silence between the two of them wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence. "I'm glad you moved here..." JJ says softly, turning his head to look at Y/N, Y/N rolls onto her side to look at JJ. "Me too." I say softly, JJ turns on his side and reaches out and grabs my hand. He rub his thumb against the top of my hand, his cold rings making me shiver. JJ reaches his other arm out and grabs my waist, pulling me against his chest. I gasp and lay my hands against his chest, "JJ..." I mumble, laying my forehead against his. He lets go of my hand and caress both my cheeks in his hands. His eyes were just locked onto my lips, my hands rested on top of his. He leans in slowly, his soft lips pushed into mine.

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