Chapter Fourteen:

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Kiara and I are woken up to the sound of someone pounding on the front door. "Jesus, it's not even ten yet." Kiara groans, putting her phone back down. "They're asleep in Y/N room, you can go wake them up." I hear Tucker tell someone, I sit up quickly when I hear his voice. I was not expecting to have both my brothers back so soon. I get out of bed and go to open my door, the door swings open in front of me with JJ, John B, and Pope standing there. All three boys were out of breath. "Should've guessed it." Kiara groans, pulling the blanket over her head. "Listen we're gonna do our own thing today, we've decided it's a girls day and no boys are allowed." I tell them, JJ and I stood there staring at each other. I'm the first one to look away and see John B black eye. "Listen we know you two are mad about last night but we have to put that aside right now. It's about the Grady white." Pope tells us, I glance over at Kiara and she gives me a nod. I step to the side and let everyone inside my room. I close the door behind me and lean against it. "We have to call this thing off, alright? I was explaining to Pope and JJ that Sheriff Peterkin will help me out if I stay out of trouble. She already knows about last night." John B says and narrows his eyes to JJ. "I admit that was my bad, alright." JJ says, putting his hands to his chest, "But I wasn't going to let him drown my best friend." He adds in, taking a seat on my bed. "Then let's just drop it, if that means she'll help you out then we let the ship go." Kiara says. JJ shakes his head and takes his hat off his head. "Kiara you're already set for life, you don't need what could possibly be in that ships cargo hold. Pope has his scholarship, and Y/N...." He says and pauses, not sure what to say. I just stay quiet and roll my eyes, "Moving on, but John B. You and I have nothing to lose, nothing at all. We go out at sunset when they finish searching. I already have a plan anyways." JJ say, getting out of the bed and wrapping his arm around John B's shoulders. "You have the keys to the Cameron's boat, we need to borrow some of that scuba gear they have on board. Then boom, we can dive down into the ship and see what kind of payday we're gonna get." JJ tells him, John B looks at him like it was actual good idea. "You can't be serious." Pope groans, shaking his head. John B holds his hand out to JJ with a huge smile on his face, "Nothin to lose." He smiles, both boys shaking hands with huge smiles on their faces. Kiara looks at me and just pulls the covers back over her face again.

JJ walking over to me, "Can we talk privately?" He ask me, putting his hands on my waist. I nod my head and open the door, "Goodmorning to you too sunshine." Tommy teases me, "And good luck to you." Tommy tells JJ, both of them laughing as I step outside the house. JJ opens the van door and we both sit down. "I want to apologize for putting you in that position last night, I should've been more careful. I was just so mad seeing the stupid fucking kook win and I couldn't let him hurt John B." JJ tells me, I lean back against the back side of the passenger seat. I stare at him for a minute, I couldn't get myself to ask him about us kissing last night. I didn't want to make things weird between us and I also just didn't have the courage to do it as well. "It's fine JJ, I can understand why you did it." I tell him, squeezing his hand. Without warning he grabs my hips and pulls me into his lap, he cups my cheeks with his hand. "I can't stand the idea of my girl being mad at me." He tells me, shy smile on his lips. "You're girl, huh?" I ask him, laying my forehead against his and my hands on each side of his neck. My overthinking got the best of me, he wants me. "I'd be happy to just go back to last night before the night went to shit." JJ tells me, I smile and lean in first. I can taste the strawberry chapstick he had on his lips. Our lips moved in sync with one another, I can feel his tongue run against my bottom lip. I open my mouth slightly and he takes his opportunity right away, the two of us not caring about our whole blown makeup session in John B van. Someone clears their throat and we both jump back. We look over to see John B, Pope, and Kiara standing there, staring at the two of us. "We have to get a move on if we're gonna do this." John B, I look back at JJ who huffs and sets me back down next to him. "Kiara need to borrow clothes?" I ask her while the two of us head back inside to get dressed for the day.

"So she forgave you?" John B ask JJ as the two of them sit in the front seat and passenger seat. "We'll by the looks of that kiss, I think she did." Pope chimes in from the backseat. "She in fact did, she could understand I was only trying to save a friend." JJ tells the boys, putting his feet up on the dash and watching for both girls to walk out the house. "Listen you can't fuck this up, I have a lot of cash riding on this. You hear me?" John B tells him, grabbing his shoulder to look at him. JJ looks at John B and Pope confused, "We all placed bets to see when the two of you finally get together." Pope tells him. JJ slaps John B hands away, "Get your hands off of me..." he snaps at him, glancing back to see both girls walking out together now. "Looking good ladies." JJ calls out. Y/N walked out in a pair of jean shorts, grey converses, and a light blue crop top that stopped just above her belly button piecing. Kiara wore something almost similar with jean shorts, a lime green crop top, and her black vans. "We grabbed bathing suits in case." Y/N tells the boys, hopping into the van and taking a seat behind John B. "To steal Wards scuba gear we go." JJ shouts once John B takes off.

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