Chapter four:

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JJ sat on Y/N's front porch waiting for her to finish getting ready, the sun was barley just rising. He sat there with a little smile on his face, "Okay I'm going out with JJ, Pope, and John B for the day. Just text me if you need anything." Y/N shouts to her brothers who are still asleep in their beds. JJ jumps up, not being able to help himself as he looks her over. Y/N had a pair of Jean shorts on, a light green tank top that stopped right at her belly button, revealing her piercing. "You look nice." JJ says, pulling his hat off his head as he fiddles with it, nervous to be making this comment to her. Y/N whole cheeks go red as she looks down and tucks hair behind her ear. "Thanks JJ." She tells him and puts her backpack on, "You brought a bathing suit right?" He questions her, the two of them walking over to his bike. "I have it in under my clothes, thought it would be better than having to find a place for me to change." She tells him and watches him get on his bike. "Let's go, we're meeting John B and Pope at Popes place." He tells me, I smile to myself and get on the back of the bike. I lean against JJ's back and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks over his shoulder at me, he winks before taking off causing me hug him tighter. He laughs to himself.

JJ and I pull up to Popes place, the two of us sit there for a minute to see John B and Pope loading groceries up into the boat. I get off the bike first and he sighs and pulls the hat off his head, "We probably have to make a delivery..." JJ sighs parking his bike up against the shop. Pope stops in his tracks when he sees the two of us, "Okay, so we just need to drop this one delivery off. We can pick up Kie afterwards and then we have the whole day to do whatever we want." Pope says trying to reason with the very annoyed JJ. "JJ, dropping off groceries isn't gonna ruin the day. I'm happy to help Pope." I tell him and shove JJ a bit, I walk off to go help John B and introduce myself to Popes dad. Pope turns back to look at JJ red cheeks and a smile on his face he was trying to hide. "It's safe to assume she's off limits?" Pope teases JJ. JJ smile quickly fades and he shoves Pope to the boat. "Where we heading to pops?" JJ ask him, taking the bags from my hands and putting them in the boat. "The country club on Figure 8." He tells us. JJ groans and slumps himself in a chair. "He really hates the people of Figure 8." John B whispers to me, both of us giggling as we stare at the pouting JJ. "You did say I needed to see the whole island, we'll just get Figure 8 over with first. That way we don't end the day on a bad note." I tell JJ, John B getting in the boat first then holding his hand out to me to help me in. JJ grumbles something under his breath before he gets into the boat, standing on the front end of the boat. "You kids be safe now, call me after you drop the stuff off." Pope dad tells us, waving at us before going back into the shop. "To Figure 8 we go." JJ says in a fake excitement voice.

We pull up to the dock, JJ jumping out first and holding his hand out to me. I smile and grab his hand, I step on the dock and look around at the huge country club in front of us. "So this is Figure 8?" I question JJ, putting my hands on my hips. "Unfortunately so, bunch of stuck up assholes live here." JJ tells me, standing next to me, both of us staring at the club. "You two expect us to do everything here?" John B ask, stepping out the boat and taking bags from Pope. We both smile at each other and take bags from Pope, "So you guys do this often? Grocery deliveries?" I ask them once we grabbed all the bags. "More or less, we help out my pops whenever he really needs it. He's got a couple guys who work for him so it's really if he needs it." Pope tells me, walking in front of JJ and I with John B. I pinch my eyebrows together and see three guys standing on the path in front of us, "What are you doing here dirty Pogues?" The guy in the middle shouts at us. "Who's that?" I whisper to JJ, I glance at him and his jaw was clenched and he was staring daggers at the guy. John B and Pope both stop as the three guys don't let us pass by them. "I asked you a question." The guy in the middle snaps, standing in John B face now. "Y/N?" A guy ask, John B and Pope both snaps their heads back to as does JJ. I look at the guy and recognized Topper. "Holy shit." I smile, putting my bags down on the ground. "What the hell are you doing here?" He ask, holding his arms open for me. I smile and jump into his arms. All the boys are looking at the two of us like we're crazy. He sets me down on the ground, "Why are you on OBX? Your dad move y'all here or something?" He ask me, completely baffled to see me. My smile quickly fades and I tuck hair behind my ear, "Uhhh no. Tucker, Tommy, and I moved here." I tell him, he looks at me confused. Excitement is written all over his face again, "Tucker and Tommy are here? Where you guys living? I'll have to swing by to see everyone." He says, I nod my head. "We live over on the Cut, Tucker and Tommy bought us a house over there. It's just the three of us Top." I tell him, "Your living in the Cut?" He questions me, the guy from earlier walks over and wraps his arm around Toppers shoulders. "Your way too pretty to live on the Cut and hanging out with these loser." He says and holds his hand out to me, "I'm Rafe." He says, I raise my eyebrows and glance at his hand. Before I can do anything JJ steps between the two of us and pushes Rafe by the chest back. "Why don't you shut the fuck up Rafe." JJ snaps at him. Rafe stumbles back and John B grabs JJ before he does anything else. "Be my fucking guest if you wanna be scene with them, nothing but fucking trash." Rafe shouts, topper and the other guy holding him back. "Let's just drop the bags off and leave." Pope tells us. I look at JJ a bit shocked and it seems to settle him down, he pushes John B off of him and grabs the bags. "Sorry Y/N." He mumbles grabbing his bags and walking past me. "You shouldn't be hanging out with guys like them Y/N, nothing but bad news." Toppers tells me and hands me the bags. I glance back at the JJ who was looking over his shoulder at me, "I think I'll take my chances, bye Topper." I say and quickly catch up with them. JJ smiles at me and turns to flip off the three of them. "JJ." I say, slapping his hand down and laughing at him, he laughs with me as well. He sets his bags down and grabs mine from my arms. "So how do you know Topper?" JJ ask me, letting Pope deal with the delivery details. "Our parents went to college together and we use vacation all the time together. We were pretty close for awhile." I tell JJ, the two of us heading back to the boat. He nods his head slowly, he was staring down at the gravel path we were walking on. "I'm sorry for how they were all speaking about you three. I don't think that about any of you." I tell JJ "That's how how life is around here, Kooks or Pogues. Both sides hate each other." He tells me. I feel his hand brush against mine and I look down, our hands barley touching one another. "We'll I'm glad to be on the Pogue side then." I tell him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. He stops in his tracks and looks at me a bit shocked. I smile at him and continue to walk to the boat. "What was that?" John B ask, JJ stood there still in shock and a huge smile grows on his face. Pope wraps his arms around both their necks and they follow after me "Our boy here is just drooling over her." Pope teases, all three of them laughing.

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