Chapter forty two:

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Once I step out the cop car, I look around at the whole town pretty much standing around where the feds and cops have their things set up. "Y/N." JJ shouts, I pull my arm away from the cop and run over to JJ. He pulls me into his arms, one arm around my waist and the other on the back of my head. "Alright let's go." A deputy tells us, I pull back from JJ and he keeps me close to me, his arm doesn't leave wrapped around me. We slowly walk into the tent, to my surprise I see Ward Cameron and my Father at the other end of it. My father immediately spots me, his face softens and he walks over. "Oh Y/N, I was so worried about you." He calls out, once again putting on an act for everyone to think he's a caring, worried father. "Don't you dare touch me." I tell him, stepping away from him and putting my hand out. My voice shaky and JJ steps between the two of us, his hand in mine. "Who is this?" My dad demands, "I'm her boyfriend and I'm not gonna let you get anywhere near her. Now she said to go away." JJ snaps at him, Pope and Kiara walking over as well. I could see the anger rising in my father, he looks around and realizes people are watching us. He nods his head and backs up, "Y/N, I just wanna talk to you." He tries to demand of me. "She said she has nothing to say to you." Tucker tells him, walking into the tent with Tommy. I let out a sigh of relief and JJ turns around to look at me, "You're okay, you're okay....." he tells me, kissing my forehead. "I won't let him get anywhere near you, alright?" JJ tells me, wrapping his arms around me. Tucker and Tommy walk over to all of us once my father walked off, "What the hell is going on?" Tucker ask us in a hushed tone, looking around at the chaos around us. "We got John B off the island, we had too. He's being framed and it wasn't him, Rafe killed Peterkin." Kiara tells my brothers. Tucker scoffs and puts his hands on his head, "Fucking greats guys, we believe he didn't kill the sheriff but right now it looks like you helping a murder escape." Tucker whisper yells at us. "Alright that's enough, you four take a seat. Keep an eye on them and don't let them leave." The fed tells one of his men, I reluctantly take a seat and JJ holds my hand, every so often I glance over at my dad.

JJ sat forward in his seat with his head in his hands, I wrapped my arms around his back and occasionally kissed his head. I lay my chin on his shoulder and look over at Kiara who sat with her eyes closed and was fighting back tears, Pope face was stern he wasn't trying to let his emotions show. Shoupe walks into our tent with two other officers, Pope jumps to his feet and gets all our attention, "Did you find them?" Pope ask him, "No." he says sternly, glancing around at all of us. "So they got away?" Kiara ask, a small smile growing in her and I's face as we think our plan worked. "Not exactly..." Shoupe says, my head snaps back to him and I raise an eyebrow, "Not exactly?" I question him. "We don't know where they are.... We lost them. I'm sorry." Shoupe tells us, I feel like I'm gonna get sick at his words. "What.... What are you talking about?" I ask him, hoping what I think he's trying to say isn't true. "They took an open boat into a tropical depression Y/N." He says, his voice breaking a bit. "So they're dead?" Kiara ask, "We don't know." He answers, I let go of JJ arm and put my hands on my head. "You drove them straight into the storm man." JJ shouts, "Are you kidding me?" JJ shouts, his voice breaking. "Come here man." JJ shouts, grabbing Shoupe. "JJ, don't." I shout, grabbing his arm as I try to pull him away. "I'm gonna kill you..... I'm gonna kill you, bastard." JJ shouts, trying to grab at Shoupe in anyway he can. The other deputy grabs JJ and pulls him away, he stands between him and Shoupe. "He didn't kill her, you know that." Pope shouts at Shoupe, Kiara and I not sure what to do right now. Pope and JJ are screaming and fighting and we just found out our friends died. Pope scoffs and turns away from Shoupe, "Pope, Pope. Please stop, just stop." Kiara cries, pulling Pope into a hug as she cries into his chest. I look at JJ who's eyes are starting to water, "JJ..." I say softly, wrapping my arms around his neck, he starts to immediately cry into my shoulder, his arms tightly wrapped around my waist and he held me tightly while he cried. I silently cried with him, Kiara's parents showed up as well as Pope's. Tucker and Tommy come running in after and stop in their tracks when they see JJ and I, "I'm so sorry guys..." Tucker says, walking over and wrapping his arms around JJ shoulders and mine. I glance over at Tommy and he sighs and walks over to hug as well, I cried harder seeing my brothers and tried my best to comfort JJ right now.

I step out the shower and wrap the towel around my body, I felt numb from the day. So many emotions washed over me and I was exhausted. I step out my bathroom to see JJ curled up in my bed, he was staring out the window. I walk over and sit at the foot of my bed and rub my hand up and down his calf softly. He turns his attention to me and gives me a weak smile, he sits up and pulls me into his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist, laying his head against my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head ontop of his, "Please don't leave me, I can't lose you as well." JJ quietly tells me, I grab his cheeks and make him look up at me. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm here with you. Only you, okay?" I tell him softly, kissing his forehead.

JJ walked by into my room with a pizza box, I pull back the blanket and changed into a pair of shorts and a big sweatshirt. JJ crawls into bed next to me and puts the pizza box on the covers, he scrolled through the channels to find something to watch for the evening, both of us just drained from the long day we've had. He lays between my legs with his head on my stomach, I had a slice of pizza in one hand and running my fingers through JJ's hair in the other.

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