Chapter twenty three:

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After John B and JJ successfully got away before Shoupe noticed them they sat on the beach, JJ telling John B everything that happened. "Man we should just bail, I'm on the hook for 30k. I'm screwed." JJ tells him, "Where the hell do you wanna go?" John B ask him, throwing his hands up in frustration. " Yucatán. Surf all day and live off lobsters we catch." JJ tells him, fiddling with his hat. "So just because you got beat up you want to leave? What about Y/N, you would be so quick to leave her?" John B ask him, JJ sits back down on the log and puts his head in his hands. "I told her to go yesterday. I pushed her away." JJ admits to John B. John B sighs and sits down next to him, he wraps his arm around his shoulders. "I can't do this to her, her and Kiara tried to break up the fight and she got thrown to the ground. I don't want to be one that puts her in harms way. I've done nothing but that since we met." JJ tells him, shaking his head in frustration. "Those two dude that broke into your house are dead, Peterkin showed me their photos, These people are willing to kill for the gold. It's not worth it anymore." JJ tells him, shoving his arm off his shoulders. He stands up and paces infront of John B. "Then it's out there JJ." John B argues with him. "Have you lost your mind?" JJ shouts, ripping his hat off his head. "For hundred years people have been looking for the gold. What makes you think your gonna be able to find the gold yourself? Huh?" JJ shouts, John B scoffs and shakes his head. "When are you gonna get it through your thick skull? If you keep going down this path your gonna end up just like your father dude." JJ shouts, John B shoves him back. "I can't give up JJ, you know that." John B shouts, getting in JJ faces. "He disappeared with our rent money and I called him a shit father. That's the last time I saw him." John B tells him, taking a step back and putting his hands on top of his head. "You know I can't give up on the hunt." John B tells him, grabbing his bag from the ground. "Look I've got a plan, you coming or what?" John B ask him, walking off. John B throws his bag in the boat, "Four hundred million JJ. How much do you owe in restitution?" John B ask him. JJ shakes his head and climbs into the boat with him, cussing to himself under his breath.

"Kie, I'm not going okay? I'm happy to help you do your hair and pick out an outfit but after what happened with JJ yesterday I'm not in the mood to go mingle." I tell her, I was at Kiaras house helping her get ready for the midsummer event. She glared at me through her mirror. "How about you come with me? We show our faces then sneak off to go get high somewhere, no boys tonight. It's a girls night." Kiara tells me, trying to bribe me to come with her. Anna sticks her head into the door, "We're leaving in thirty minutes girls." She tells us, pointing her finger at us. "See my parents think your coming so you have to go. I even have the perfect dress for you." Kiara smiles, looking through her closest for a dress for me.

Kiara and I arrive at midsummer with her parents. "A bunch of spoil rich people, we'll fit right in." I comment, looking around at everyone and their mom dressed to impress. Kiara wraps her arm around mine and we walk away from her parents, "You girls behave now." Anna calls out to us. "Atleast there's one familiar face." Kiara smiles, seeing Pope standing by a grill with his dad. "Excuse me Sir, do we have to shock these oysters ourselves?" Kiara says in a posh British voice. "It might ruin our costume." I add in, imitating her same accent. The two of us trying not to laugh, we watch Pope take a deep breath before turning to us. "You assholes." He smiles, pulling us both in for a hug. "How'd you get dragged into this?" Pope ask me and I look over at Kiara. The three of us look back at the crowd now forming, "We're in the fucking lions dens ladies and gentlemen." Kiara comments, I shake my head when I spot Topper walk into the party with his parents. "Pope if topper tries anything, I mean anything at all. You tell me okay?" I tell him, nodding my head over to where Topper is. "Thanks Y/N." He smiles and nods to me, going back to the grill as kooks start to line up for the oyster. Kiara and I hang out to help out Pope and Mr.Heyward, "Either of you seen JJ or John B?" Pope ask inbetween serving people. "Not since JJ told me to leave him alone." I tell Pope, not looking at him as I just grab plates and set them out. Kiara looks at Pope and shakes her head.

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